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The scene opens inside the raised ranch home of "The Real Deal" Mike Austin just outside Dayton, Ohio. The time is 5:00am and the sound of an alarm clock is going off...


Mike Austin reaches over and shuts off the alarm and mumbles under his breath as he rises out of bed and steps into the bathroom and takes a shower and begins to sing to himself as he lathers up.....

Mike Austin: " Oh Lord it's hard to be humble,when you're perfect in every way...(pauses)..I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better lookin' each day..(pauses)..To know me is to love me..I must be a hell of a man...Oh Lord it's hard to be Humble..but I'm doin' the best that I can!" (laughs)

Mike then turns off the water, and dries himself off and puts on a pair of boxers and a pair of Levi's jeans and applies some deodorant and then puts on a black "Nike" tanktop that has the "Just do it" logo,he combs his hair and then picks up his gear bag and heads out the door and climbs into his Black Nissan X-Terra and procedes to drive off to Drakes Downtown Gym for another vigorous workout....


The scene reopens as Mike Austin pulls into the parking lot of Mom's Diner and pulls into a vacant space in the front and steps out and enters the diner....

Hostess: "Good morning Mr. Austin, would you like your usual table?"

Mike Austin: "Yes Alyson, that would be fine, actually anything thats not in the smoking section would be fine with me!"

Hostess: "Not a problem Mr. Austin...right this way."

The hostess leads Mike over to a booth in the corner and hands him a menu and motions for the waitress to come over....

Suddenly..a very attractive and voluptuous blonde woman appears holding a pot of coffee and procedes to fill Mike's cup, Mike looks up and can't help but to feel that he has seen this woman before but can't quite figure it out, he looks up at her chest and notices that her name tag has been scribbled over with a black marker....

Mike Austin: " look awefully familiar to me (pauses) what's your name toots?"

Waitress: "Well...I'll give you a hint, my names NOT toots, but my friends call me T.S. !"

Mike Austin: "T.S huh? Who the fuck are you kidding with this T.S shit? You're Trish Stratus aren't you?"

Waitress: "Um..uh...NO! I just look EXACTLY like her but it's not me...I mean she's not her...I mean...I'm not her!"

Mike Austin: "Ha Ha...well, you are definitely a true blonde thats for sure! Now just bring me a short stack and a toasted English muffin and a large orange juice, (pauses) did ya get all that Trish or do ya need to go sharpen your crayon?"

Waitress: "YEA...I got it! I'll be right back with your order sir!" (mumbles under her breath) "shit...I can't believe that asshole recognized me, how embarrassing!"


As the waitress walks away Mike picks up the Dayton Daily newspaper he brought inside and begins to read , when he suddenly hears the sound of a man clearing his throat and he puts down the paper and notices GCW reporter Steve Kirk standing in front of him....

Steve Kirk: "Um..excuse me for interrupting Mr. Austin but I seen you come in and I was wondering if I can ask you a few questions regarding your upcomming match against Davyd North?"

Mike Austin appears to look very annoyed but motions for Steve Kirk to have a seat at his table...

Mike Austin: "I suppose so Kirk, but if you ask me to share my breakfast I'm gonna knock you the fuck out!"

Steve Kirk: "Um..not at all Mike, can I call you Mike or do you prefer Mr. Austin?"

Mike Austin: "Mr. Austin is my father, you may call me Mike, Now what's on your inconsiderate mind this morning Kirk?"

Steve Kirk: "Well have made a very impressive impact here in the GCW in the short period you've been here, you have not only managed to get under the skin of your upcoming opponent Davyd North but also managed to have people such as him and X-Con question the controversial business relationship between you and the GCW's General Manager...Mike Money?"

Mike Austin: "Controversial? What the hell was so controversial about it ? Mike Money knows about my history and past accomplishments and Mike Money KNOWS talent when he see's it! It's as simple as that !!! NOTHING controversial about it Kirk! Now the reason Mike Money has brought me to the GCW is absolutely no secret to anyone, he has made it perfectly clear to everyone that matters why he's asked me to join this organization and I don't intend to let him down, I intend to make this North guy eat every degrading remark he's said about me, and I thought X-Con talked alot of shit...geez this North guy really takes the cake!"

Steve Kirk: "Well...I don't mean no disrespect Mike, but I am almost positive that beating Davyd North this Saturday and advance onto X-Con will certainly be no easy task! I BOTH have alot to gain by winning this match and despite X-Con's recent comments he will certainly have his hands full nomatter which one of you he ends up facing in that number one contendership match for the State Title!"

Mike Austin: "Well that goes without saying Kirk, but just exactly what is the bottom line of this interview? My time is very valueable, get to the point will ya!"

Steve Kirk: "Well..I recently had the pleasure of catching up with your upcoming opponent Davyd North and....."

Mike Austin:(interrupting) "Did I just hear you right Kirk? You had the "Pleasure" of interviewing Davyd North? NO..correction Kirk, your interrupting me during breakfast, on MY personal time! Therefore if you have the pleasure of interviewing anybody it's ME! And speaking of breakfast where's that bitch with my order?"

As Mike's last statement ends the waitress arrives with a tray and places his pancakes and juice and muffin in front of him....

Mike Austin: "'s about freakin time! What were ya doin back there? Givin the busboy a ride in your hummer?"

Waitress: "NO ! And for your information I happen to drive a S2000 not a Hummer! And I'm awefully sorry about the wait, can I get you anything else?"

Mike Austin: "No thank you Trish, I don't have all day! But if you'd like I can give you a tip now....Don't breathe underwater! Ha Ha..actually I'm feeling kind of generous today so here's another tip for ya...Don't eat the yellow snow! Ha Ha Ha!"

Waitress: "Very Funny...I'll go get your check!"

Mike Austin: "Take your sweet ass time toots, and say hello to The Game for me, or is it The Money? or just say hello to whoever the hell is curling your toes nowadays!"

Waitress: "I don't know what the hell your talking about! I'll be right back with your check!"

Steve Kirk: "Don't you think that was a little uncalled for? She's just doing her job!"

Mike Austin: "Hey...I just call it like I see it Kirk, now let's wrap this up before my breakfast gets cold!"

Steve Kirk: " last question you plan on using any type of special stragedy when you go up against a man thats the caliber of Davyd North"

Mike Austin: "Caliber? What the hell Kirk? Is his name Davyd North or Smith and Wesson? Well..I do have to admit that despite some of the remarks I may have made I certainly don't take this North guy lightly, He was wrong when he made his little statement that I put everyone beneath me and I underestimate everyone! I have news for Davyd North and anyone else that questions my abilities...I have not made it to the level I'm at and haven't won all the past championships I obtained and haven't ended prestigious careers by underestimating ANYONE! And I know he damn well wasn't referring to me when he made his comment regarding baby face champions that cry when they lose because first of all as handsome as I may be I am far from being a baby face, and secondly...I never lost any title I've ever won! I'll admit, I have studied up on this North guy and he is impressive to an extent, and I never said that it would be easy to beat him, but he also better realize that I am however The Real Fuckin' Deal and I'm not to be taken lightly so this Saturday Davyd North will be in for a serious "Reality Check" and he also claims he's gonna throw,beat,kick,punch and drag my so called no talent ass all around the ring like a rag doll? Yea right! What color is the sky on your planet North? Now if you'll excuse me Kirk, my breakfast is getting cold, and since you've took up too much of my time already you can have the pleasure of paying my check!"

Steve Kirk: (standing up) Thank you once again for your time Mike, and I look forward to watching your match on Saturday."

Mike Austin: "Why are you still here Kirk? Get lost already!"

As Steve Kirk walks away and steps over to the register to pay the check, Mike Austin takes a sip of his orange juice and pours syrup on his pancakes and then picks the newspaper back up as the scene fades to black.....