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According To Piff...

-"A Life Unknown, is a life lost" so begins the quote.. However, we have seen over the past 3 years, wWc make an uprising 3 different times. First under the management of Philip Atkins, then under the management of Dustin Chandler, and now under the management and creative minds of Dustin Chandler and Ryan Lewis. Not many people know about running a successful federation but both having been in the game for several years prior to this expedition is what gives them somewhat of an edge over others. Things have yet to start up here at wWc but I can tell you that when they do, this might just be the most successful era of greatness known for the wWc. Thank you and until next time, truly yours. -Piff Austin, Send question and comments to Piff Austin and I will get each and every one of them answered on my column which will run every 2 weeks.