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Just when you thought it couldn't get any better in the APW, it does. As Paul Heyman has come up with a match never before seen, ANYWHERE! Yeah, that's right it's going to be the ROCK, The GREAT ONE, The PEOPLE's CHAMPION versus the HEARTBREAK, Shawn Micheals. Two of the most illustrious superstars ever to step foot in a ring. This match is sure to blow the roof off next monday night on RAW IS WAR! Now you got Shawn Micheals, the Main event, the Icon as some know him. One of the most entertaining superstar ever known. The founder of D-X, the once known bad boy of wrestling. But now he's changed his ways, still known as a Heartbreaker, Shawn Micheals has toned it down a little. But it DOENS'T MATTER. Good ole' HBK is going to have to bring it this Monday night. He's not facing any body, he's not facing a no name jabroni, he's GOIN' ONE ON ONE with the GREAT ONE! And let it be known that the Rock is going to do everything in his power to beat.. Shawn Micheals.

Now in both of these superstars careers, they have never encountered in one on one competition, or none that is up to the knowledge of the APW fans. But back in the day, these two never saw eye to eye. HBK strung the Rock along, back when Triple H was trying to take the Rock's spotlight. Yeah, you remember. The big Triple H/Rock feud. ONE of THE biggest rivalries to date. Now place both Triple H and the Rock in the ring, and Shawn Micheals as the referee. In a match that saw the Rock coming out almost the victor, something happened. As HBK snuck his little nose into things and gave The Rock one of the most devastating Super kicks (Sweet Chin Music), ever seen, costing the Rock a victory. Ever since the Rock's relationship has been sour with HBK, and this Monday night the Rock is exacting some revenge. Hahaha, and when the Rock's out for somebody you can expect their candy ass to get the SMACKDOWN! And this monday night on Raw is War, Shawn Micheals you can expect to get ya candy ass.. WHOOPED!

The Rock's time in APW, his last few matches. They were nothing. Now, this is BIG! Not for the Rock, but for Shawn Micheals. Shawn Micheals has to chance to stop, the APW future Heavyweight champion. Can he do it? HELL NO! If the Rock hasn't done it on countless times, he will do it again, and for poor ole HBK. That's a bad thing. First the Rock lays the SMACKDOWN on Christian, then the Rock "lets" Raven get a victory over him, now, now the Rock's gonna take Shawn Micheals to a very nice restaurant, serve him a double rock burger with extra Rock sauce, and after Shawn is good and full, the Rock, being the very nice person that he is, is going to take Micheals for a little ride, a ride down JABRONI DRIVE, and right into the SMACKDOWN HOTEL! Where the Rock already has HBK's reservation, and where he be sleeping? Jabroni, in the SMACKDOWN SUITE! Where HBK will then take one of the biggest naps in his life, and when he wakes up, he won't get the usual Stephanie McMahon handjob, no, he'll get the ROCK'S HAND SMACK DAB BETWEEN HIS EYES! Hahaha, HBK you're nothin' to the Rock.. NOTHIN'! So this Monday Night, you'll have to bring all you got, this monday night.. Shawn Micheals, Heartbreak Kid.. JUST BRING IT!

Fade up APW Logo. The scene opens naturally, outside of a church. The camera quickly flashes inside to see that the church is empty. Except for two people in the confessions boxes. Obviously the priest, and a man in need of guidance. The cameras get up closer to hear, listen in on what they're talking about.

" ...Through out most of my life, I've sat and watch as the world goes by. The advancements, the higher technology, the improvements the world has made. And then I see people changing also. Their attitudes towards others, their actions. Violence, acts of anger and sorrow. I've seen it all. It's often even shown me, the harsh and (saddens) unfair realities in the world. I mean, I remember this one incident.. they sat there mocking him, I still remember them mocking him... there cruel, childish voices, all of them hopping around him as if, sparing him for a moment or two before letting on with the punishment, and as if they were all in harmony they all said.. (pauses).. Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids! (starts to cry) I mean, why couldn't they just give him some cereal. That's all he wanted.. THAT'S ALL HE WANTED! "

The man breaks down and just crys. When suddenly the doors flies open to the church.


The Rock takes off his shades and looks around a bit.

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " WHOOO! The Rock can't remember the last time the Rock's been in church. The Rock remembers a little short puerto rican, but that's about it! "

The Rock laughs at the little inside joke. Before spotting the confessionals. The Rock walks over to them.


The Rock pulls the hysterical man out and climbs in.

' THE HOLY JABRONI ' The Priest: " OH, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! That man was crazy. All he talked about was Trix and... "

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! The Rock didn't come in here to hear you candy ass, no, the Rock came in here to do some talking himself.. so jabroni.. KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH! "

The Priest does just that. As the Rock continues.

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " Now it comes to the Rock's attention, that your in affiliation with Shawn Micheals? "

' THE HOLY JABRONI ' The Priest: " Why yes. He comes in here everyday for prayer, as a matter of fact he just left not too long ago. Why do you ask? "

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " Well that jabroni, expects to BEAT the Rock with the help of the man above.. watch let the Rock show you how it all went down. "

The Rock is now going to play the part of himself and Shawn Micheals.

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " Ahem! Ahem! Alright, the Rock's ready here we go: (HBK voice)' Rock, I'm going to tune the band up ' (rock voice) ' No you won't, you'll be tunin' up an ASS WHOOPIN' (snaps fingers) ' (HBK voice) ' You're going to be hearin' some SWEET CHIN MUSIC (stomps feet) ' (rock voice)' OH NO! Uh Uh! The Rock's gonna LAY THE SMACKDOWN ALLLL OVER YOUR CANDY ASS! ' (HBK voice) ' I have god on my side ' (rock voice) ' you can have god, the Rock's got his left foot, so JUST BRING IT! ' (HBK voice) ' No, you BRING IT! ' (rock voice) ' Oh please.. it's ALREADY BEEN BROUGHT! ' ... and the end. "

The Priest looks at the Rock puzzled.

' THE HOLY JABRONI ' The Priest: " Uhh, all you did right there was put some monlogues from, Bring it On. "

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " So you sayin' the Rock and Shawn Micheals didn't have that conversation? Huh? JABRONI!? Listen the Rock ain't got to lie, the Rock stood right there in front of Micheals and said everything he had to get off his chest. "

' THE HOLY JABRONI ' The Priest: " Okay, I'm sorry for doubting you. "

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " You better be jabroni, the Rock ain't got to lie to your candy ass. "


The man damn near scared the Rock out of his pants. As he jumped against the confessionals. The Rock steps out.

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " WHAT IN THEE BLUEST OF BLUE HELLS IS YOUR PROBLEM JABRONI! You out here talkin' all that jibberish, Trix are for kids, You startin' to sound like HBK.. thinkin' he has a chance against the Rock. He don't know that the Rock will LAY THE SMACKDOWN ON HIS CANDY ASS, AT ANY MOMENT! And you jabroni, you keep sayin' ' ALL HE WANTED WAS SOME CEREAL ' If that damn rabbit wanted some cereal he'd get some. The Rock's tired of hearin' your candy ass ramble on and on, about this. Now just SHUT YOUR MOUTH before you really PISS THE ROCK OFF! "


' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " Oh you makin' fun of the Rock now? Don't think the Rock'll do somethin' to your candy ass huh? "

The Rock winds up and.. SMACK! The man goes flying, as the Rock just smiles and laughs.

' THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP ' The Rock: " See that Micheals.. that's EXACTLY and the ROCK MEANS EXACTLY what's goin' to happen to you when you start to tune up the band. The Rock's already told your candy ass once before.. YOU CAN'T STOP THE ROCK, but knowin' good ole HBK.. Shawn Micheals is going to try. And it doesn't matter to the Rock, because in the end, it's only going to end up with YOU, Micheals goin' ONE ON ONE WITH THE GREAT ONE! Monday Night.. Raw is War, Shawn Micheals versus the Rock, in front of the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Rock's fans.. and the Rock's gonna electrify. The Rock's gonna show each and everyone of them fans that the Rock, IS UNSTOPPABLE! And Micheals your candy ass, IS NEXT! So Bring it! Bring ALLLL OF IT.. because on Monday at RAW IS WAR.. HBK will HIT ROCK BOTTOM! "

The Rock looks up at the ceiling, and yells..


The brings his head down, and giving the people's eyebrow.. before leaving the church, as the scene fades to black.

- Role-Play Information -

Role-play Number: 004
APW Record: W/01 L/01 D/00
APW Accolades:
Coming Soon

- Event Information -

Event: Raw is War
Opponent: Shawn "HBK" Micheals
Stipulation: Singles
Event Date: March 21st, 2005
Title: Non-Title

- Hit Rock Bottom -

- Christian