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The Power Trip

ECW comes back from a short meaningless commercial break. The crowd is in an uproar as they realize that the show is coming back. Tazz and Mike are in their spot at the commentary table as they begin to talk.

Tazz: So Mike its late in the evening and so far weve heard from many people tonight but no word from the ECW champion, Maryse. I dunno what to think about this Mike do you?

Mike: Well Tazz all I have to say is that The Rock is a very intimidating man and I know I sure wouldnt wanna come out here and insult him before I was about to step into the ring with him.

Tazz: You got that right Mike! I mean we might be witnessing Maryse backing down and being intimidated by the great one right here tonight!

Mike: That may very well be true Tazz but as Ive heard, Lena is in the back trying to get an interview with the rock right now.

The titantron comes on with Lena walking around the back area. Shes searching frantically for the rock. Finally after a few minutes of searching she finds him standing outside Maryse's locker room, pacing back and forth in his black silk shirt, glasses, and button up black pants. Lena walks up to him and he stops pacing and faces the camera.

Lena: So Ro...

The Rock: Know your role and SHUT your mouth! The Rock cut his night short to be here in this arena tonight and it wasnt for nothing. The Rock is going to lay the smacketh down on someone tonight if he has to start beating up random people in the hallways! The people came out here tonight to see the peoples champion in action, to see the rock take somebody to the smackdown hotel on the corner of jabroni drive and know your role boulevard! It doesnt matter if Maryse comes here tonight or I go to her white trash trailer in whore village! She has the nerve to not even show up for a match with the great one? She doesnt respect the rock, she doesnt believe that the rock is going to hunt her jabroni ass down and slap the silicon out of those fake $49.99 back alley, sorry excuse for breasts!

The fans explode with cheers for the rock as he stands still staring at the camera in an intense rage.

The Rock: Maryse you dont even have enough class to fight the rock when its not even for that paper title you were given. And the only reason you have that title is because you let the general manager have a taste of your pie. And the rumor around the back area is that after he has a cold sore now! Now the rock doesnt believe that thats just a cold sore. The Rock knows that your pie wasnt fresh out of the oven so why dont you just come out and admit it. Why dont you just let everyone know that your pie has infected more people than the west nile virus.

The fans start laughing and cheering hysterically.

The RocK: The Rocks not kidding! But you know what Maryse The Rock has a song for you. Just for you, just wrote it right now.

The Rock clears his throat.

The Rock: Youre too nervous to fight the great one, You know your title reign is already done, you heard about the match and started bookin, because you smelled what the rock was cookin! Whatd you think about that song right there Lena?

Lena: It w...

The Rock: It doesnt matter what you think! The fact of the matter is that its the peoples song by the peoples champ and the people loved it! Maryse I know youre sitting at home watching the rock while eating bon bons in your nightie and the rock wants to just say this. If even a little tiny piece of you thinks that you deserve that piece of jewelery that you wrap around your waste youre going to do one thing and one thing only. Youre going to get into your 1987 broken down honda civic, youre going to drive youre candy ass on over here, then youre going to step into that ring tonight against the rock, and the last thing that the rock wants you to do is...Just Bring It.

The Rock motions with his hand for her to come fight as he says those last three words and the crowd goes insane. After a few seconds of screaming and yelling the people quiet down.

Lena: Well thank yo...

The Rock turns and walks away while Lenas in the middle of her sentence. Lena shakes her head and doesnt know what to think. The titantron goes black and the ECW takes a quick commercial break.

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