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+start forward+

Unleashed, a date where Dave Hunter was infact Unleashed back into the WWCF. The former NCWA Champion made him impact with his long time best friend and Charisma Carlson, the hottest manager around. But Dave is back, and better than ever!

+end forward+

The scene opens in the arena, the backstage area to be exact. In the Walking Legends locker room Dave Hunter is standing talking to The Vixen, Charisma Carlson, Dave seems happy, in his usual cocky stance.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 
Charisma, I see that your already getting into people heads.

Charisma smirks.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson
 It's what I do best, you should know better than that. Anyway, what have you been up to?

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 
You know
me, Charisma. I've been out there being the party, as usual. The ladies dig Gods Gift to the planet. I'm surprised I don't have a match this week. But I know that you'll be handing Terrie Williams her own ass. That Terrie is past her prime, no one wants to see that slut anymore, it's just depressing to see.

Dave takes a seat on the couch. He opens a sports drink and takes a swig.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson 
My thoughts exactly. Hey, have you seen Spaz? I haven't seen him since he went off with Lust.

Dave spits the drink, and it goes all over Charisma.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 

Charisma is wiping the drink off herself.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson 

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 
Sorry.. Did you say Lust, the same one from the old NCWA days?

Charisma nods.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson 

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 
I can't believe he didn't tell me.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson 
Your Gods Gift, you should have known.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter 
He was probably ashamed to tell me. Dating a piece of trash.

Charisma rolls her eyes as Dave takes another sip of his very expensive sports drink.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson Apparently they're not dating.

Suddenly the doors swings open. It's Spaz.

+The One And Only+ Spaz
What's happening my Legends?

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter
Not much.. Hey, why didn't you tell me you were fucking Lust?

Spaz looks at Charisma, she shrugs, he then looks back at Dave.

+The One And Only+ Spaz
What do you mean, fucking? We're not dating. We're friends.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter
So, you haven't been using girls like I taught you to?

Charisma punches Dave in the arm.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson

Dave rubs his arm.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter Calm down, Dragon Lady! 

Spaz takes a seat next to Dave.

+The One And Only+ Spaz
I don't know why I even bother with you two. So childish.

+Gods Gift+ Dave Hunter
I'm not childish. You seem angry, you haven't beed getting laid have you?

Dave snickers.

+The Vixen+ Charisma Carlson
Ah, I knew there was something different about him.

The scene fades as Dave and Charisma begin to pick on Spaz who ignores them.

+Commercial Break+

+Name+ Dave Hunter
+Height+ 6"4'
+Weight+ 263 lbs.
+Age+ 24
+Hometown+ Melbourne, Australia.
+Marital Status+ Single (A Ladies Man)
+Eye Color+ Brown
+Hair Color+ Brown/Blonde
+Alignment+ Heel
+Entrance Music+ "Made Of Glass" - Trapt
+Finisher+ The G Spot (Dupree Driver)
+Allies+ The Walking Legends
+Enemies+ Almost Everyone
1x NCWA World Heavyweight Champion
1x NCWA Gutz 'n' Glory Champion
1x NCWA Tag Team Champion w/ Spaz
1x CWF X-Division Champion

+Roleplay Name+ Settling In
+Next Match+ None
+Event+ None
+People Used+ Charisma, Spaz others
+People Mentioned+ Read and see, jackass!