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Welcome to Sam "Maverick" Jones' page of wrestling gifs. All gifs have been created by myself from real wrestling footage, and feedback is appreciated so email me at:

I now have the mp3 section of the site up here.

The front page will stand as a place for me to display my created gifs. Feel free to take them for use in avatars or sig's. Edit them if you wish.

Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan exchange body slams at Wrestlemania VI

A top rope Angle Slam to Shane O Mac from 2001 KOTR

The Undertaker tombstones Hulk Hogan onto a chair set-up by Ric Flair

Triple H pedigrees Cactus Jack onto thumbtacks in a street-fight from 2000 Royal Rumble

Sweet Chin Music to Marty Jannety

Awesoem Japanese Ganso Bomb!

Nuff Said, powerbomb!

A gif of Hombray doing a 450 splash or...Here is the video clip with sound.

Dave O Mac chokeslams Jonny B (video clip)

Kane Tombstones the Undertaker

Eddy gets froggy

Kevin Nash uses his patented Powerbomb

Brendans Sig!

DDP hits the quickest cutter in the business

Click here to solve the puzzle of whats wrong with this picture

This is the first MP3 of the site, HHH's "Our Time" theme!

Official LOP ( Vengeance Prediction contest Television Champion!
