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-Fill Out All Fields, use examples, make the Form Very Detailed.. Or Interview Will Not Be Complete-
-This is used to cut a promo by yourself, either in the ring, or backstage! During an event-
-Not Every Interview Will Be Accepted-
(You have until 2pm The Day Of The Event To Hand In Interviews, Or They Wont Be Counted)


Your Full Name

Your Email Address (ex.

Chat Information (ex. AOL = HHH2002, Yahoo = thegame2k2, etc.)

Your Wrestler's Name (Wrestler Thats Interviewing)

What Event Will This Interview Take Place? (Wednesday, Saturday, PPV)

When Exactly Will This Interview Take Place? (ex. After 1st match, after 3rd match, before my match, etc.)

What Interviewer(s) Will You Use?

Your Interview (Make this good, i will not accept 2 line interviews) (And Do Not Use ????, ????, or ???? In Your Interview, Unless Your Interview Was "Taped" Earlier)
-Note This is exactly how it will be seen on the event.