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The scene begins as it shows the crowd
waiting for something to happen
whenever Trish's Theme music hits
the PA system and then Trish comes
out from behind the curtain and then
she comes out with her hands raised
in the air and then whenever she walks
down the ramp she reaches the ring
and then walks up the steps and then
gets into the ring.Then she gets a mic
from Howard Finkle and then whenever
the crowd finally quiets down she raises
the microphone and then begins to speak.

+-TrIsH StRaTuS-+
Ok now Thursday Night On Smackdown! Me and
Little Chelsea will be victorious by beating those
two wannabe's that think they will go on to try
to beat us to win the Diva Tag Titles.But thats
not gonna happen.Me and Chelsea will go on and
win the Diva's Tag Team Championships.And no
one can stop us.Now onto Matt Hardy and
Team Mattitude.Well Matt I do wanna join
with you and Team Mattitude because I
think Team Mattitude is the best.Now
everyone I know I haven't been doing my
best on winning and giving 100%
Stratusfaction but now I am ready to kick
some butt!!So all of the divas better
watch out because I am coming
and am not holding back.
Now I know that me and
Little Chelsea will come out
as the winners on Thursday night
Smackdown because we are better then
those two sluts that are here in the
WWF 2K3 and we can out fight them anyday
any time any place.So you'd better
watch your backs come Thursday.
Well I really don't have much else to talk
about so I am out of here

~Then the scene fades
to black and goes to commercials