The Innovator Of Violence

Roleplay Number: #1

Roleplay Title: 'Five Hours??'

Wins 000 Losses 000 Draws 000

Next Match: vs. Three Victims

APW Accomplishments: Signed a APW contract...

Had A Wake Up Call: Soon to come....
.::. The Forward .::.
So Paul Heyman has finally had the balls to hire someone who is close to the line, someone who is truly extreme and not just a little wannabe bitch.. Well good for him, good on Paul Heyman.. But unfortunately for APW the contract has been signed and Tommy Dreamer is on his way to kick some ass and he’s brought his Singapore Cane with him.. The contract may not have offered him the high life, the women or the titles like many of the stars around APW but Dreamer doesn’t care because right now, he’d happily kick your ass for free.
.::. End Of Forward .::.


The cameras fade in onto a plane that is destined to leave for the location of APW’s Pay Per View, Sign Of Victory. The camera glides through business class, first class, second class and then through to coach where it finally lays to rest, focussing on the jittery figure of Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer is dressed in a black top and dark grey jeans, his cane is occupying the seat next to him as he anxiously looks out of the window, running both hands through his hair, almost ripping it out. He hits himself once, twice, three times before laughing nervously and glancing over to the front of the plane where a young blonde flight assistant stands.

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| Thank you for boarding this flight. It will take five hours..

She continues to talk but it is lessened into nothing more than a mutter in the background as we focus back on Tommy Dreamer who looks around at the other passengers, he smiles manically and begins to scratch at his head like a man possessed.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Five hours? FIVE HOURS!? FIVE HOURS!!

He glances out of the window, and notices that the plane has yet to leave the airport.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Five hours?! Five hours and we haven’t even left yet! Hurry up!! Every hour on here is another hour that I’ve wasted.. Every hour I’m on here is another hour my opponent gets to stretch and train while I sit here in coach, cramped and uncomfortable! Five hours! I won’t be able to feel my legs in five hours.. I need some leg room!!!

Dreamer looks down at his legs and begins to swat at them with rights and lefts. Now the whole plan has turned their attention to him as he punches his legs, his face doesn’t seem to register any pain. He quickly looks up at all the faces staring back at him, including that of the flight assistant.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Agh! I can’t feel my legs now!! I can’t feel my legs!! I can’t wrestle with no legs!! Let me off!! Get me off the plane!!

As Tommy continues to look out of the window frantically the Flight Assistant walks over hoping to calm the situation down. She looks over to Tommy and smiles sweetly as he continues to bang on the window.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Let me the fuck out!

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| Excuse me sir, can I help you?

Dreamer instantly stops banging on the window and shouting and slowly turns around to look the assistant in the eye, he has a stone cold stare on his face.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Can you help me? What are you trying to say?

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| Do you need assistance?

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| What are you trying to say? You think I’m mad don’t you!? You think I’ve got a problem that you can help me with don’t you..

Dreamer smiles as his eyes dart from side to side..

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| No, I..

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Well you can’t help me!! You can’t!! Maybe I have a problem.. But you can’t help me with it! My problem is that I like to hurt people.. I like to be sadistic.. I like to get barbed wire and cut people with it.. I like to hit people with Singapore canes, with chairs, with anything that isn’t nailed down.. Would you call that a problem? Would you say I’m insane or just passionate!? WHAT WOULD YOU SAY!?

The Flight Assistant looks stumped for an answer, but as usual some wise guy a few seats up shouts out..

||‘Wise Guy’ Passenger|| I’d say you had a problem ya nut!!

Dreamer’s eyes widen as his right hand grips on his cane..

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| You motherfucker!

Dreamer stands up and looks around for the loud mouth but predictably so, he is now silent. The Flight Assistant puts her hand on Dreamer’s shoulder and eases him down..

Flight Assistant: Please, settle down sir..

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Why? So you can help me some more? What are you going to help me with? How to fucking buckle up my seat belt!? I KNOW HOW TO BUCKLE MYSELF UP BITCH!!! What other knowledge are you going to sprinkle on me? What to do in the event of a crash in the ocean? Where the floatation devices are? I’LL TELL YOU WHERE MY MOTHERFUCKING FLOATATION DEVICE IS.. It’s that fucking prick sitting up there!!

Dreamer stops for a moment.. And almost like time has stopped he just stares straight ahead. A minute or two passes before he cocks his head to one said and flashes an innocent smile at the Flight Assistant..

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Is that all?

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| Uh..

Before the Assistant can reply Dreamer’s short attention span kicks in and he returns to the window, he looks out of it and once again notices they have yet to leave the airport.. He begins to bang on the plane walls.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| What the fuck are we still doing here!?! Five fucking hours it’s going to take me to get there.. I bet AJ Styles is already there.. I bet that motherfucker is already at the arena because he got to fly first class in his own private jet with some fucking high class crack whore giving him head all the way! And what do I get!! Some shit piece coach class seat and the only sexual pleasure I get is this broken spring that is sticking up my ass.. AND I DON’T LIKE IT.. I DON’T FUCKING LIKE IT.. How would you like it if you busted your ass for years and worked your way up, how would you like it if your name meant what your profession stood for.. If you literally ate, drank and breathed wrestling for years and made it what it is today.. Dedication.. Entertainment.. Violence.. THAT WAS TOMMY DREAMER AND THAT WAS ECW.. ECW WAS TOMMY DREAMER AND TOMMY DREAMER WAS EC FUCKING W.. And now look at me for all those years I put in, all those matches and belts I won and records I set I get stuck on fucking coach while every other fucking guy gets limos, champagne and their own fucking jets.. IT’S NOT RIGHT.. IT’S NOT FUCKING RIGHT.. But it’s okay

Dreamer stops to smile sadistically. He clenches his hands into a fist making his knuckles go a brilliant white from the stress..

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| IT’S OKAY because I’m going to start a revolution.. A revolution of violence, a new era of APW where nobody can fucking step to Tommy Dreamer.. And you know what, AJ Styles and Petey Williams.. Yeah, they may be the young blood right now, they may be earning more money than me right now.. But they are the first fucking casualties of the new revolution.. The hardcore revolution.. I’ll show you, I’ll show APW what happens when you piss off Tommy Dreamer! You will know the revolution by the trail of the broken, battered and bruised because if you’re not with the revolution… THEN YOU ARE AGAINST IT!!

The Flight attendant gives Dreamer a blank stare, and rightly so, it’s not everyday she gets a madman on her flight. She backs off a bit..

||‘Pretty In Pink’ Flight Assistant|| Well sir, I assure you the plane will be leaving shortly..

Dreamer spins around and stands up, he grabs his cane and begins to jog down the isle, pushing the assistant out of the way.

||‘The Innovator Of Violence’ Tommy Dreamer|| Get the fuck out of my way!! FIVE HOURS?! FIVE FUCKING HOURS!! I CAN RUN THERE QUICKER THAN THAT!!

The passengers all gather by a window as does the camera leaving the scene to fade as it films Tommy running down the stairs out onto the run way. He pauses for a moment to look from side to side before running off in the direction that the plane was facing.. The cameras fade to static.