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~Timmy F'n D~

Apart of Pride and Honor Wrestling Since the dawn of time.


Last week Timmy faced Winston Wolf on the PHW show "disclaimer". Disclaimer was a success for Timmy as he defeated Winston, and took home the win. He also ended a one month losing streak. Now this week Timmy has been placed in a number one contenders match for the pride title. The thing is, this is no normal match. It's a four corners tag elimination style match.


The scene begins in the back with Timmy shirtless. He is throwing left and right jabs at a punching bag, prepareing himself for his match with week with seven other PHW super stars who would love to take him down, and get their sticky hands on the pride title. Timmy knows that he can not let anyone else win this match. He knows that this is one of his few chances to show that he still has what it takes. After he finishes with the punching bag PHW interviewer Kyle Kage enters the room and asks Timmy for permission to begin conducting an interview with him about this weeks slaughterhouse. Timmy gives permission to him.

Kyle Kage: Timmy this week on slaughterhouse you are fighting for a spot at the pay per view to face the current pride champion. But in order to get there you must fave seven other PHW super stars. Honestly what do you think your odds are going into this match the way that you are?

Timmy: That depends, what do you mean the way that I am?

Kyle Kage: Well last week you had one hell of a match so is your body fine for this match? And coming out of a slump last week, where is your head at going into this match?

Timmy D: Thank you now I understand the question. Well last week coming out of that slump really helped a lot. That brought my confidence back up to par. It took me back to the days of being champion, and when I was a hero to the fans around the world. So where is my mind at? I would say that my mind is right where it needs to be. I have my eye on the prize. I want that pride title again. The last time I was given a title shot in a crazy match like this I wasted it, this time I wanted to show that, this is what I really want. I am going into the ring with seven ultimate super stars, so I know this will not be easy. That just means I'm gonna have to work double time in order to bring this one home.

Kyle Kage: Ok so what about your body is your body ready for this match?

Timmy D: Well facing Winston Wolf last week wasn�t hard but he was no push over either. I'm not hurt bad, but I have a few bumps that I would not like to get bumped again this week, but bumps come with the job. As you can see when you came into the room I was hitting the old back, working out a bit. I want to be in the best physical shape I can be in by slaughterhouse. That way I can give these guys and girls a good show out there just like the infamous one should.

Kyle Kage: Are you worried that you might tire yourself out before the match gets here with working out and training so much?

Timmy D: Well I take breaks to give my body a rest. That exact thought crossed my mind, I don't want to be to worn out to even compete so, I take breaks, I go out and get relaxing massages, and catch up on alot of sleep to make sure that I am energized and 100% ready.

Kyle Kage: What about your eating habits Timmy have they changed? How do you eat like a normal person?

Timmy D: Normal person what do you mean by that cage, you calling me ad-normal? (Timmy laughs).

Kyle Kage: (Kyle laughs) No I mean with your trying to eat healthy and all, can you just throw down cheese burgers, and pizza, soda, and anything else that you want to eat?

Timmy D: I can eat cheese burgers, and pizza but I have to MAKE SURE to work it all off so my body can stay the way it is supposed to be, fit and active, oh yeah sexy for the ladies.

Kyle Kage: Do you feel that your time in PHW gives you an advantage in this match, like you know more than a few of the other guys?

Timmy D: I couldn�t really say, I mean I have been in PHW longer than everyone that I am facing but these guys are sharp on their feet. No one wants to be the loser, but the truth of the matter is there can only be one winner. This was not meant to make everyone feel good, this match was designed to see eight guys beat the living hell out of each other for a number one contender spot, and that�s what�s real about this.

Kyle Kage: Wow Timmy, you seem really focused. It has been a long time since I've seen you this focused on a match. What is your motivation going into this match?

Timmy D: That's simple, the same as everyone else's. Getting past this match and onto the Pride title match. I see it this way Kyle, if I can make it through this match then I should have no problem at pathway to pride.

Kyle Kage: Eh you sound kind of cocky don't you? (Kyle raises an eye brow)

Timmy D: If I do I don't mean to. I am just very confident going into this match. I am praying that after everything I went through to get back to this point it will lead me to championship gold. I mean just because the other guys in the ring are great at what they do that does not mean that they deserve a title shot, AND I KNOW none of them want or need this ass bad as I do.

Kyle Kage: In the end Timmy what do you think will determine the winner of this weeks match?

Timmy D: I think it's going to take two things. Not power, but having heart and fighting this match smart. Because if you go about this wrong your going to get taken down. (Timmy then crosses his arms over his chest)

Kyle Kage: Well now that we have all of that covered I was wondering if you saw Jayce Ari's Promo?

Timmy D: Yeah I managed to catch it, I watched and I listened.

Kyle Kage: So what did you think of his promo?

Timmy D: I thought it was typical Ari. The lion is back. At least he didn't lie. He holds two wins over me and I have felt the S.B.E from him and his former partner Ronnie Styles. But that was in the past. You see where Styles is don't you? He is no longer around PHW. He has been one half of the tag team champions, even though it was no Timmy D and Shane Crawford. The only thing that I would be upset about is him calling me a has been. I still have plenty of time left in my career. By him calling me a has been I think that what he really means is Pioneer of PHW, something that he can never be. All I see is that pride title, and he is a speed hump on my drive to path way to pride.

Kyle Kage: Timmy do you think the way that Jayce Ari saw you then, and sees you know has changed any in the past year?

Timmy D: I would like to think so, but I know deep in my gut nothing has changed at all. He will always been the same no matter what. I don't even care how he views me honestly, He is a nobody to me, nothing to get upset about. I look at problems like him and just deal with it.

Kyle Kage: I see. How about "the amazing one" Maize? His promo hit a little closer to home, as in well finding himself and being true to what he is dedicated to?-

Timmy D: -I don't mean to cut you off, but let me say a few things about Maize. First of all I honestly think there is anything amazing about Maize. And if you go down my records you can see that I hold a win over Mr. Banks. Now maybe he's changed a stepped his game up, I will give him the B.O.D but I am doubting him until he proves me wrong.

Kyle Kage: Is it wise to doubt a man that even though lost to Erik "the milkman" Olson last week, but he fought a great match.

Timmy D: Is it wise? It may not be the best idea but this is the kind of person that I am. I am very cocky at times, but for the most part humble, just based on Maize in the past I don't think that he is ready to hold championship gold. But for what it's worth good luck to him, god knows we are all going to need it.

Kyle Kage: What about the negative comments he made towards you?

Timmy D: He called mea has been? This is the second person to make this mistake. I don't take to kindly to that. Most of the stuff he said was just tough talk none of it was real talk. When it comes to action he's not about any of it. Maize is the kind of person that is only tough when he has someone else around, maybe you could call it a part time tough guy. But that's fine with me plenty of fellas talks that stuff and look where their career is now dead. The only real point he made is that after four years I am in the same place where I started at. I think that I deserve more that what I am given. But un like most of the people here I don't kiss Andrew Kendrick's ass, I don't beg for title shots. Andrew Kendrick wants to keep me down, but he will never do that. No matter what happens I will compete for what I can until I am given what I deserve. Oh yeah by the way Maize, for your information hommie I have had two world heavyweight championship shot how many have you had? And how can your money be more alive than me if you are broke? You could barley afford to do your promo. Maybe you should do some self evaluation killa.

Kyle Kage: So far has anything that any of your opponents said sunken under your skin so far this week Timmy?

Timmy D: Not at all. I am on a higher plan, I am a grown man why in the hell would I go down to a little boy level to play pati-cake with them. Kyle if you ask me most of the things that they have said about more are lame and I can work past it with no problem. Because if you are a problem, then I am a problem solver.

Kyle Kage: Well Timmy what are your thoughts on the PHW rookie Ragonus?

Timmy D: First of all what in the hell is a Ragonus? Is that supposed to be some kind of animal or disease? What ever IT is I can tell you this Kyle IT is not a threat to me. The boy is a rookie, he is in his second week of PHW and he thinks that he knows something. Ragnonus yeah you are right I was on disclaimer last week and ended my losing streak, and I wont lie it helped me regain lost confidence. But you make it sound like you are better than me because you were on slaughterhouse? Is that how you feel chump? Let me inform you, while you were still sucking on your mothers nipple I was headlining slaughterhouse. Main events, title shots, fans, money, and all the pussy you could want just being thrown at me. But look at you holmes you look like a little funny boy, I got to watch you in the ring you might want to play some "funny boy" type shit. Rag, when speaking of me I suggest you speak with respect because if you don't that is a quick way to get your head pushed into the mat. I don't make threats I make promises, and I don't talk tough, I talk real. Rag, this is real talk hommie. Don't go getting all excited because you are in a match where you could get to the PHW pride championship. Because if you get to excited now, I can only imagine how sad you will be win you lose this week, and watch me go on to Path way to pride and the number one contender for the Pride championship.

Kyle Kage: I can already tell that this is going to be a match to remember. It seems to be filled with all the right elements and super-stars.

Timmy D: Then there is the second rookie of this match Aj Tyler. I have heard rumors of him, but I don't go by rumor. So far I haven't seen or heard anything from him. That gives me the impression that he is afraid of this match. For a rookie that is his best bet, be every afraid. I don't think that he will be in PHW for to long. Maybe another month at max, then it's back to house shows, and working part-time at Burger King. Aj you wont even be a memory you will be that guy who's papers went into file 13. Now you know what file 13 is don't you? File 13 is the trash, and pretty soon before you know it you will be right with your file. Hell I think that you have gotten to deep into the shit, and know its to late to back out bitch. Ha why even waste my breath on this goonie.

Timmy D: You know what Kyle, that chick Melissa Artica how is something wrong with her. She talked about Ravnos having false information, when her, herself is giving false info. I see more pussy than she sees her own. Trust me baby girl there are to many pretty females in the world to ever want a man. As far as PHW just keeping me around because I have been around so long that they can't fire me?..Yeah okay sure, fans flock to see me. The only people that come to see her are her customers when she slides her ass down that pole every weekend. Sure she has been pride champion before, so what? That's not going to help you at this weeks slaughterhouse. I have been pride champion 3 times, and all I can say is the feeling of being champion was great and I know its my time once again. Mr. Artica you being female is all the more reason that you are going to lose. I have seen amazing girls in PHW's past, and frankly your just not one of them, and I do not see greatness in your future. I see failure and cheap motels and strip joints for you.

Timmy D: Finally Ravnos. Me and You old rivals, old friends. Lots of history brother. I understand that you need to win this, but I need to win this too. You've had the heavyweight title, leave the pride title to me. But this time I have learned. I have no problem helping you out around the ring to get those who don't deserve to be in the ring with us, but the last time you quickly rolled up on me and got the pin fall. I can not allow you to take this from me. You say you need a jump start well I need a resurrection of my career, I need this title belt to but "Timmy D" back into the spot light. I hope that you can understand that, because this week will be one of out classic matches, one you will remember and feel for weeks to come.

Kyle Kage: Timmy thank you for your time but we are at the end of our interview. So Timmy do you want to close with anything?

Timmy D: I�m wishing all of my opponeys good luck. I am sending a warning to all of my opponets, that this week the beast if back "Timmy D!"

The scene quickly fades to black and Timmy and Kyle shake hands and conclude their interview.

My Contacts| Aim: the kid imfamous| Yim: timinem14|

Music: Revis "Your Wall"

Record: Win: 32| Draw:2| Lose: 33|

Deafeated:Tj Jones-1| Russle Wayne-1| Croc-1| Sapphire-1| Sky Johnson-1| Jayce Ari-1| Johnny Legend-1| Trend Kill| Winston Wolf-1| Dante-1| Justin Sane-1 | Maniak-1v Nathan Evans-1| Victor prague-1| J Torra-1| London-1| Ravnos-2| Stacy-1| Torrie-1| Godsend-2| Trish-2| Lita-1| El Captain insano-1| Jason Silver-1| Jonathan Downs-1| Mickey Al-1| Chad-mercury-1| Petey Williams-1| Maize-1|