Wrestling Then and Now

by Dale Pierce

DALE PIERCE: You are known mainly for wrestling in the south and in the northwest, but weren't you originally from Ohio? If so, what particular wrestlers did you like when growing up?

JERRY GREY: I am from Akron. I liked Johnny Powers, The Sheik, The Fargos, and several others. I used to go down to the old Akron Armory all the time.

DP: Where were you trained, and when did you have your first bout?

JG: I was trained by Louie Tillet in 1981 and made my debut on TBS in Georgia, wrestling on September 14, 1981.

DP: What was your favorite territory?

JG: I loved Portland and have many great memories from there. It was where I learned the most in my career.

DP: Where have you wrestled?

JG: Many places. The NWA/WCW was the best in the 1980s. It was old school at its finest, which is what I prefer. I have also wrestled for a number of independent groups over the years.

DP: When did you start your own promotion?

JG: I started WPW in 1988. I run at least 1-2 shows per month all over the USA, the southwest, the northwest, the midwest, everywhere. I've used Snuka, Virgil, Dan Severn, Bagwell, Duggan, and many more.

DP: What was your best bout ever?

JG: Me versus Muta in Tokyo, me versus Eddie Gilbert in midsouth, me versus Ricky Santana, these were my best bouts.

DP: Have you had any big injuries?

JG: I've injured my knees and back a few times but nothing real bad.

DP: Do you prefer old school or hardcore?

JG: I like the old school. I do not like hardcore at all.

DP: Who are some people you trained?

JG: I trained Billy Gunn, plus many more.

DP: Do you ever go to any old-timer reunions and such?

JG: I have not been to any old-timer reunions yet but would like to go soon. I thought about doing a reunion in Ohio or Florida, but. . . .

DP: Any closing comments?

JG: I would like to thank you for letting me share my views with the fans and the boys. I love this business more than anything. It was a pleasure.

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