~*~Trish's music hits the pa system. She walks through the curtains and poses for the crowd and smiles. She also poses for the crowd and tips her hat to her fans. Than she walks down the ramp with a smile and tips her hat to her fans the whole time. As soon as she is by the ring. She walks over to the fans and shakes their hands. As soon as she is done doing that. She walks up the ringsteps and gets into the ring. She walks over to the middle of the ring and poses for the crowd and takes off her hat and her jacket with a huge smile. As soon she is done doing this. She walks over to the announcer and asks for a mic. The Announcer hands her a mic. She grabs the mic from the announcer. She walks to the middle of the ring. She stands in the middle of the ring and begins to speak!!!

Trish~Well as you can all see I came out here to talk about my match. I am the same person but with a different attitude.. I cant really explain to you guys how awesome it feels to be here I have missed being in the ring and entertaining you guys.. it kills me not having that when I have to be away from all of this.. I have worked my life for this and I am not going to let it go that easy I have missed each and every one of you but now I am out here to let you all know that I am here and ready to kick some a**! *fans cheer loudly* but there is just one thing that I am out here to talk about as well and that's my match against Torrie Wilson and Lita this match is just any old ordinary match and well just in case you guys haven't figured it out.. I am on a mission to get the women's championship and seriously there is no diva as far as I can see in this federation who can stop me.. now let me remind every woman back there in the locker rooms right now that once you get on my bad side you stay there for a very very long time and Torrie Wilson and Lita your on my bad side. See the match will be for my title. I am laying it down on the line.

So when you all get your ass kicked by me please do us all a favor and don't come complaining to me because lets just say I gave you all a very fair warning. I have 1 divas to concentrate on 1 very talented divas maybe not talent with wrestling but with their own little special things.. lets see who shall I start with.. oh Lita *some fans cheer some boo* Lita you are a very brilliant woman BUT brains aren't always going to help you in the ring my dear other things also come in hand like hmm skills..strength..and courage now you may have some of those things.. maybe you dont but as far as skills go I think your a little on the down side for that one, Lita I have been in the ring with all of you. I wouldn't say we know each other so well that we can tell what the other is going to do next because we just don't however this match means a lot to me and I wont go down without one hell of a fight. Lita this is what every woman should want.. I mean you want it probably just as bad as I do.. well wait woah let me rewind there.. I believe I need to make that into a question Lita do you really want to beat me that bad? do you want is so bad that you are willing to get your ass kicked all over this very ring for it? well if you do that's great because believe me it will be my pleasure to kick your ass on Monday and that's exactly what I am going to do there is no stopping me you see I am here to fight and be the best and that's what I will be.. Lita you always talk about always being on top..? well I have to question that little tid bit because well I am not exactly sure what kind of TOP you mean Lita but we wont go there right now ok because I really don't want to get to personal with this one but the kind of top I will HOPE you mean is the same one I mean and that's being on top of the female division . now being the women's champion means you are at the top. now the women's champion we have right now. Lita .well we cant really be proud of her because hell she did nothing for the title! but back onto the subject and that's you Lita .. I hope you hearing what I'm saying. I guess we will see that in the ring this week at the BLOWOUT now won’t we. Lita and please don't even try to deny it I had my horrible memories of those matches I had with you the way you used to cheat your way out of a match because your were to weak to take me on by yourself Lita whenever I see your face those memories come flashing back and make me sick to my stomach now understand this Lita, Torrie on MONDAY NONE and I mean NONE of that crap will go on in our match because I am not going to let a little stuck up brat like you block my road to success now if you don't understand that.. it really sucks to be you because I will make you understand it at raw that is a guarantee. so Lita you say if anyone gets in your way there will be hell to pay well now it looks like there is someone in your way and that would be ME so Lita why don't you come and try to remove me from you way I dare you think you scare us other divas Lita because your with someone i guess. well I don't think so I have nothing left to say to you or about you right now Lita so see you soon. See I am going to keep this title. I don’t know what you are thinking, but I will win it. You are going to come in and so is Torrie. I will beat the living hell out of you and then pin your asses and get that 1,2,3 pin count, and retain my title.

There is someone else as well.. TORRIE ..So by all means please let me move onto again Stephanie so I have heard you run your mouth so there is really not much I can say to you.. we have been in the ring quite a bit and personally TORRIE I am just going to say it I don’t like you I never did, you have always seemed like a little snotty b***h.. *fans cheer/laugh* like I said the women's title means the world to me it means so much.. and no one will be getting in my way because its this simple when they do or if they do I will take them out like I have done everyone else now being a female wrestler I have been in the ring with every diva who works in the federation today.. not many people have actually gotten into the ring with me and beaten me in a fair match there. Who The hell do you think you are? Do you think you have it all? do you think you have everything? well sister, I hate to break it to you. You stupid want to be looking man, you don't have nothing. How far did you get? To get a women's title shot vs me? wow, you must feel great you beat one person! well this is where you are going to lose, you might of won one time but you sure as hell wont win this time because you are nothing. You don't think I want to face you, well I think I want to face you, because I want to shut you put once and for all. I mean you might be a little bigger than me but that don't mean shit to me, the only thing that matters is that I hold the title and you are trying to get it from me, well guess what? that does not happen because I am much better than you, you ask how I beat Trish? well TORRIE, I guess you will find out soon enough because you will get your ass kicked if you like it or not! I don't care what type of a bitch you are, but I am the baddest bitch here people can call me all they want, I mean like it's a bad thing! You will become the new champ? don't make jokes that are not funny, and you said you would make a better champ than me? I mean that's not even funny, that is painfully funny, no wait it is just painful because that was so dumb, you will not beat me and I will prove it just like I proved it ever time so TORRIE u want to bring it, I dare you, come and try to whip my ass. Because it wont be easy you dumb looking whore! So I don’t know why you guys keep on thinking that you are going to win this match. Please I am telling you this right now, I am going to win. So get all over it. I will bring in the gold, and bring back the gold with me. It looks so much better on me, then on you Lita and Torrie Wilson.

Nothing will stop me from my appointed rounds. All you have to do is look into my eyes and you will see that I am focused. Because you see Victoria we are hours away from walking into Monday where TRISH, without a shadow of a doubt I will end the career of the biggest piece of trailer park trash walking the earth. Monday well, it doesn't surprise me that you're watching me from back there. because there's something about me that you Just can't keep away from! There's an awra of Trish that you can't wait to get in the ring nitro, the fact of the matter of this is that when it's all said and done there is NO WAY that you will ever beat me. I Think I Have a Pretty Good Chance Here TO WIN. This night At Raw, I'm Going to Prove That this former MODEL Has a Much better Bodies, and is Way More Athletic And I'M Going to Prove To Those So called "Divas" Of The XWWE, That THIS WomAn Always End Out On Top. I will do anything to win, and fear is only a four letter word and i don't fear any of you. psycho bitch Lita and Torrie, you and I have had quite a past together, my friend, if you do not call this match the way it should be called, I can guarantee you that you will have no future. And to you psycho bitch Lita, you big bitch, cause I'm about to derail, And to Lita, come out here and get your ass kicked, you big jacked up bitch. Make your way out to this ring and feel my fire cause you're gonna BURN bitch BURN. Lita You see, its as simple as this, if you mess with us, you have one choice. you get your ass kicked. Lita you're probably sitting in a hole back there, shaking like a leaf. I can't very much blame you. I wouldn't want to get in the ring with me either. Listen, if you've got beef with me, I aint a hard girl to find. I'm going to knock your teeth so far down your throat, you can chew your own ass. And Victoria your not the best in the company and Torrie sucks to. You will understand why I am The BEST! You will know why I am the most feared woman in the today. The reckoning is almost upon us and on that day darkness will sweep over the land, destroying everything. That's when the I will look down upon you and decide. Think about your fate. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. Cause you step the ring with me your in my place and your going to be my Bi*ches. tonight you will see first hand why I'm the best i what i do cause you are going to be the first to have your Dreams not come true and all of you will see what i will do to all who face me in the ring tonight cause nobody have ever scene anything like me. if I don't win tonight I do gave A Damn about it cause I after One DIVAS and she would I'm coming for her and she will have her Dream will be shatter by me. and anybody who stands i my why will have the something done to her. And after our night your going to be Just Another Victim Of me. I going to beat you down like the Bi*ths you are. You see Lita why I'm better than you cause Trish four all the years i wrestle you never have face somebody like me. i thick you are just 100% crap tonight. now how's that for competition. Trish looks over at the crowd. I mean sure, the kid has something going for her. And she's young, so she's got stamina. But she doesn't have as much skill as I do. I know how to defend myself, even against guys. So just wait. I will kick all of your asses so much, you won’t want to face me again!

Trish drops the mic and goes backstage and goes to commercial

Commercial comes back and Trish is seen in her locker room with RVD

Trish~Hey RVD, how is it going?

RVD~I'm doing great. How are you Trish?

Trish~Nothing, I am just been thinking about my match for my belt.

RVD~Well Trish you have nothing to worry about. you will beat them.

Trish~Yeah but this belt means so much to me. I mean I know for sure I am going to win.

RVD~Well that is great Trish as soon as you believe in yourself than everything else will follow.

Trish~Well I am going to work out and stuff, cause I am going to make sure that I am going to win this thing.

RVD~Ok well good luck with the training, and don’t worry about the match. You are going to win!

Trish takes RVD hands and she kisses him and walks away to her limo.

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