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About Us

We'de like to take the time and let everyone know what and who we are all about so this is our chance. We are not your typical "backyarders" which i'm sure is what they all say but we are different in the sense that we are a small step above backyard wrestlers and a small step below indie wrestlers. Although are shows take place in the backyard, we have been taught the basics of not only the moves, but how the business works by many Michigan independent wrestlers such as Jimmy Jacobs, WWE's Zach Gowen, "Playboy" Bubba Mackenzie, Chris Sabin, Truth Martini, as well as a few others. Now with that out of the way, I will get into everything you need to know about us. We are called WIW, which stands for Warfront Independent Wrestling. We have been running shows since December of 1998 with only two workers, Exhumed and Sweet Poison. Looking back, they weren't really considered shows because their was no card, just one match every few weeks. Then, in 2001, The Athiest as well as "Slick" Nick Zano joined up with them as the roster slowly but surely grew. Then, in 2002 - 2003, we saw a huge boost in workers as the first 4 had already established a name for WIW and everyone seemed to want to get in on it. 2002 through early 2003 saw the debut of such WIW talent as "Prime time" Eddie Brock, Insane Andy, The Sexy Perk, Johnny Glaros, Angel Corpse, Scotty "the body" Provo and "The Drifter" Gavin Bates. WIW is not completely an ultraviolent promotion like most backyard feds aim at; WIW shows feature at least 1 deathmatch per show as the rest are technical matches and WIW is many times compared to the like so CZW because of not only the ultraviolent matches, but the technical skill also. Each year, along with WIW's monthly shows, they hold 2 annual tournaments, the "King of the Deathmatches" and "Summer Science 6" tournament. The king of the deathmatches, of course, is a tournament each year involving many different "gimmick" matches such as light tube matches, thumbtack matches, etc. The "Summer Science 6" tournament is WIW's annual technical event where their 6 best workers each year compete in a series of tournament style matches to be crowned SS6 champion. WIW is mostly run and booked by myself, Matt Warfront but we are not specifically run by one person; instead, all of the wrestlers are act as owners by booking their own matches and ideas. I am also in charge of the video editing and anything to do with videos of WIW. I would like to thank you all in advance for your interest and for taking the time to see what we are about. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at the address below.