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.::SIW Unhallowed Desires::.

Madison Square Garden
NewYork, New York
Capacity 19 763/19 763
October 31, 2004

The SIW was back in North America for their October PPV after a successful European tour. Titan defeated Angel and Terror Soule to earn a title shot against Matt Uzi one night before UD. Many questions were answered, like who was behind the t.W.o hauntings and the mystery diva was revealed. The tag titles were also on the line but Drako didn't show up. Grunge had to choose a new tag partner in the TLC match against Slick Willy and Seabass and Switch-Nutz. Security was also insane with Mohamed Abdul Sheik in the building, he teamed up with Jaffar to take on Inferno and the returning Glenn Kirby in a losers leave the SIW match.

Bernardo Williams
The scene opened outside Madison Square Garden. The sun was still out with just minutes left till Unhallowed Desires began. The semi trailers were parked and the ring crew are running around trying to get all of the last minute details finished for the show. There were some fans waiting in line in anticipation for the doors to open for the show. We zoomed in on Greg Banks standing next to the production truck, talking to some of the technical staff. Their conversation was inaudible. One of the staffers pointed over to the line of people and starts shaking his head.

Greg Banks: Are you sure?

Staffer: I am positive. Go over and ask him.

Greg Banks walked down the steps of the production truck and over to the line of people. He walks up to a short man wearing a plaid sweater vest, khakis, Penny loafers and his wire framed glasses. The man was slightly balding and was busy talking on his cell phone. Greg tapped the man on his shoulder.

Greg Banks: Excuse me sir. May I get a word with you.

The man gave Greg the one second signal. He then pulled the cell phone away from his ear and flipped it shut and took a look at Greg.

Man in line: Yes sir, what can I do for you?

Greg Banks: I was just wondering, see that guy over there?

Man in line: yeah?

Banks: Well, he seems to think you are famous. He told me that you are Bernardo Williams. I just wanted to know if it was true.

Man in Line: Yes, I'm Bernardo Williams.

Greg Banks: THAT, Bernardo Williams.

Bernardo: You call yourself a wrestling interviewer and you don't know who I am?

Greg Banks: I'm sorry Bernardo, but no one has seen you in a few years and I just wasn't sure.

Bernardo: Well now you know, so get away from me.

Bernardo flipped his phone back open and begins to make another call. Greg again tapped Bernardo on the shoulder.

Bernardo: What do you want know? An autograph.

Greg: That'd be great, but that's not what I wanted. I was wondering why you were here.

Bernardo: To see some great wrestling, of course.

Greg Banks: You mean to tell me your here as just a fan. Not to manage one of our superstars here in SIW?

Bernardo: Superstars? I didn't know there were any superstars in SIW or anywhere else for that matter. Wrestlers are a dime a dozen and to consider one of these jokers here in SIW a superstar is just unheard of.

Greg Banks: Pretty harsh words, considering you are here to watch them. What do you consider a superstar?

Bernardo: I define "Superstar" as someone who is recognized the world over. Not just by wrestling fans but all people, everywhere. Do you want to know what I really consider superstar???

Bernardo began to lift his sweater vest up. He pulled it up to his chin, revealing underneath a black t-shirt, with the world famous expression I Love Johnny. Bernardo pulled his sweater vest back down and straightened it out. The camera then panned back to Greg, who has an awestruck look on his face.

Greg Banks: Does this mean what I think it means?

Bernardo: It means whatever you want it to mean. You asked me what I thought a "Superstar" was and I showed you. Take it for what it's worth.

Greg Banks: But I thought it was over. I thought he was through with wrestling. I thought he was in rehab.

Bernardo: Whoa, whoa hold on there slappy. I don't know who you are talking about, so just calm down.

Greg Banks: What do you mean, who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Johnny Ringo. That's who.

Bernardo: Johnny Ringo? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time. The last time I heard anything about him, he was in rehab, but I don't think he liked it very much.

Greg Banks: Am I supposed to believe that you haven't spoken to Johnny Ringo all these years. You two were as thick as thieves. Nothing would keep you apart.

Bernardo: For not knowing who I was, you sure think you know a lot about me.

Greg Banks: Everyone knows who "they" were. They were the ones who revolutionized the wrestling industry. They were the best of the best. You couldn't be in this business and not know who they were.

Bernardo: They? Who are you talking about?

Greg Banks: You know who I'm talking about. I am talking about the guys that crucified Phobia. I am talking about the guys that ran Stonefish Renton out of wrestling. I am talking about the guys that ran the WFW into the ground. I am talking about RAT.....

Bernardo: Whoa. Hold it right there. You don't have permission to speak that name. That group was special. Special to me, special to the guys in the group. So you just keep your mouth shut about them. I'll let you know when you can say that name out loud again.

Greg Banks: Does that mean they are coming here?

Bernardo: Where on earth do you come up with this stuff. I just said that you can't speak that name and I'll let you know if and when you can.

Greg Banks: So you don't know what Johnny Ringo is doing. What about the rest of them?

Bernardo: I don't think you really deserve to know, but I think Dave and Clover are married with a few kids now. I have spoken with him in a while. Rico, well Rico had a relapse and we had to have him committed. I don't think that we will ever see him out ever again. And Ryan, well Ryan is in line to take over hosting duties of the Late Late show on CBS. But you never know.

Greg Banks: You never know?

The line began to move as the doors have been opened and have started letting people in.

Bernardo: Now if you don't mind, I am on my way in.

Bernardo walked away from Greg and up to the door. Bernardo is stopped by security. Security won't let him by.

Bernardo: Ticket? I've never had to have a ticket for any wrestling show I've ever been to. Don't you know who I am?

Security: I don't care if you are the president of the united states.

Bernardo: Here, ask him. He'll tell you who I am.

Security: Mr. Banks, do you know this man?

Greg Banks: Yes, I do. He is my gardener.

Bernardo: Gardener? I ought to kick your...

Greg Banks: Easy there Pedro. Sorry, but no ticket no show.

Bernardo: Fine then I'll take one ticket.

Greg Banks: Oh, I'm sorry, but we are sold out. You should have gotten a ticket sooner. Hahaha.

Bernardo: Ok, so it's gonna be like that. Fine, I'm outta here. But and take this to heart. I'll be back this Monday with not one, not two, but three tickets...

Bernardo stepped out of line and walked away.

Halloween Match
Summer Andrews vs H-Bomb
The opening match was a halloween match, in order to win, you must strip your opponent of their costume. "The Gothic Goddess" Summer Andrews dressed as a vampire made her way to the ring as the fans booed her. She told the crowd to go fuck themselves and started talking shit about her opponent H-Bomb untill being cut at the sound of "Cold Hard Bitch" by Jet. The SIW Women's champion made her spectacular entrance dressed up as country hillbilly and the fans went wild chanting "We want TITS". Last week, H-Bomb defeated Summer in an ambulance match, Summer was out for revenge at Unhallowed Desires. Summer attacked H first with a hard right hand to the champs jaw and a neckbreaker. She tried to take off H's costume but the champ kicked her in the gut and sent her flying to the outside.

As the two kept fighting, as expected the mystery diva appeared. "Diva Death" flashed on the TrevorTron as a hooded figure rushed to the ring with a flaming torch. H and Summer got out of the ring quickly. As the mystery diva was trying to scare H and Summer, from the back Olivia, Angelica, Alex Andrews and Katie came rushing to the ring each with a weapon from chairs to steel pipes. They chased the mystery diva through the crowd all the way to the parking lot area. Paybacks are a bitch and that just what the diva's wanted. They chased her outside all the way to 9th ave and the unexpected happen. As the mystery diva ran across 9th ave, a Chevy Blazer hit her and killed her on impact. Angelica removed the mask as the footage went back to the arena. Meanwhile in the ring, H-Bomb had Summer down to her bra and underwear as the ref declared her the winner. Although a big win for H-Bomb, the fans also seemed concerned with the action that happen outside MSG.
Winner: H-Bomb

Barbed Wire Cage Match
Scream vs "Red Hot" Rikki Cook
After a fifteen minute break, a barbed wire steel cage was set up for the next match between Rikki Cook and Scream. This match was made to hopefully end this feud between Rikki and Scream that been going on for weeks. Before the match, the TrevorTron showed footage of their recent feud and matches. Scream and Rikki pushed each other around as the ref closed the cage door. At the beginning of the match, Scream busted up Rikki face right away as he slammed him head first into the barbed wire cage. Blood could be seen dripping off the cage. Scream whipped him in the corner and nailed him with an elbow to the face. He tried to set up Rikki with his Acid Drop off the top rope but Rikki countered with superplex.

Rikki then slammed Scream side to side in the cage at least eight times leaving Scream bleeding and cut up all over. After a nice Reverse Implant DDT, Scream placed Cook facing the cage, and off the ropes drop kicked him. Cook's body was stuck to the barbed wire, Scream had to peel him off the cage. The referee called for the bell after Rikki suffered from dehydration from loosing so much blood. Before Rikki taken out on a stretcher, Scream delivered the Acid drop .
Winner: Scream

The Mystery Diva
Angelica was questioned by Polar on who was the mystery diva. Angelica announced that the mystery diva was non other than Myst Deyoung! Unfortunately, it was also announced that Myst had died as a result of getting hit by the Blazer.

#1 Contender for the SIW Women's Championship
Angelica Soule vs Olivia Danger vs Alex Andrews vs Katie Mysfit
Polar talked to all the divas before their match to make sure they were alright after what had happen with the mystery diva. They assured him they were ready to compete. They all made their separate entrances and the fans cheered all of them. Katie appeared to have a busted knee. Jimmy Hayden mentioned that Katie banged it on something when they chased the mystery diva. Alex Andrews hit Olivia with a kick and a side suplex as Angelica punched Katie with some lefts and rights. The #1 contendership for the Women's title was on the line and all the divas gave it their all. Angelica worked on Katie's knee kicking it a few times and then locking her in the figure four but Katie eventually broke out of the move. Olivia and Andrews battled on the outside as Olivia whipped Alex into the steel post. The referee turned to get them back in the ring and behind his back, Katie pulled out some of Angelica's hair to break out of a head lock.

As the match continued, Matt Uzi's #1 fan Rebecca Thompson came to ringside and took a seat in the front row. Travis asked what she was doing there, and she replied that she was at UD to support Matt Uzi. Olivia had Katie in the corner beating her down and then delivered a twisting DDT. The match ended when Angelica hit Alex Andrews with the A-Bomb to get the victory. As Angelica celebrated, just as promised, H-Bomb came to ringside and shook Angelica's hand and thanked all the divas for taking care of the mystery diva. As Angelica and H-Bomb walked down the ring steps, they got into a stare down with Rebecca in the front row. She had been booing them the whole time. H-Bomb slapped her across the face and the three divas got into a little cat fight. Chief Of Security Polar broke up the fight and told the ladies to settle down.
Winner: Angelica Soule

Christina York and Greg Banks
SIW's Greg Banks and Christina York made their way to the ring to make a few announcements after the Angelica's win over Alex Andrew, Olivia Danger and Katie Mysfit. The crowd started chanting "Banks, Banks, Banks, Banks". It seemed that Greg Banks was really over with thew fans at MSG.

York: Wow Banks, this is the first time I hear the fans cheering for you!

Banks: This is great! How is everyone tonight? I hope we're all having fun because were in for a hell of a night. But before the show continues, I have a sad announcement to make......Maybe you should tell them Christina?

York: We have been informed that both Renegade and Hrvoje Bozic will not be participating tonight due to the fact that neither have been medicaly cleared to compete here live in New York City!

Banks: On the other hand the Hardcore title has been vacated but not for long. Tonight as promised, we have a returning superstar, a former North American champion who will be taking on the big guy called Shotz.

York: Are you not going to tell us who that former NA champ is?

Banks: No way Christina it's a surprise! We will find out in due time....

York: I'm so excited I can't wait! Before we go, we'd like to thank everyone for showing up here and supporting SIW's third PPV since it's return. And we'd like to also thank everyone for inviting us into your homes by ordering UD on PPV.

Christina and Greg walked backstage as the fans cheered them on. That left people wondering....who is this former NA champ?

SIW Hardcore Championship
Shotz vs X-Factor
The fans started booing as "So Cold" by Breaking Benjamin rocked MSG as the 6' 11" Shotz made his way to ringside to take on a mystery opponent for the SIW Hardcore championship. He grabbed a mic and called out his opponent...he called him a little pussy and other childish names but was cut off by a standing fan ovation as "Bring the Pain" by Mindless Self Indulgence was played. We heard a big "Woooooooo" as X-Factor rushed to ringside and made his spectacular return to the SIW.

The hardcore match got started as soon as X entered the ring. Shotz used his size to his advantage tossing around the former NA champ around the ring like a rag doll. He hit X with a sidewalk slam and went for a pin but X kicked out. As he whipped X to the ropes, he missed a closeline and got dropkicked but failed to fall to the ground. X went off the ropes again and then nailed him with another dropkick this time bringing the big guy down to one knee. X then took Pedro's chair and used it smacking it over Shotz's head at least ten times. This time the big guy fell to the ground. X went for the pin but Shotz barely kicked out. As X charged his opponent, Shotz threw him to the outside with a back body drop over the top rope. X was in pain as Shotz whipped him ribs first into the steel railings. Shotz placed X on the post and charged him but X moved and Shotz hit the post head first knocking himself out! X-Factor, off the top rope then jumped to the outside delivering his Pain Killer getting the fans into a "Holy Shit" chant. He pinned him in front of the Spanish commentary table to win the SIW Hardcore championship.
Winner: X-Factor

Glenn Kirby In The House
A weird tune started to grasp the arena. The words were muffled, but still certainly understandable. It sounded like someone with a mic....

What is this world that we’re living in now? Why must I have to chant a vow of silence, screw that guys, I’m back to stay! It’s the mother of all returns! GK, AOA!

You thought I was gone? Losers trying to bag me out! Shows what you know, I’m the one you can’t live without! No guys, you haven’t taken a hallucinogenic drug, I’m really back. America’s favorite thug,

Pyrotechnics shot up the ramp way, and finish off by blocking off the whole top of the ramp. When it died down, Glenn Kirby was seen, holding his hands up high. With his old Denver Broncos jersey on and his backwards Houston Rockets hat, it is like he never missed a beat. The crowd continues to cheer as Kirby walks down the ramp, high-fiving a few fans. The lights came back on, as Kirby slid into the ring. The ring announcer handed Kirby a mic....

Kirby: So here we are, at Unhollowed Desires Great matches to watch, Inferno or Shiek; who retires? Uzi gets to fight his one of three. And all these fans got some unexpected com-pa-ny!

The crowd cheers as Kirby raises both hands and pointed to himself

Kirby: Did you seriously think that I’d miss this spectacular event? No way man; Kirby is here to represent! And no, I’m not only showing myself to do my thing. Because later tonight, I’m getting back in the ring! I’m glad I’m still getting the respect, cheers and waves! Even though my two best buddies are gone; Latesha and The Bryan Graves...

SIW Tag Team Championship
Damage Inc. vs Seabass and Willy Seaman vs Switch-NuTz
The TLC match for the SIW Tag Team titles were next. Slick Willy and Seabass came out to a standing ovation at MSG. We could see signs in the crowd such as "Switch has lost his NuTz" and "Damage Idiots". The SIW Lightweight champion Willy talked to the crowd as the Euro champ Seabass started rolling a doobie. Willy was then cut off when the former tag champs Switch-NuTz made their entrance. As the four participants stared each other down, Grunge made his entrance carrying both Tag titles. Apparently, Drako stood him up but Grunge had an announcement. He shocked the whole world on PPV when he announced that his partner for the night would be the SIW North American champion Terror Soule.

As the ref tied the titles up high above the ladder, the bell sounded and this match got underway. Everyone began to go at it and it was all out mayhem. Switchblade nailed Willy Seaman with a few good right hands, followed by a clothesline sending Willy to the outside. Nutz and Grunge were exchanging lefts and right. Nutz kicked Grunge in the stomach, he went for the the "Nutz and Boltz" but Grunge reversed it and he hit Nutz with a full nelson slam instead. Seabass hit Terror Soule with a nice dropkick sending him through the ropes and to the apron. Seabass set up a ladder. He began to climb the ladder. Meanwhile Terror climbed up to the top-rope. He leaped off the top-rope nailing Seabass with a dropkick sending Seabass flying off the ladder. Seabass landed gut first on the top ropes.

Terror Soule then began to climb up the ladder and Switchblade began to climb up the other side of the ladder. Both men were on top of the ladder exchanging left and right hands. Then out of nowhere came Willy Seaman pushing the ladder over sending Switchblade and Terror Soule to the outside of the ring. Willy posed for the crowd and as he turned around Grunge nailed him with a devastating chairs shot. Willy got back up and Grunge nailed him with a second chair shot. Willy began to bleed profusely. Nutz meanwhile was setting up a table on outside of the ring. As Nutz was setting up the table Seabass came and he hit Nutz in the back with a ladder. Seabass placed Nutz on the table. Seabass climbed up the ladder, and he suicide dived off the ladder resulting himself and Nutz crashing through the table. The crowd chanted "Holy Shit". Terror and Switchblade stumbled to their feet. Switchblade hit him with a right hand. Terror then came back with a right hand of his own. Switchblade then grabbed Terror and he irish whipped him into the guardrail. Switchblade grabbed a chair, he came at Terror but Soule kicked Switchblade in the stomach causing him to drop the chair. He then gave Switchblade a DDT on the chair. Back in the ring Grunge picked Willy Seman up and he nailed him with the "Grunganator". Grunge began to climb up the ladder. He was close to the top when Seabass came into the ring. Seabass came up behind Grunge and he too climbed the ladder. Grunge turned around and he nailed Seabass with the "Grungunator" off the ladder! This time the chants turned to "Holy Fuck!" Terror slowly came into the ring.

He now began to climb up the ladder. Nutz was slowly crawling back into the ring. Meanwhile Switchblade was sliding a table into the ring. Terror Soule was half way up the ladder when Nutz came up from behind and nailed him with a belly to back off the ladder. Grunge got up and he dove to the outside right onto Switchblade. He stomped on him a bit and then got back into the ring. Grunge and Nutz began to exchange lefts and right. Grunge dropkicked Nutz sending him off his feet. Grunge than quickly placed the table in the corner of the ring. Grunge turned around and Nutz speared him right through the table. It looked like a train wreck out there as bodies were laying everywhere. Willy came from behind and nailed Grunge with a running bulldog and threw him to the outside. As Terror climbed the ladder, Enigma rushed to ringside with a piece of barbed wire. He climbed the ladder behind Terror and choked him with the barbed wire and using it to throw Terror off the ladder by his throat. Fortunately, Terror Soule had the tag titles in his hand as he fell and won the match. Security and paramedics rushed to ringside as Terror Soule and Grunge became the new SIW tag team champions.
Winners: Grunge and Terror Soule

Alex Andrews Answers Renegade's proposal
Alex Andrews was interviwed by Christina York before the next match. Alex accepted Renegade's proposal to get married. A date will be announced shortly. The wedding will be televised on either Brawl or Carnage.

Losers Leaves The SIW Match (Kirby and Jaffar's careers not on the line)
Mohamed Abdul Sheik and Jaffar vs The Uncanny Inferno and Glenn Kirby
The Uncanny Inferno teammed up with a fellow American, the returning "Authority Of Atlanta" Glenn Kirby as they took on Mohamed Abdul Sheik and Jaffar in a losers leave the SIW match. However, Kirby's and Jaffar's career's were not on the line. Moahmed has been responsible for two kidnappings, including Inferno's former sidekick "Burn Wonder" Alex Gale who got shot trying to get saved by Inferno. The former SIW champion went through a state of depression after finding out that Gale will never walk again. But the Inferno was back better than ever with the A.O.A on his side. Arabian music filled MSG and this didn't sit well with the New York crowd. Mohamed and Jaffar came out accompanied by Rashad. Security had to stop fans from rushing the steel railings in attempts to stab Mohamed and co. After 9/11, New York was not a good place for the former hardcore champ to be. The fans had signs like "Bush loves Mohamed", and an odd "Jaffar for President" and "Kill the Sheiks". Rashad taunted the crowd with an Iraqi flag as Mohamed prayed to Allah on his red carpet that Jaffar laid out for him. As Mohamed got up the bell rang and Inferno pounded away at Mohamed. This was a match that Inferno waited for a long time. The super hero got the fans on their feet as he unleashed on Mohamed in the corner. He threw him to the ropes and back body dropped him then tagged in Kirby. Glenn continued the attack as he delivered two missile dropkicks followed by an Inverted Atomic Drop. The match continued with great team chemistry between Inferno and Kirby.

Jaffar finally got tagged in and ran all over the ring so Kirby couldn't catch him. Inferno eventually dropkicked the servant. As the ref put Inferno back in his corner, Rashad stepped up on the apron, Kirby approached him and Rashad blinded him with a white powder. Jaffar then locked Glenn in the Cobra Clutch. Jaffar applied the pressure but Kirby countered the move as he flipped him over his shoulder. Inferno got the tag and punched Rashad off the apron. Jaffar tagged in Moahmed but Inferno caught him off guard and nailed Sheik with a Twist Of Faith. He went up for the Red Flare but Rashad pushed Inferno off to the outside making land on a cameraman. Back in the ring Mohamed, Jaffar and Rashad beat the shit out of Kirby as the ref checked on Inferno. Inferno who suffered a fractured rib managed to get a quick tag. Half blind, Kirby could hardly see but he managed to hook up Mohamed into an inside craddle and pinned him for the win. The fans went insane cheering for the A.O.A and the Hero Of Our Time. Jaffar announced that he was leaving with Mohamed and Rashad, but they will be back one day when they least expect it. A.O.A and Inferno told them to get lost as they celebrated in the ring.
Winners: The Uncanny Inferno and Glenn Kirby

Mohamed, Jaffar and Rashad
Mohamed and his goons were arrested and deported back to their country by the FBI. They were banned from the US forever. Mohamed however promised to get revenge on Inferno, SIW and North America.

SIW World Championship
Buried Alive Match
Titan vs Matt Uzi
The main event was a Buried Alive match between Matt Uzi and his bodyguard Titan for the SIW Wold championship. Before he made his entrance, Titan went up to Angelica and asked her for a good luck kiss, she looked stunned, the giant then forced a kiss out of her. Titan who's from Manhattan received a warm welcome as "Rust In Peace" by Megadeth blasted over the arena. Fans cheered for him instead of the usual "Retard" chant. Titan had a poem that he read out to Angelica and he dedicated his match to her also. At that point, "Blackball" by The Offspring played as the SIW World champion, Matt Uzi made his entrance in his Hummer-Limo as the pyros went off. Uzi stepped out of the Limo with his World title around his waist accompanied by Soule Stealer and Trevor Derickson! People wondered if t.W.o were going to fuck over The Giant.

At the beginning of the match, Titan put his hand out to Uzi and they shook hands as Stealer and Trevor took on commentary duties with Dunns and Hayden. Uzi took the first shot with a slap to the face, but Titan replied with an elbow that sent Uzi flying in the corner. Dunns mentioned that he was scared for Uzi. As Titan and Uzi exchanged lefts and rights, the arena lights periodically flickered and changed color to dark purple or red. Trevor told Stealer to check with the light crew to see what was going on. Titan sent Uzi flying to the outside and they fought all the way up the ramp. Uzi was pissed but as he charged Titan, he got nailed with a big boot to the face. Titan bodyslammed Uzi in the burial hole.

As Titan started shoveling the dirt, Uzi grabbed another shovel and broke it across Titan's left leg. It looked really painful as the giant fell to the ground. Uzi pulled him in and started kicking him in the head. As Uzi and Titan continued beating the shit out of each other, "Re-Align" by Godsmack was heard as smoke filled the arena. The Death Angel appeared and told Trevor it was time to die.....As the music continued up from the rafters came down the real Angel to Trevor's aid. He swung his Purgatory guitar and smashed it over Death Angel's head. Trevor and Angel removed the hood and it turned out to be former SIW World champion Hardkore! Uzi and Titan came rushing down the ramp to Trevor's aid as Uzi used a sledge hammer to knock out Angel busting his head wide open...we literally saw his skull under all the blood. Trevor smacked Uzi across his head and told called him an idiot. Then a blinding light shined out of Angel's head, so bright, it blinded half the crowd. t.W.o started running away up the ramp but then the light disappeared and the arena went black. All we could hear was sounds of thunder and lightning. As the lights came back on, the crowd were shocked to see three sealed up burial holes and t.W.o missing as Unhallowed Desires went off the air.........
Winner: No Contest

Writers: TJD, Titan, GK, Enigma, BW

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