The Queen Of Hardcore

V J Butta

This layout was made by Rick "Big Daddy" Rolston.
This roleplay was written by Rick "Big Daddy" Rolston, and is not to be duplicated in any way and form.



People Used-VJ Butta And Whoever Else!

People Mentioned-Alot so READ!!

Achivements-Being The Queen Of Hardcore and Most Feared Woman in Wrestling

Titles Held-ILW Women's Title {1x}

Championship Number-1

Roleplay Number-20

OOC Comment-A Good Rp by VJ!!

Roleplay Name-Adrenaline Roleplay #1

Opponent(s)-Trish Stratus and Victoria

Match Type-Tag Team Match

[The ILW comes on the air to show the backstage area, the camera scans around to find VJ standing and talking to the make up lady. She then notices the cameraman, and asks him to come closer and she begins to speak.]


[Trish, Victoria. Tomorrow night, you two will be obtaining an ass kicking from the ILW Women's Champ, Tracy Brooks, and the most vicious female in wrestling history, myself. Victoria, I see that you just couldn't stay away after the last ass beating that I gave you last time, the same one I gave you to win the ILW Women's Title from you. So what makes you think that this time is going to be any different? The only thing that is that little miss "thinks she is something", Trish Stratus. Trish, you aren't shit, never have been and never will be. You won the title from me with help, and then lost it on your first defense. Hell you lost the match before that to Tracy, showing and proving that you won on a fluke. The Queen of Hardcore Has Spoken.]

[With that said, she heads down one of the back hallways as the camera fades to black. The ILW goes to a commercial break.]

The Queen Of Hardcore Has Spoken

V J Butta