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Tues. November 19, 2004

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The Slow Start

Still working out the kinks and if you get misdirected I do apologize


The News: WWE V. TNA

as you may already be aware of WWE and TNA had a bit of a run in a few weeks ago and now WWE is planning on sueing TNA for the footage that was shot during this "incident" now granted this is TNA's home turf but where they right in shooting people who they did not have under contract.

Also TNA is running a poll to see what the fans think about this whole thing they want to know if they should show it and risk being sued by the WWE witch we all know has the money to make this a long and costly legal battle and they surely wouldn't mind doing that since they them selves are on the ropes with poor rating and poor sales. or should they concede to the WWE and give up the footage. but live to fight another day.




Opening Day; Possible Austin Return