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.::Unhallowed Desires::.

October 29, 2006
Madison Square Garden
New York City, New York

Unhallowed Desires starts with a special appearance by Whitney Houston who’s escorted to the ring by Titan wearing a “Bobby Brown sucks” t-shirt. Whitney sings the national anthem and gets a standing ovation. SIW Hall of Famer Ninja is then introduced as a guest commentator and joins Jimmy Hayden and Mike “The Mic’

The New Inferno is out for revenge for his brother in the first match against Mohamed Abdul Sheik and Jaffar. Last year Inferno passed away after a wrestling stunt gone wrong involving Mo and Jaffar. Inferno nails Jaffar with a drop kick and then delivers the Meteor Drop. Inferno covers but Mo gets involved to break the count. Jaffar whips Inferno to the ropes and Mo pulls the top rope down and Inferno falls to the outside. As Jaffar distracts the referee, Mo hits Inferno in the head with the steel steps busting him wide open. Mo is tagged in and wins the match via submission using the camel clutch. After the match, Jaffar sets up a table and Mo puts Inferno thru the table with a running power slam

A video package is shown for the next pay per view Staying Alive on November 26, 2006. Don’t miss all the top Friday Night Carnage superstars live from the Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington!

SIW Hardcore Champion Terror Soule tries to salvage the legacy of EBW as he takes on SIW Extreme/World Tag Team Champion Angel. Soule and Angel have had many battles in the past but none of them compare to their match at Unhallowed Desires. Soule delivers a suplex on the entrance ramp and then pulls out a ladder from under the ring. Soule sets it up on the security wall and then whips Angel but the Extreme champion reverses and Terror’s body collides with the steel. Both men are down and out of nowhere Angel nails Terror with the Atonement Spear into the ladder and pins him to win this brutal match

Brawl interim GM Titan comes out for his Halloween Costume contest disguised as King Kong. Sera Dean, Hannah, Jill, Katie and Olivia come out but Liana Lewis and Heaven Lee are at the top of the ramp and tell Titan they don’t want to be part of his retarded contest. Liana says she gave her blood, sweat, tears, and life to making the women's division great; only to have Hannah come back and ruin it with costume contests because she couldn't cut it in the ring because she's weak and nothing more than eye candy. Titan tells them he doesn’t care and the contest goes on. Sera Dean’s gothic outfit edges Hannah’s nurse outfit and Jill’s Mimi Bobeck from Drew Carey to win the contest.

A blue Lincoln Navigator pulls up in the parking lot and out comes former World Tag Team Champion Vince Aprali, former Heavyweight Champion Sonny Smith and current SIW Champion Chris Macavedi in what seems to be a little Cartel reunion. The trio get quite an ovation as they are escorted to their locker rooms

The next match is the much anticipated match between Angelica Hunt and Xtina with the SIW Women’s Championship on the line. Xtina hits some vicious knife edge chops and then delivers a sling shot to the corner and tries to get a pin fall with a fisherman suplex but the champ kicks out at two. With the referee down, Angelica kicks Xtina in the back of her knee and then locks in a figure four in the middle of the ring. JaeVeli pulls Xtina to the ropes but Angelica doesn’t release the move as the ref is still down. JaeVeli gets on the apron but out of nowhere, Olivia rushes out and nails him with a low blow. The match continues as Angelica dominates Xtina and covers again after a DDT but Xtina kicks out. Out of nowhere Angelica hits a slide slam and delivers the A-Bomb Drop. Angelica covers but the referee is still down. Late in the match, Olivia and JaeVeli are both in the ring and are both banned from the match and sent backstage. The match continues as Angie goes for a corner splash but Xtina moves and within a second executes the Goodie Kick. Xtina crawls over Angie and pins her to take the huge win on pay per view to become the first ever four time women’s wrestling champion of the world. Both divas received medical attention after the match

On January 10, 2007, the SIW will present Wednesday War live on CBS. The classic event will feature members from both brands Brawl and Carnage.

Trevor Derickson is backstage and Greg Banks tells him about Liana Lewis and Heaven refusing to take part in the contest. Trevor says he won’t tolerate this insubordination and to get them in his office ASAP. Greg says that won’t be possible because they told a staff member they were leaving the show. Trevor hurries up and runs to the parking lot and sees that Liana’s car is missing. Trevor turns around and out of nowhere Liana red Mercedes hits him and he goes flying and slides across the asphalt. Paramedics and security rush to the scene and the car is peels off committing a hit and run

”The Living Dead” Duane Doogan gets a mixed crowd reaction as he takes on Carnage’s cocky rookie Drake Xavie in a buried alive match. The match immediately turns bloody mess as Doogan uses the shovel and hits Xavier in the skull. Doogan places Xavier on the ladder on the entrance ramp and then goes to deliver a leg drop off the apron but Xavier moves and Doogan lands on the ladder. Xavier drags Doogan to the burial hole and body slams him inside. Xavier starts to throw dirt inside but out of nowhere Doogan grabs him by the throat and delivers a chokeslam on the entrance ramp. Doogan throws his opponent in the hole and fills it by shoveling all the dirt to win the match. After the match, Doogan is confronted by the NYPD and try to cuff him to take him in for questioning but Doogan fights them and drops them all with DooganDT’s

Christina York interviews SIW Tag Team Champions Affirmative Action. Natedawg and Maurice Bad said they will work as a team in the 10 man elimination until it comes down to them as the final two standing. Their interview is cut short when their confronted by Mysery and Matt Lucifer. All hell breaks loose as both teams get into an argument and road agent are forced to hold them apart

Ragin’ Craig accompanied by his wife Jill announce before the next match that Craig will be debuting his new theme song Silver Rain Fell by Evanescence and looks forward to becoming the new SIW North American championship

The next match is a 10 man elimination match to determine a new SIW North American Champion. The only way to eliminate your opponents is by pin fall or submission in the ring. There is no disqualifications or count outs.

1. Maurice Bad eliminated Grimm Jones via submission using the Bad Lock 5:09
2. JaeVeli pinned Scott Bastion after delivering the Reality Check 6:15
3. Mysery pinned Natedawg after delivering the Torture Soul 8:03
4. Lucifer pinned Maurice Bad after Mysery and Lucifer hit a modified 3-D 11:01
5. Ragin’ Craig pinned JaeVeli after delivering the Rage Factor 12:44
6. Adrian Quake pinned Mysery after delivering the “A” 13:44
7. Sonny Smith pinned Ragin’ Craig after delivering the Assassination 14:34
8. Adrian Quake pinned Lucifer after Smith executed the Assasination 15:55
9. Sonny Smith defeated Quake with victory roll 18:33

Quake and Smith are the last two men in the ring and are extremely exhausted. Quake sets Sonny up on the top rope for a superplex but Sonny reverses somehow into a victory roll and takes the big win over the SIW Lightweight champion after losing three in a row in recent weeks. Smith celebrates with C-Mac, Vince Aprali and Blackowt after the match as Greg Banks hands him the SIW North American Championship

The announcing team updates the fans about the Trevor Derickson’s current condition. Apparently he is alive and breathing but is in a coma. The NYPD says they are looking for Liana Lewis and Heaven Lee for questioning

The SIW Heavyweight championship is on the line is the next match as Brandon Gateman surprises everyone by having Michelle in his corner as he defends the championship against a determined Gavin Payne. Michelle gets the crowd cheering to get Gateman back into the match but Payne keeps the champ down with a choke hold. Referee lifts Gateman’s arm up twice but Gateman elbows his way out and delivers a Running Reverse Neckbreaker. Gateman covers but Gateman kicks out. The match continue and out of nowhere Payne delivers he Knock Out. The fans are on their feet but Payne is slow to cover letting Gateman kick out at the last second. Gavin whips Gateman to the ropes and misses a clothesline and then gets hit with a BKO. Gateman covers and takes the win to retain the coveted Heavyweight Championship. Michelle helps Gateman to his feet as they both celebrate after the match

World Tag Team Champions Angel and Metalgod are drinking some Budweiser’s backstage celebrating Angel winning the war over Terror Soule and EBW and they are confronted by Carnage GM Greg Banks. Greg tells them that they are both invited to next week’s Carnage for his special announcement. Banks tell them it would be in their best interest to show up

The NYPD have Liana and Heaven in a room backstage for questioning. Liana says she was not in her car at the time TJD was hit and that her keys were stolen earlier in the night. The police let them go but tell them they will be calling them for more info. This leaves everyone wondering who hit TJD?

The SIW Championship is on the line in the main event in an "I Quit" match. Chris Macavedi accompanied by Vince Aprali defends against the very popular SIW European Champion Bozzman. C-Mac who was busted open last Monday in his match against Terror Soule starts bleeding early in the match. C-Mac delivers the Italian leg sweep and then applies an STF in the middle of the ring. Bozzman screams in pain but refuses to tap out. Bozzman struggles but eventually manages to reach the ropes. C-Mac and Bozzman battle all the way up the entrance ramp where C-Mac whips Bozzman into the Unhallowed Desires sign twice. Vince gives C-Mac a crowbar and he swings at Bozzman’s head which busts him wide open. C-Mac goes to run Bozz over with a metal crate but the euro champ moves and C-Mac nails Vince. Bozzman executes an overhead belly to belly to C-Mac and sends him thru the Unhallowed Desires sign. Bozzman drags C-Mac all the way to the ring and ties his neck between the ropes. Bozzman gets a chair and smashes C-Mac’s skull. Bozzman does it again and again until C-Mac is unconscious. C-Mac’s blood drips all over the canvas and the floor as Bozzman continues to annihilate the SIW champion with steel chair shots to his skull but then Vince throws in a white towel and the referee rings the bell and announces Bozzman as the new SIW Champion. After the match, Bozzman celebrates with several other SIW stars, family and friends as Ninja congratulates him and hands him the SIW Championship

Mohamed Abdul Sheik and Jaffar defeated The New Inferno in a handicap match 8:62
Angel pinned Terror Soule to win the SIW Hardcore Championship 9:01
Sera Dean won the Halloween Contest
Xtina pinned Angelica Hunt to win the SIW Women’s Championship 9:01
Duane Doogan defeated Drake Xavier in a buried alive match 8:55
Sonny Smith won the 10 man elimination match to win the SIW North American Championship 18:33
Brandon Gateman pinned Gavin Payne to retain the SIW Heavyweight Championship 12:04
Bozzman defeated Chris Macavedi in a “I Quit” match to win the SIW Championship 14:45

Announcing Team: Jimmy Hayden, Mike “The Mic” & Ninja
Officials: Emmanuel "Manny" Kramer, Andrew Yung & Sam Carter
Writers: Kevin “Titan” McColl, TJD

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