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David is backstage walking around when he spots Shane McMahon speaking with Linda McMahon

Shane McMahon
I have decided to put David into a match against the Darkone, I believe this will be a match worth having.

Linda McMahon
Whatever you say dear. Listen, I have got to get going, please keep some type of order around here

Linda walks off as David walks over to Shane
So I'm getting a match against the Dark one? When is this?

Shane gives his million dollar smile and looks at David

Shane McMahon
Tonight, buddy.

Shane laughs as he walks away, leaving David alone in the hall way. David
Thanks for the warning their buddy.

David shakes his head as he heads towards the ring as the scene goes to commercial break
The scene re-opens, this time, at Madison Square Garden. Howard Finkle is standing in the ring as David's music hits the sound system ^^Another Dream that Will never Come True, Just to compliment your sorrors^^

Howard Finkle
The following match is schedualed for one fall, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 200lbs, from Chicago, Ill, David Draiman.

The fans go wild as David taunts them and gets into the ring, taking the mic from Howard. He walks into the center of the ring, and throws his arms up and makes a circle as the fans love it. He smiles as he begins his speech.

Thank you, thank you.

The fans cheer louder

Once again, I thank you. Well, looks like tonight I go one on one against this so called, "Dark Fellow" dude. Well, I haven't seen him, heard him, or even fought him before, and tonight when I fight him, I will beat him, destroy him, and dominate him. He will be made my bitch in the ring tonight. Dark one, you do not intimidate me with your little "scary" name and the way you may look. No matter how much you may scare other people you don't scare me and that's a fact. Tonight Dark one, everyone will see the true, "light side" of you when i kick your ass so hard in the ring, you're going to need to make a trip to your doctor.

David smiles.

But enough about some moron who thinks he's going to beat me. It seems as if I'm one of the only guys here in the AWO who doesn't have a lady, and well, if their is any diva in the back that would like me to manage, I won't be hard to persuade.

David winks into the camera.

Well, I'll see you all later tonight!

David hands the mic back and heads to the lockerooms.