(Scene opens inside a video rental store. The camera scans the over to the DVD section, where Jenna is observing the latest rentals. She is wearing black boots, tight denim jeans, and a simple white t-shirt with a brown swede jacket zipped up a little ways at the bottom. She is leaning on her right leg with the left one crossed over her right foot and she has her left index fingernail between her teeth. Trying to find the perfect movie for them watch, she grabs "The Fast And The Furious".)

Jenna: Finally they have this movie in.

(Jenna grabs the DVD and heads over to where Steve is. She finds him standing in the sports section looking at some wrestling movies. Steve is wearing white cotton pants with a red golf shirt, he selects the one he wants and they both walk over to the counter a pay for the movies. They exit the rental store and get into his metallic blue Dodge Viper and head for home. Scene fades to black.)


(Scene reopens about three hours later, Steve is sitting on the couch watching Royal Rumble '95. We are at the part where the British Bulldog is standing on the second turnbuckle, gloating after the fact that THINKS that he has won the match, however little does he know that only one of Shawn Michaels feet hit the floor. Then Shawn regains himself and proceeds to dump Davey Boy out of the ring and stake claim as the winner.)

Somers: (smiles) Ironic isn't it? Just like everybody in this up coming match at the PPV thinks they have the IC title in the bag. All these seven other guys are just like the Bulldog, claiming victory before the match insn't even over yet, what's the irony you might be asking yourself. Well just like Shawn Michaels over coming the odds and ignoring defeat, starting off the match and lasting till the very end. We get to relive that all over again, why? Because just like Michaels, Triple S is going to walk in that ring #2, and leaving with the IC title around my waist.

(Steve takes a drink of his Perrier and starts to dish out a taste of reality.)

Somers: I see that some of the other doubters are coming out of the woodwork. But I can guarantee Paul Peterson will not be one of them, right Paul? Anyways, on to the doubters. I'll start with the biggest doubter of them all, yes, Jared Blazer. Jared, I happened to catch your promo on the TV the other day, and I'd hate to call you a lier, but, you mentioned something about Steve Somers riding on your coattails and wanting to be like you?. I have something here that might be of interst to you, but then again probably not.

(Steve pulls out the tape from the VCR and puts in another one. On the label on it reads "Meltdown Jan, 13th. Steve fastforwards to the match between he and Blazer's tag match, and hits play.)

Somers: You see here Jared, as Inferno is lying on the mat, ready to be picked, Who is it that made the pinnfall? Right, I did! I didn't see you get the win.

(Steve rewinds the tape a bit and stops when Blazer is in the ring with Inferno, then pushes play.)

Somers: looking at this, we see Blazer getting kicked around by Inferno. Now watch closely Jared.

(The tape continues to play, amd we see Blazer diving to make a tag to Somers. Steve hits pause as their two hands meet.)

Somers: There. You see that? Jared, you had to tag ME. And we all know the outcome of that match, like I showed you earlier. So who rode who's coattails that night? As for me wanting to be you Blazer, I beg to differ, you must have misunderstood me when I was talking about joining your faction. I said I wanted to be an Untouchable, not Jared Blazer, I feel the elite should band with the elite. You have a high draw and being the US champ, you'll be tough to get out of that ring. But you know what, I don't have to pin you, or make you submit, all I have to do is just pick you up and toss you over the top rope son.

Somers: Oh, and one more thing, your reference to MC hammer not being able to touch you. Is there more to that story your not telling us? Then again, I don't really want to know. Botton line Jared, you'll just be one of the seven victims Steve Somers will account for this sunday. Good luck to you.

(Steve pauses to take another sip of his Perrier, and moves on to yet another talker.)

Somers: I know I mention Inferno earlier in the week, but something has arisen that must be addressed. Inferno's imfamous hamstring injury, or quad, or foot, or constipation problem. You can sure talk a big game, but when it comes down to crunch time what do you do? Get a doctor's note like a kid trying to say home from school because he didn't get his homework done. Inferno, do yourself a favor, unzip your pants, look between your legs and check out your manhood. Then go to your doctor and get him to sew on a bigger pair of BALLS! I was looking forward to throwing your ass out of the ring, you know payback for that cowardly act last week. But you'll be at home resting that injury right?

(Steve is inturpted by Jenna yelling from the kitchen asking what he would like for dinner. Steve responds with "Steak and potatoes" and then continues with the promo.)

Somers: Damien Storm. The luckiest man in the rumble, #8. But that's all it is Damien, a number. Seems to me that you have a problem with my name, boy. It's Triple S, not Triple G or whatever else you think it is. The truth is when your time comes to enter that ring, I'll be still there waiting to dump your ass over. You might be thinking because your the last guy in, that you have the best shot. Wrong on that one, Doesn't matter if your #8 or #1, reality is your going to be eliminated just like everyone else. Dont't worry Damien, my focus is strictly on the rumble, and the prize that follows it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting your ability, rather telling you what you're not going to accomplish. That's winning my IC title belt.

Somers: Now lets focus on Eric Aberle for a minute. Because that's the time you'll actually spend inside that ring! Your telling me I don't have a shot this sunday? Get real Eric. This match is like the ESW moto, "Only the toughest survive" and Steve Somers is as tough as they come. Don't outlook the fact that I am undefeated in ESW, Aberle. So you can take all that bullsh*t your saying, along with that two dollar, street walkn', homely ass thing that dares call herself a woman, and bring all that to the ring so I can throw it out like yesterdays garbage. The fact is, Nikki couldn't even compare to the beauty that Jenna has been gifted with. It's like comparing apple pie to horse manure, just like your chances of winning, it will be all down the toilet.

Somers: To my partner of last week, Chris Colton. you can thank me for getting us into the rumble later when I win the IC belt. So when I throw you over the top rope, don't take it personal. I look forward to seeing you there. Now Cory Taylor, you big dumbass! I'm surprised really. Out of everybody in the match, I'd assume you'd be the first to run your mouth. I can't wait to here all of that refinded intellect you so proud display. So when you wake up from amongst all the beer cans and pizza boxes you call an apartment, sober up enough and tell ol' Steve Somers what you plan on doing to me in that ring. You better train hard Taylor, and by the looks of you, if you plan on winning you'd might want to spend a few hours on the trend mill and work off all that grease. Taylor I look forward to the comedy show you call a promo.

(Jenna calls Steve in for dinner. He promptly stands up and heads for the kitchen like a fat guy walking towards a buffet line. He pauses right before walking out of sight, turns around and says a little something to all the people in the rumble...)

(Somers walks out of sight and the scene fades to black.)