< Warzone - A New Breed of Attitude
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ERWF Raw is War

Hardcore Redefined With Attitude

ERWF Schedule

Show Notices Dates and Deadlines

ERWF Warzone

September 2nd 2002 
Deadline 11:59 EST A.M. Midnight , 10:59 P.M.  CT, 8:59 P.M. PT
 September 2nd 2002

ERWF Warzone
September 9th 2002

ERWF Warzone

September 16th 2002

- Match 7 -
No Holds Barred

Rage Vs Iron Lung
Iron Lung and Rage begin to battle it out in the center of the ring. Left’s and Right’s are thrown. Iron Lung ducks one and Captures Rage into the Northern Lights Suplex. Rage rolls towards the turnbuckle holding his back. Lung quickly stands and begins staring at Rage. Rage stands and charges into Lungs Midsection but Lung Captures his head. DDT!...Rage is knocked out from the Vicious DDT. Lung goes for the Pin...1...2...Kickout! Iron Lung gets quickly mad and slaps on the Iron Lung Finishing Manuvor. Rage begins tapping out.

- Match 8 -
Submission's Match

Chris Benoit Vs Ebon
Benoit and Ebon stare each other down and Ebon quickly kicks Benoit in the gut. Ebon twists his arm back and sidekicks him into the corner. Benoit hits his head on the turnbuckle and falls to the ground. Ebon jumps to the top turnbuckle and when Benoit gets up Top Rope Hurricaranna! Benoit falls towards the other corner of the ring. Ebon stalks over benoit and suddenly Ebon slaps on the Black Out to Benoit. Benoit begins tapping out and the match is over.

- Match 9 -
Triple Threat Match

Myst Vs Apoc Vs Dragon

The Match quickly starts as Myst is entering the ring and Apoc and Dragon are battling it out. Myst stands his ground awy from the "War". Dragon whips Apoc to the ropes and Back Body Drops him. Then Spots Myst and Side kicks him knocking him into the ropes and back getting dropped by a Spear. Apoc gets up and pounds Dragon on the back. Apoc sets up Dragon in the powerbomb position and when on the shoulders Dragon does a Reverse Hop off positioning of the Tornado DDT but Apoc doesn’t go Down. Dragon falls to the mat and Apoc hits a Leg Drop over the head of Dragon. Myst gets up and runs towards Apoc getting knocked back down by a Big Boot. Apoc picsk up Dragon and Whips him into the ropes, when he comes back Apoc tries another Big boot but Dragon slides under and quickly hops onto the Top turnbuckle then jumps off into the top rope Dropkick. Apoc drops down to the mat and lie’s there. Dragon runs against the ropes and nails Rolling Thunder to Apoc. Myst gets up again and Dragon ties him up in a Breath Of Fire. Myst slowly rolls out of the ring holding his stomach area. He drops to the Ringside area and Cameras zoom back into the ring. Apoc stands slowly and grabs Dragon into the CHOKESLAM! Apoc goes for the pinfall,... 1... 2...KickOut!! Dragon quickly jumps out of the Pinfall. Apoc stands Dragon up and nails a right fist knocking Dragon into the turnbuckle. Apoc puts Dragon on the top turnbuckle and gets on to. Apoc looks as if he is gonna do a Suplerplex but Dragon reverses and shoves Apoc off smash on the Mat. Dragon Stands up-top and Nails Dragon Dive! Dragon covers Apoc for the,... 1... 2... 3...!!!!

- Match 10 -
Table's Match

Jason McDaniels Vs Jason Syrus

- Match 11 -
Cage Match

Mastermind Vs ACE
J.S. - Well folks, this should be quite a matchup. We have one veteran, Mastermind, with an 11-13 record... and Ace, a recent addition with a 1-2 record. Well, they seem VERY evenly matched and i think we will see a good competition tonight.

Prince - Yeah, these two seem just about ready to beat the living tar out of each other if you ask me. And the Steel Cage Match is the perfect place to do that.

J.S. - We'll see prince, but for now, here comes Ace!

(Pantera's "I'm Broken" plays over the PA system, and Ace comes out to cheering. He heads to the ring and starts by inspecting the cage walls and doors before finally climbing into the cage and doing some warm up stretches. )

Prince - And here he comes folks, here's Mastermind...

(Megadeath's "Mastermind" interrupts Ace's theme, and Mastermind trots down to the ring and immeadiatley jumps into the cage. The bell rings and the match begins.)

Prince - Here we go!

Mastermind starts with a few Right hands to the face, and then throws Ace against the ropes. Ace comes back and slides under Mastermind and then stands up. Mastermind turns around and gets up and Ace kicks him right in the gut. Mastermind falls Down, but not for long. As Ace runs to the cage wall, Mastermind runs over and pulls him off the cage wall.

J.S. Way to early prince, what is he thinking.

Mastermind grabs ace and picks him up. He throws Ace against one of the cage walls, and ace is in pain. Ace gets up, and goes right back down after a huge Spine Buster from Mastermind. Master mind gets onto the turnbuckle, and then tries going from the turnbuckle to the Cage, but Ace manages to get enough strength to pull the ropes down, and Mastermind falls right onto the turnbuckle.

Prince - Owee!! That's ringing his bells, eh J.S.? Ha ha!

Ace takes advantage of Mastermind's pain and goes up to the turnbuckle. He taunts Mastermind and then flies off with a Top Rope Leg Drop. Mastermind holds his chest in Pain, and Ace stands, waiting for mastermind to get up. Mastermind stands up and turns around.

J.S. - I think it's the end for Mastermind...

Ace goes for a huge Super Kick, But Mastermind quickly ducks under it and gets a pump handle slam.

Prince - Guess it's not QUITE over...

Ace is writhing in pain, and Mastermind spits on him before beggining to climb the Cage he gets all the way to the top, but right as he is about to start his decent, Ace Slams his body into the cage wall, hurting himself, but causing Mastermind to fall right back into the ring with a huge Bang. Ace gets up first, calling for another SuperKick. He stands up and as Mastermind stands up, and He goes for the Superkick, but gets MindBlown into the side of the Cage... Mastermind slowly starts back up the cage.

J.S. Oh my god... that kids body has to be broken in 12 places.. but it's just one more testament to the power of the human...

Prince - Look!!

Amazingly, Ace is back up and trying to climb the cage. After 3 or 4 minutes, they are both on the top and facing one another. The are sitting on the top, legs wrapped around the bottom. They start throwing punches at eachother, but the are continuously dodging the incoming punches until finally a huge righ hand from Mastermind connects to Ace's chin, sending Crashing down to the floor with a sickening thud. Just then, Mastermind realizes what he has done. He has punched an unconscious Ace over the side of the cage, to the floor below, handing him the win.

J.S. - Oh my God! Oh my God! What an insane turn of events!! All i can do is applaud the strength and determination of this young man, Ace!!

Lillian - Here is your winner, Ace!

Prince - What a match, my god.. I'll tell you one thing, they are both going to be sore in the morning!!

Ace is carried to the back by officials, as a furious Mastermind sits on top of the cage angry as a raging bull as Warzone goes to a commercial....

- Main Event -
World Heavyweight Championship Match

The Reigning ERWF
World Heavyweight Champion
Master of Disaster



J.S. - And here we go. Main Event time with Master Of Disaster defending his ERWF title against... of all people... YeahBoy.

Prince - Well, J.S, all i can say is.. let's see what happens!

YeahBoy makes his Entrance to his theme music and Gets in the ring, jumping on the turnbuckles and yelling to the crowd. But after about 45 Seconds, the fun ends for YeahBoy as Master Of Disaster enters the ring to Godsmack's "Mistakes."

J.S - Well folks, Here comes the World Champion. And he looks more annoyed than anything. Point Being, this is the main event, so let's enjoy.

Master Of Disaster gets into the Ring and YeahBoy immediatly starts attacking. After a few right hands, Master Of Disaster turns and Punches YeahBoy right square in the Jaw.

Prince - Tiiiimmmberrr!

Yeahboy goes down and Master Of Disaster starts walking away. YeahBoy gets back up and goes over to Master Of Disaster. He pokes Master Of Disaster on the shoulder and then as Master Of Disaster turns around, YeahBoy Dropkicks him into the ropes. Master Of Disaster bounces backwards and YeahBoy clotheslines him YeahBoy goes for the Pin and only gets a one count, but Has succeeded in Annoying Master Of Disaster.

J.S. -Wow... this is getting interesting.

MoD gets up and Tries to Punch YeahBoy, but he ducks under it and manages to trip Master Of Disaster by pulling his legs. YeahBoy climbs up top and Flies off the top rope with a Five Star Frog Splash. He Connects and Goes for the pin!! 1.....2... kick out by MoD!

Prince - WOW! This is going to be close!!

Master Of Disaster is now thoroughly pissed off, stands up and Grabs yeah boy by the arm. He whips him around and hits a huge Suplex. He then Picks YeahBoy up again and whips him against the ropes, and hits a Back Body Drop. YeahBoy is down and and MoD isnt done with him. He picks him up and Hits a Double Arm Suplex. After that, he Picks up YeahBoy again and hits a Fisherman Suplex. He waits for YeahBoy to get up and when he does He goes for the SuperKick and nails yeahboy right in the Chin.

Prince - Well... YeahBoy's train was definetley stopped dead in it's tracks!

Master Of Disaster Stands over YeahBoy and raises his hands in victory before finally Picking Up YeahBoy and slamming him down with the Complete Annihilation. He gets the 1....2.... but wait... He let's go of the Pin and Picks Up Yeah Boy Once again. He puts YeahBoy in the Corner, and then Dropkicks him in the back, sending him to the floor. He picks the young rookie up...MY GA!!! MY GA!!! THE COMPLETE ANNIHLATION!!! Master Of Disaster goes for the pin....

1....2....3! And It's all over...

J.S. Well folks, the Era won't end today. But i guess YeahBoy gets an "A" for effort...

Lillian - Here is your winner and still ERWF World Heavyweight Champion - Master Of Disaster!!

Master Of Disaster holds his hands in the air and yells at YeahBoy as ERWF Warzone goes off the air....