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Billy Gunn

BILLY /// Height: 6' 4"/// Weight: 268 pounds/// From: Austin, Texas/// Finishing move: Fame-Ass-Er /// Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion; 1999 King of the Ring; Hardcore Champion (2); World Wrestling Tag Team Champion (10, current)

Billy is the most decorated tag team competitor of all time, having won the World Wrestling Tag Team Championship on eight occasions, with two different partners. But now it seems Billy is interested in other kinds of decoration -- such as the headband he proudly adorns to signify that he's one half of the Billy & Chuck tag team combination. Billy won the Tag Team Championship three times as part of the Smokin' Gunns, and then five times as part of the New Age Outlaws. The Outlaws will go down in history as arguably the greatest duo in tag-team history, and certainly one of the most popular and successful. But although his days as an Outlaw are behind him, Billy seems happier than ever these days. For some reason, there's a spring in his step -- and a glimmer in his eye -- when he strolls out to the ring with his latest partner, Chuck. Like Billy, Chuck is another phenomenal athlete who is undeniably handsome. Likewise, Billy's credentials speak for themselves. He's arguably the best pound-for-pound athlete in the World Wrestling.