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Yes thats right Kane! the ultimate wrestler in my view! Finger Eleven Face WWF's Kane-(NEW KANE MUSIC) Monday March 18, 2002 @ 05:00 PM----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finger Eleven came face-to-face with the WWF's Kane last Friday and emerged unscathed. The band have recorded the new theme song, "Slow Chemical," for the grappler The Rock not-so-affectionately refers to as "the big red retard." The band made a mildly bizarre appearance with Kane at the WWF's Fan Axess trade show in Toronto to help promote the WWF's new CD Forceable Entry. "We're probably the smallest band on there," said lead singer Scott Anderson. "But that doesn't matter. It's pretty good company." The compilation will also include mud-rock heroes like Saliva, Drowning Pool, Limp Bizkit and Disturbed. Anderson initially had reservations about doing the song. "I was a little icy on the whole idea but some of the guys were big wrestling fans," says Anderson. "Rick is a giant wrestling fan. James is a closet wrestling fan. Rich is on the fence. As a kid I thought it was awesome… not that I'm a snob about it, but I've grown out of it." Though Anderson describes "Slow Chemical" as "bulletproof cock rock," he's quick to point out that it's not indicative of how the next Finger Eleven album will sound. That album, which will be F11's third, is still in the idea phase. "The band is really happy," he said. "We're writing stuff every week. Taking our time. We've got about 11 ideas that are with us and we're still writing new stuff. Now we've got to write five or six more and then we'll seriously think about letting some producers hear it." Beyond that however, the band doesn't have any information. Tracklisting, title of record, release date — it's all still up in the air. "Nothing's solid yet," said Anderson. "There's no timeline. If you asked us last summer, we'd have said it would be out in September. Give it a couple weeks and it'll change." One thing Anderson did seem certain about however, was that Finger Eleven will be doing some major Canadian roadwork over the next six months, quite likely with one or more of the rumoured festival shows that could be happening. "We'll probably tour heavily this summer," he said. "That would be nice. Maybe some festivals… that's kinda in the works right now."


How far does Kane have to go to obtain the Undisputed title? I want Kane to challenge the champion and beat him down like the ass he is! One chokeslam and its all over! Who wouldnt want to see the Big Red Machine KANE, be the champ!



There is only ONE BIG RED MACHINE!