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[In the living room of the Roman Gladiator’s home the Two Trainers sit drinking bottles of champagne and watching highlights from Killing Fields. On the couch the battered, bruised and bloodied Roman Gladiator sits with Alexis, who is putting yet another ice pack on the Gladiator’s face. Once the highlights are over, Todd Lane’s last promo airs.]

Trainer 1: *sniff sniff*

Trainer 2: I think I’m gonna cry…

Trainer 1: Booo Hooo….To think, we’re not going to see Todd Lane anymore!

Trainer 2: I just don’t think I can bare it.

Trainer 1: No Lane, don’t go! Don’t go! Aaaaaaaah!

[The two trainers share a collective laugh until suddenly….]

Smack! Smack!

[The Gladiator towers above the two trainers with an angry scowl on his bruised face.]

Trainer 1: Ow, what the was that for?

Trainer 2: What the hell?

The Roman Gladiator: Puny training me keep you word holes shut. Todd Lane pay what he owe Gladiator. Todd Lane pay all debts to Rome.

Trainer 2: Yeah, but it’s Todd Lane…

The Roman Gladiator: NO! Not just a Todd Lane. A warrior, just like Gladiator. Lane fight like Gladiator not see any puny man fight before. At Killing Field, Gladiator and Lane kill each other over and over. And Todd Lane do, what NO SINGLE puny man EVER do to Gladiator! He PIN GLADIATOR! One and two and three! Gladiator put everything Gladiator have into that match. And Gladiator won, but barely.

Todd Lane surprise Gladiator. Gladiator think he going to cheat and sneak, but no, Lane just fight like little iron man. Gladiator fought a little man made out of iron one time before. He name was Lethal Weapon. Gladiator beat him too, but Gladiator never thought Gladiator would have a match that bloody again. Till Killing Field. In Rome, a Warrior fight with being brave, being strong, and honor. Lane did all those things, so no matter what you say, what Alexis say, or EVEN what Caesar say… Gladiator say that Gladiator is even with Todd Lane. Todd Lane say he must go now cause he loose to Gladiator. Gladiator know him long time. Back before FHW. And Gladiator know Todd Lane. He goes now, but one day, one time….. We fight again.

[And the Gladiator silently turns and leaves the room.]

[Standing alone in the back yard of the Gladiator’s home is Caesar with a glass of wine in his hand. He stares in the distance at the red setting sun.]

And so thus ends another Chapter in the Roman Warrior’s story. And what a triumphant finish it was. To destroy Rome’s arch nemesis and to destroy him completely. Lane put up quite the battle, more than I could have ever imagined. But he is finished. He risked it all and lost. And as I foretold and always do, the Gladiator has went forth and conquered. Rome’s Glory is higher than it has ever been and the Gods sing the praises of the World’s Mightiest Champion. The FHW’s Heavyweight Champion! The UWS Unified World Champion!

And all this and Todd Lane has been eradicated. Could life get any better? With the SFE on the rise, there is nothing that can stop us now. Nothing! Rome’s return to this world is all but come. It will be a dynasty like the world has never seen. Let our people celebrate this day and dance in Todd Lane’s blood. And yet…

All is not well with the Champion. He does not seek to celebrate in the final demise of his most hated enemy. And this….I do not understand. Never has there been one who dared such heinous acts against the Empire of Rome. Not since the Christ child has there been a more hated enemy. But… I do not remember what it was to be a soldier. Though he fights to the death to slaughter the enemy and rip him limb from limb, there is a respect on the battlefield that the Commanders forget or do not understand. Kill thy enemy, but respect him first.

But he was a criminal!

Is a criminal still a criminal when his debt to Rome has been repaid? I must ponder this…

In the meantime, there is much work that needs be done in the land of Rome. The SFE is in position for their offensive. Who and where we will strike is known only to us. But all will live in fear of our power. And the Gladiator must heal. There are great days ahead for the FHW and UWS Champion. Many heads still need to be busted and our eyes must constantly be open. For with the passing of Todd Lane there will be another who will stand in his place to claim he will do the impossible. And after he is gone, there will be another, and another, and so it goes on forever. But this is the destiny of the Champion of champions. To walk in unfriendly lands and subdue the wicked and tame the wild. Our job will never be done. Not as long as there are Todd Lanes left in the world.

He is gone now. Gone forever. But I know Todd Lane, and I do not share the views of my Champion. In the dark shadows of the world, we will walk as Kings, but as long as there is breath in Todd Lane’s lungs. I will never…NEVER…close my eyes.

[Some time later the Roman Gladiator sits alone on his roof top staring at the stars. All but Alexis have left his manor and she now sits down by him with a fresh ice pack.]

Alexis:Here take this, it’ll reduce the swelling.

The Roman Gladiator: Gladiator think them ouches might never go away.

Alexis:I was worried about you. I hate to see you hurt.

The Roman Gladiator: Getting smashed on is part of what Gladiator do. Gladiator like the fighting and if Gladiator have to take a smashing every one and while, then that fine by Gladiator. Just Gladiator usually not like to get smashed this hard.

Alexis:Gladiator…. Thank you.

The Roman Gladiator: Huh? For what?

[She leans over and kisses him on his bruised forehead.]

The Roman Gladiator: Sorry if Gladiator confused more that usual, but Gladiator’s brain still is swimming round and round up there. They going to be much fighting left for Gladiator. Gladiator not know who and Gladiator not know where, but Gladiator will be ready. But Gladiator think it going to be long time before Gladiator fight another one like this. But when it comes, Gladiator will fight again. And win again. And if one day, He come again, Gladiator will fight him too. Yes, Gladiator will always fight him.

But Gladiator knows that Rome is forever and Gladiator is Champion. And Gladiator will always fight. And Gladiator will always win.

But it going to be hard. And it going to be a long road. For everyone. And Gladiator will do this, because Gladiator is the strongest one there is!!