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Outside the Arco Arena in Sacramento, a sleek black hearse pulls into the back of the arena. Four men in black hoods and cloaks exit the vechile in an orderly fashion. They proceed to unload what can only be a coffin from the trunk of the hearse, and like pall bearers they collectively carry the coffin into the arena. As they enter the arena, the sound of a car door slamming shut is heard and the camera quickly moves back to the hearse as a mysterious dark haired woman walks away from the vechile with a sinister smile plastered on her face.

Meanwhile inside the arena J.R. and King are at ringside talking about the upcoming XWE PPV Bad Blood during a break from a house show.

King: Wow, did you just see that J.R.?

J.R.: Yes, I saw those wierd men bringing a casket into this arena...

King: Yeah but didn't you see those spooky set of puppies J.R.? Ooh I love me some puppies. Big ones, small ones, fake ones, real ones...puppies rule!

J.R. lets out a sigh as he shakes his head in frustration from King's idiotic comments.

J.R.: King is that all you think about?

King: Yes!

J.R.: You are one sad, sad little man. But getting back to business this strange business with the coffin and that woman we saw on the XWE Tron reminds me of the arrival of one superstar in the XWE who just might be behind all of this. And that superstar is...

Just then the lights go out in this packed arena as the XWE Tron lights up. A image of that coffin is shown in a locker room as the hooded men stand around it in some sort of odd ceremony. They then stop chanting and exit the room as the coffin starts to shake by itself and it slowly creaks open, and a plume of green smoke issues forth surrounding the vacant room instantly. And then strobe lights light up the entrance ramp as "Hom-Sha-Bom" by Twiztid hits the PA speakers with a fizz of static, as a lone figure stands at the ramp with his head bent down. A blast of green pyro explodes off the ramp as the Dark Angel Vampiro is accompanied by his girlfriend/manager the Scream Queen Lucy who both make their entrance into the Arco Arena to a big pop from the fans at attendance. He slowly makes his way down to the ring as Lucy follows close by.

Vampiro: So this is the XWE I've heard so much about...not too bad. Now for those of you who have been living in a cave for the past decade, I am the Dark Angel Vampiro. I've been a free agent for several months since the last time I was seen in the wrestling action, and ever since then I've been sitting on my ass at home waiting for that call...from somebody who wanted to hire me for their federation. Then I got the call from one of my homies in the biz and he told me of great things about this fed the XWE. Well I'm here and all I have to say it feels damn good to back in the game.

But let's get down to business. Bad Blood is the big event to kick off the opening of this fed and it's going to be one hell of a night here in Sacaramento in a few short days. I got a singles match with the big intimidator the Big Slow...I mean Big Show. Seeing how this is going to be my debut match and all I'm looking forward to getting in that ring and taking down the giant in front of everyone in the arena and around the world. And what better way to make a statement or rather an impact in the XWE than to be the man to take down the Big Show...all 500 pounds of him.

The fans look on to the painted and tattoed wrestler with anticipation of what his next words will be as he leans against the ropes and stares out into the audience.

Vampiro: You see no one knows what kind of man I am in that ring. I feed off the fear and intensity of my opponent, and the more he starts to sweat me the more powerful I become. Pain feels good to no matter what kind of punishment is laid on me I'll use that against you and turn the tables and kick your ass with a sick smile. When you're wrestling with the Real Terror in the Ring you're tangling with one sadastic s.o.b and that ain't no lie. I've been in this business for a long time and I've learned how to be true and true survivor when I need to be. I'm going to kick the Big Show's ass to send a message to all the boys in back that I'm a force to be reckoned with and if you're in my way then that means that you're just the next victim on my hitlist punk. So this goes out to the Big Show and everyone else...


Vampiro and Lucy exit the ring and the arena as the fans give off a mild pop in response.