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*waves* Hi there! Most likely you've wandered here through a link from Blurty, an online journal service. First and foremost, you need to know the wrestlers in this community are not real. We are simply fans playing in a RPG (Role Playing Game)

We're always glad to have new members, so check out the character list. If you would like to play someone who isn't taken, then go ahead! Just create a journal for the wrestler you would like to play. Be sure to add Totally Unreal to your friends list. You will also need to add all of the other members as well. You *must* make link this site to your web page, and also state somewhere in your profile that you are *not* the real wrestler. It's for your safety, and ours. Blurty allows you to have up to six . You will need at least one for your wrestler. If you don't know how to make them, feel free to ask around! There are plenty of icon addicts out there who would be more than happy to help! We also suggest that you get AIM, so your character can chat and be more involved in the community. This is also where any OOC (Out of character) discussion would take place. Also, be sure to check out our rules and FAQ page before joining.