-Title Of Promo-
Like Poetry In Motion
-People Mentioned-
People I Don't Like
-People Used-
Whoever I Use
-Next Match-
Fugitives of Sanity vs Non-Suitable Opponents
-OOC Comment-
Guaranteed Rating: R - Questions? - Comments?
AIM: NateDawg22nd

-Entertainment On-


[Ahhh..It's real fuckin refreshing to know that by tomorrow, there won't be a Black Order..and if it is, they will be dismantled and all fucked up at the hands of the critically acclaimed most hateful in the game...The Fugitives of Sanity. I mean, take a long hard look cause we're what you're gonna be seeing for a long time. The Black Order, I wouldn't wanna be in their shoes right now, especially not with Tomoko changing up her personality. She is as crazy as it gets and for her to be on someone's opposing team is dangerous, hazardous to the health of others. Hell for her to be on the team of winners is just as scary cause with who she is right now she doesn't like anybody. But she's not the only one with a fucked up mindset around here, T Money, he isn't wrapped to tight himself. Sewaside, he got a few screws loose and Kid Money...That nigga is just mad nuts. And these are the people who will be hated by many, loved by few but that's ok cause we'll love ourselves. We're the people who will run the show, be most dominant through and through. The Black Order lost their steam, but we found that shit and it will be used against them. Now let's get this hate in motion.]

The scene opens lickidy split like two lesbians in a porno. As we fade in, we arrive at what looks to be a bar, it has the whole bar feel, the whole bar like atmosphere. People sitting around at a bar, and at different tables. We also see a stage, right next to it is a Karaoke machine and on the stage we see a microphone. The camera pans and it picks up, sitting at a table, none other than The Harlem Hellraizer himself, T Money, fitted in a solid navy blue t-shirt, with a pair of navy blue baggy jeans. On his feet are some all white Jordan Retor's, pattened leather. Around his forehead is a navy blue bandanna, you can see his braid designs on the top of his head. Sitting at the table with him is his lawyer/agent/advisor/whatever the hell else he wanna be, Tom Burress, the man that makes the contracts happen, endorsement deals go through, keeps the money rolling in...I won't fire him, that's just wrong, LeBron James is wrong! Anyways, they both sit at the table, drinking a little bit but T...his drink is like a lime green color, the color of money almost. He takes a sip and Tom looks at him confused obviously.

Tom Burress - T, I didn't want to say anything...but I have to know what the hell you're drinking?

T Money - Oh, this is my energy drink.

Tom Burress - What's in it? I mean...Why is it green?

T Money - It got a few hundred dollar bills in there, some vodka, green 'herbal' ingredients..You know, nothing unordinary.

T smirks as Tom still looks on confused. T takes a sip and puts it back on the table.

T Money - I heard tonight was Poetry Night here, why you wanna meet me here?

Tom - No reason really..I just come here to clear my head so I decided to have you come here. I love Poetry..

T Money - Well I don't pay you to clear your head and 'love poetry', ok? That's just homoish. What I wanna know is have you been working on the New York Jets, I do plan on buying them this lifetime.

Tom - We're working on it, trying to get the money thing sorted out.

T Money - What about my $130 Million Jordan Endorsment deal?

Tom - Well it should be about ready to be signed by you. I made sure the money was right and read over your contract, you're good. Roy Jones for Boxing, multiple Basketball players and multiple football players..All endorsed by Team Jordan...Now, the wrestling industry has you, the MVP of X-Treme Wrestling Federation.

T Money - Ya Gotta Love that shit!

The lights suddenly go out for a second and a spotlight lights up T Money, a smile runs across his face and then the light goes out. T then nods toward Tom.

T Money - That's how it is and how it's spose to be..no Black Order can prevent me or The Fugitives from shining. It's our time. And i'm rich mothafucka!

Tom - Speaking of the Black Order...Don't you have a match with them, tomorrow?

T Money - Yeah, you know FoS get to beat up on those Non-Suitable Opponents tomorrow night. This is gonna be like the normal kids vs the retarded kids in a game of basketball..Unfair and one sided.

Tom - Wow..I feel sorry for them. They better start looking for Janitorial openings.

T kinda smiles at the idea and sips a little on his green 'energy' drink.

T Money - Fuck that, they gonna be too crushed...They might wanna find something a little less laboring, a little more desk-like.

Tom - I hear ya.

T Money - The Black Order keeps me laughing though man, whether it's Krazzy Kidd talking about nothing in his 15 seconds of fame promo's..Not 15 minutes, 15 seconds. Or if it's Jen claiming me and Kid talking about her "old ways" that she still does but doesn't wanna admit it. I mean come on, be real, once a ho, always a ho..Ain't no going back, you chose her road, unfortunately it led to many penis' and maybe a few pussies. And then you got Trent who just got cut off from the world, he is one promo and out, he gave up already..That mothafucka went on verbal strike cause we threw out some hateful verbal fastballs. Then Lilly throwing welcome home parties for people and talkin bout getting into our match...She needs to stop sleeping around cause everytime her head bangs up against that headboard it rattles her brain..She be talkin some mad crazy shit.

Tom - Haha, I know what you mean. These guy's don't stand a chance. They're all talking out of their assholes and they for some reason want to lead themselves to believe that they are gonna upset you guys and make a real name for themselves...UH UH!

T Money - I knew there was something I liked about you, dawg. You right, there wont be any upsets tomorrow. They not gonna shock the world, I don't see Ali on their side so they can kill all that wolf cause it won't put them in a position of victory.

T Money takes another sip of his lime green drink and Tom just looks disgusted. T looks at him like 'what?' Something then comes to Tom as he looks at his watch...

Tom - Yes! Poetry time, it's 8:00!

Just as he says that, a voice comes over the loud speaker.

Voice Over Speaker - Ladies and gentlemen, to kick off Poetry Night, we will have Nightmare Freddy...? What the fuck? Oh sorry..yeah. He will be reciting his written poem called "Your Dreams"

Nightmare Freddy walks out onto the stage and steps in front of the mic..He looks like a nerdy white boy with taped up glasses. T and Tom turn their attentions and focuses on the stage.

Nightmare Freddy - Your dreams, your dreams - a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep - That's true. Your dreams, your dreams - an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream. That's true. Your Dreams, your dreams -

T Money yells out in the middle of the guy's poem.


Tom - T..No. [Shakes head like 'behave']

T Money - I'm just tryna find out why the fuck he talkin bout dreams when his name is Nightmare Freddy?? It's silly, man...

The cameras go back to the guy on stage.

Nightmare Freddy - ...Your dreams, your dreams - a visionary creation of the imagination. But like the guy over there said..FUCK DREAMS!

Once again, T yells out to the man on stage..

T Money - I didn't say fuck Dreams, I just said fuck YOUR dreams...

The guy gets real silent and then a crazy look comes across his face, he rips off his cloths to reveal a striped shirt, red and black like Freddy Kruger wore, also, he rips off what we THOUGHT was his face and he has a ugly burnt face like Freddy Kruger. He starts roaring his Poem into the mic.


Freddy is interrupted by gun shots that rang off in the place, Freddy hits the ground, the camera goes over to T who is sticking something in his pocket. He sits there like nothing happened, waiting for the next person..From here on out, we just get little snippets of everyone's poem, we don't sit through the whole one's, we just get glimpses of a couple...Startig with a girl on stage in a Dorthy from the Wizard Of Oz outfit. The red crystal-like shoes included.

Dorthy Chick - ...Home..Home I say...There is no place...Like home!

Being disruptive again, T yells out to the girl on stage..

T Money - TAKE YOUR ASS HOME THEN! Be gone bitch, who's keepin you?!

We can see Tom slap his forehead in frustration fo T blurting out at everyone who performs. The scene flickers and we see now a man standing on stage in a Hamlet outfit, he has a sword in his hand. T does his interruption before the guy even starts..

T Money - Who the fuck is you, dawg? Robin Hood? A man in tights...[Shakes head]

The cameras show T laughing hysterically while Tom just kinda shies away from the table a little..We go back to the man on stage.

Fake Ass Hamlet - To be, or not to be....THAT is the question.

T laughs even louder, everybody turns to look at him, T has to stand up and say something..

T Money - Aww come on now, cuz..The question is, why the fuck the bouncers let this corny nigga in?

Due to stealing lines from a play(Ok, maybe it's cause he's in the tights), the man is tackled off stage and drug away by security. T sits back down. The scene flickers and on stage we see a weirdo looking older guy with a sadistic sexual look on his face. He starts rubbing his nipples..

Old Man Rubbing His Nipples - Saggy or baggy, I like breast to flag me..Wave me their way, give me some of that nasty nasty! Big or small, long and tall, short and sweet right...right on my meat! Young breast from 18 to 21 or hell even fifty...Either way it goes I LOVE ME SOME TITTIES!

T looks over at Tom like 'Come on man'

T Money - The fuck's wrong with these people? Stupid shit reminds me of some Krazzy Kidd promo's.

Tom shrugs with a slight smile. Fed up, T Money just stands up and walks up to the stage. Tom tries to stop him..

Tom - T...T!! It's ok man, you're not use to...fuck it, he's not listening.

T continues to the stage where he gets on, the man still rubbing his nipples. T looks at him like 'what the hell is wrong with you?' and then just pushes the dude so hard he goes flying back hitting the wall, he rolls off stage and T steps in front of the mic. The crowd cheers. T quiets them down and then does some testing..

T Money - Testing, testing 1..2...SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The room gets quiet. T introduces himself to these people.

T Money - Y'all know me as T Money of XWF. Wrestling and Hip-Hop Phenomenon. Entertainment's Extraordinaire. And y'all want some poetry? I got poetry for that ass..It's called "Hate In Motion", just like Poetry in motion. But don't expect me to rhyme and shit or come at y'all philosophical..I'm comin real, and i'ma verbally wrap up The Black Order's careers and toss it in the trash can. Now did y'all happen to catch ANY of these fools promo's on XWF TV? I know y'all got XWF TV...Ain't that broke.

Most of the crowd mumbles "yes" as some say "what?" and some say "no" all mixed in. T shakes his head and continues.

T Money - So tomorrow we as in The Fugitives of Sanity puts an end to this whole Black Order thing. We close the deal, seal the fate of these mothafuckas and we take the Stable Title...But who cares about that? There's a bigger picture like taking the title of 'The best!' I mean we already got that label but The Black Order wants to stick their head in there and claim to be something they quite frankly don't have the talent to claim. These dimwits are lifeless to us, like i've said before and come tomorrow, it's their funeral. We don't have to do the killing, just choke a few people out. Get a few 3 counts on em and then stand tall like the soldiers we are. This shit is Free Throws, easy, and y'alls chances of winning is slimmer than Jen and Lilly's chance of not suckin dicks for the month...and we ALL know how they operate.

T laughs to himself, he steps back from the mic, and then after a few seconds of the crowd getting into it, he steps back up.

T Money - Speaking of Jen and Lilly, I might as well get them off my shoulder rel quick. Jen, she is suppose to be all lovey lovey now, she's not a whore anymore..She's real with her boyfriend 504 Boy who I can see myself fucking up in the near future...She's suppose to be in a new form of herself...YEAH RIGHT! After you spread your legs so many times, it's gonna be hard to keep em shut. Now your legs is like sensors, anybody walk past you and your legs fly open. Jen, spare us the bullshit, you are what you are. Don't be in denial. Denial usually means you're trying to hide the fact that i'm right and I don't need you to help me know i'm right, I already know. Thursday Jen, i'm gonna grab you by your legs and break your sensors, make sure your legs don't fly open anymore..And then i'm gonna stomp your mouth cause i'm tired of hearing your racial slurs, i'm tired of hearing you talk, i'm tired of you spitting semen all over the cameras everytime they get in front of your face. Divide and Conquer, Jen..You get the privalage to maybe get pinned by the boy Kid Money again, or maybe this time he'll choke you out. Either way, I would prefer letting him do the honors since you still think you're so good when he already had you on your back once. Or wait, maybe this time he could go Doggystyle and make you tap out? Whatever...I don't care, i'm just giving you to him cause I don't wanna touch your nasty ass.

And Lilly...This little sexual blonde headed bitch still tryna get in the match and she just may. I'm looking forward to this one personally for some reason, maybe because she is Shane's chick..I don't know. Maybe it's because I wanna see how dumb she really is. What they say about blondes have to be true though cause why would you push yourself in a Massacre like this? Why would you try hard to get in a match where the team you would be on don't have a chance in hell of competing at a competitive level? Fuckin crazy. I'll tell you what, she can go back to school, cheerlead again...Twirl her hair around her finger and blow bubble gum, whatever the blonde chicks do but if she decides to get in this match then I will for sure smack this bitch so hard that she won't be seeing stars..This chick seein the whole fuckin galaxy.

The crowd 'Ohh's and ahh's' before T nods. Somebody tosses him a bottle of water out of nowhere, he drinks some and tosses the bottle out into the crowd. Everybody starts fighting over it, T looks on like 'damn' before continuing his assault on "The most hated group in XWF"

T Money - Then there's Trent Gein. Yeah, I like how this mothafucka took a complete 360 out of the picture, he made a U-Turn, he says a couple things in one promo..Leaves questions unanswered but doesn't come back to answer them. Cause he doesn't have the answers, he just knows the truth..And truth is, he ain't SHIT! All this talk about Trent Gein being a legend...Why? Because he has held some titles? Ok, he held some titles. Who exactly has he beaten again? Nobody knows?

T looks around the crowd but everybody looks at each other and shrugs. They focus their attention back to T.

T Money - I don't know either. I don't know why people wanna view this guy as a legend or simply as good even though he may be the best player on that side of the ropes. Trent Gein, i've said exactly everything I thought of him, I shut him down. I got this bitch on 24-hour lock down, as of last week eactly, you have been encarcerated in the prison of The Harlem helrlaizer! And you have hear by been sentenced to life...I'm not gonna give you that judge, jury, executionor bullshit...I'll just say this to you Trent...You've been all three of them things on your own. You judged me last week and you may not have been the one tapping out but you lost. Youy thought for some reason you could beat this Thug? Bad judge of character. You gave in, you sentenced yourself and then you opened your mouth this week...Mistake again. You was your own Jury, you might not admit it but your verdict was 'Guilty'. You wasn't guilty though, I was guilty..You know I stole the spotlight from you, you know all of us did...So you wanted to find a good way to go down and you picked your poison, The Fugitives and now, by accepting to go again this week on Divide and Conquer..You've executed yourself. You may still be around afterwards but your career will be in the fuckin toilet where it belongs with the rest of the shit. Just like that, you're chainsaw is disconnected!

T nods his head and he then gets a look on his face like "Oh yeah" and then looks in the crowd for a second before ripping out another heart.

T Money - Krazzy Fuckin Kidd...what can I say that hasn't been said already? I seen this last promo you cut and you have gratuated from 15 second promo to one whole minute. Big step on your part. But see, i'm not worried about the promo itself, what you said in it or anything. You know, all the corny names you have for each of us, all the crap you spewed out, I don't have to say anything about THAT...What I wanna know is this - What the FUCK did YOU do LAST NIGHT?! I mean think about it...You're in a hotel room, ok? You wake up in the Morning, right? Only to find a note on the dresser....FROM ANOTHER MAN?! Hotel room, wake up in the morning, finds a note from another man...If I didn't know any better, I would think you had homo-sex last night! Disgusting! Dude fucked you, left you a note and left...That's the type of shit you do with a girl...ou just killed yourself there. You and your whistling asshole can stay where you be cause I know I ain't lettin no fags beat me come Anarchy...Ya sick somamabitch! While you and your erotic pleasures is none of my business, you might wanna keep that shit away from the cameras cause we don't wanna see that. We don't wanna see no love letters, no shitty condoms, no vasaline or ass creame. We not tryna get with none of that...fuck it man, i'm done with you, tomorrow..We sending your ass right back to Massacre in a casket with your brother so they can go ahead and hang you a 'Rest In Peace Insane Clown Posse' banner up over the ring. Let's go...

T knocks the microphone off the stage, Tom and everybody else stands to applaud him. He throws his middle fingers in the air as the scene fadeds away..But before it goes all the way out, we can hear T yell through the camera like the end of a CD Diss Track or something..."YEAH! I MURDERED YOU BITCH ASS NIGGAZ! IT'S GAVE OVER, YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?! I HOPE SOMEONE YOU LOVE DIES, MOTHAFUCKA! IT'S T-MONEY, HOLLA AT YA STEP POPS!" as we fade completely out.



.::Titles and Achievements::.
1x XWF World Champion