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**the scene opens and we see Toxen in a stand up comedy tourny. He is watching as more contestants keep going up to the stage and waits patiently for his name to be called. After an hour or so he is called to the stage and goes up to begin...**

Toxen: It's so good to be here tonight how is everyone doing.

**the crowd starts to scream and cheer.**

Well if I didnt know any better I would say you guys are doing just fine. Man there was some serious competition out here so far I just dont know how to compete against them. I mean this really isnt my thing ya know. But I will give it my best shot because I can be a pretty funny guy. You see I am a wrestler and so making jokes about people comes pretty easy to me, for instance like my opponent Electric Guitar cant even play a guitar. I bet he sits at home with a banjo or something and thinks he is a rock star. As we all know he obviously cant golf but if he were smart he would go over to his mom and ask her because she has one hell of a stroke. I know because I lent her my BIG HEADED driver and boy did she show me a thing or two. Enough about poor E.G. lets move on to another subject like Trek perhaps. I mean this guys straight up told us he is taking drugs. What an idiot...I bet he has more drugs than a pharmacy. Thats how he makes his money because he sure as hell isnt a very good wrestler. I know why he is only focusing on E.G. its because when he looks at him he sees triple and thinks thats the 4 wrestlers right there. What a shitty excuse for a wrestler. Speaking of shit, I took one big ass shit earlier today. Let me tell you what it was bad...I stood up to flush it and looked down and it kind of reminded me of Spaz. Yeah the only difference was is that it smelt better than him. Now thats funny shit, but I guess if you look like shit, smell like shit (or worse in Spaz's case), and you wrestle like shit you must be a peice of shit! Yup its final Spaz is officially...SHIT!!!

**the crowd goes crazy and laughs hysterically as Toxen walks off stage**

Thank you, thank you...I am here all week.

**the scene fades black**

Dont run, dont hide.

Soon you'll feel the pain inside.

It will be over in a flash

as you fall victim to the Toxic Splash!!