Wrestling Then and Now

DALE PIERCE: How did you get into wrestling, and whom were you trained by?

HOLLYWOOD: An audition from a casting agency in Los Angeles, California called Magic Casting. I was trained by Mondo Guerrero!

DP: What were your experiences in GLOW? Any interesting stories?

H: My wrestling, acting, Playboy magazine, various talk and game shows, my Web sites. Tons of stories, yes. . . . I'm writing a book now.

DP: What was David McLane like to work with?

H: When I worked with David, he was very into what he was doing and took it seriously. We worked very well together!

DP: Where did you go after GLOW folded?

H: Some indy shows, a show called Hollywood Knockouts (pay-per-view), traveled a lot with various GLOW Girls to Malaysia, Hong Kong, Panama, London, and Russia.

DP: You did some shows for the AIWA in California. What was Ed Ahrens like to work with?

H: He was awesome to work with!!! I believe I did a few shows against Cheryl Rusa!

DP: Didn't you have some bouts where you were being managed by Johnny Legend, or was that your opponent? What was Legend like to be around?

H: Johnny is a sweetheart! He was my manager, and M.T.V. was Cheryl Rusa's manager. He is always smiling when you see him in or out of the ring!!

DP: What other promotions have you worked for?

H: Companies in Malaysia, Hong Kong, London, Russia for wrestling.

DP: You have been making films also. What are some of these films you have been in?

H: Basic Instinct, wrestled in The Son in Law and a few independent movies.

DP: Are you still planning to wrestle or devote your energy to movies?

H: Absolutely!!

DP: What is your Web page?

H: My Web pages are www.webkitten.com and www.wrestlingbabe.com

DP: Where can fans contact you if so desired?

H: My contact address is Jeanne Basone PO Box 1866 Burbank, CA 91507 and my email address is hollymwood@earthlink.net.

DP: Have you ever had any major injuries when wrestling?

H: Yes! I broke my right leg in three places in November 1998 when wrestling a female I didn't know. We were doing a match against each other, and she throws on this Judo-type move, and busted my leg. It took me a good 4-6 months of physical therapy to be able to wrestle again.

DP: Of all the people you've wrestled, whom have you had your greatest bouts with?

H: Cheryl Rusa, a very strong girl! Jeanne Durso.

DP: No one likes to talk about this, but we've all had them. Your worst bouts?

H: Stuff in the GLOW days. I was very young then.

DP: Have you ever tried to go the route of others and get into the WWF?

H: Yes, when WWF was in L.A., California, I was called in for an interview, but my leg was only four months healed, and I explained what had happened to my leg. I should not have told the truth, but that's just me.

DP: How did you make the transition from wrestling to acting in films?

H: When I was in GLOW, they had asked me to do all kinds of TV shows. That is where I got my union cards SAG/AFTRA.

DP: Did any of the actors or actresses you were with look down on you for wrestling, or did they look up to you?

H: They loved us!!! Wanted to know all about wrestling and the holds.

DP: How do you feel about promotions today essentially doing the same things GLOW did long before, only getting far more attention for their promotions than GLOW ever did for itself?

H: I think GLOW paved the way for the WWF women today and all other indy wrestling companies, and any promotion is good promotion!!! Fighting Females magazine has also been a great promo for me. I have been on the cover of their magazine three times, with a forth coming out this year or January 2003!!!

DP: Do you miss GLOW?

H: Not really, just the nice people I met on the way! And the funny stories, and the fans who loved us. So I guess yes, I do miss it!!

DP: Have you ever thought of running your own promotion?

H: I already do. It's called "Hollywould Productions." I have been doing this now for 1 1/2 years.

DP: Any closing remarks for fans?

H: Thank you all for remembering Hollywood, the GLOW days, and now my new production company.

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