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Natural Born Thrillers

HWA Megastars: Natural Born Thrillers

- NBT in the HWA -

"New Resistence" blares over the PA and the arena goes black as the fans cheer wildly. The GlobeTron comes to life flashing between pictures of the two superstars and big red,white, and blue letters spelling NATURAL BORN THRILLERS. Red pyros explode all around the entrence ramp Chris Rickter and Ciudad Rivero walk out into the smoke they left behind. The lights start flashing red and more pyros go off as they walk down the ramp to the ring slapping hands with all there fans. The lights come back on as they step between the ropes and into the ring. Chris Rickter holds a mic up near his mouth and begins to speak.

Chris Rickter: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES, We are the Natural Born Thrillers. And at long last we have come to the HWA. I am the "The Wildcat" Chris Rickter and this man standing next to me is "The Lady Killer" Ciudad Rivero. When we got the phone call from the HWA president inviting us here to the HWA we figured hey why the hell not, and after watching the last event I realize we made the right choice. That was some of the best action we have seen in a long time. Having the worlds greatest fans didn't hurt either.

The arena exploded with cheering as Rickter finished his sentence. Every fan in the building was up on their feet clapping for the newcomers. A smile crossed Chris's face as he passed the mic over to Ciudad.

Ciudad Rivero: Deixe-me ouvi-lo das senhoras na casa. It is great to be here in the HWA. We have been keeping a close eye on the action here as my sócio Chris told you all a moment ago. I also noticed that there has yet to be a Tag Team Champion named so i am gonna throw our hat into the ring on that one right now.

We are out here tonight because we wanted to let all of you know where we stand. We are here for you the fans of the HWA. It is our job to make sure that you get every pennies worth of the price of admission into these HWA events and we intend to do that evey week. Because without you the fans there would be no HWA or any other fed for that matter.

And with that Ciudad dropped the mic and the two made their way back up the ramp and out of the arena.





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