Roleplay Number 3
Opponent Just Read
Win / Loss Record 1 - 0 - 0
Achievements 'Franchise' of The WW

After The Franchise had his debut match against Xpac and won.Shane Douglas has to face the man that ran from him in the WWA and tonight all the talk is over and in this match Shane Douglas will be the man that take his pride from him and Edge will never be the same again.So Edge tonight prepare to get your ass...


We are live in the Firstar Center in Cinninati,Ohio and we are waiting on some words from The Franchise on the fact that he has to face Edge in a match that will be the match of the night.The scene has Shane Douglas is walking up the staring to the enrtance and then his music hits and then Shane Douglas comes to the ring and Shane Douglas comes out to the entry way and then he walks down the ramp and then he hops on the apron and then he steps in the ring and then he walks over to Lilian Garcia and grabs a mic and he begins to speak.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| Edge tonight I am gonna do the same thing I did to that bitch Xpac and that is shut your ass up.You think that you can come out here and talk about The Franchise.You see Edge your all talk.But the talk is over cause I am gonna make you get on your knees and beg for mercy.You see The Franchise is here to make an impact and The Franchise will be the first WW world champion and tonight I will prove it to you and the whole world will know my name and thats The Franchise Shane Douglas.

The camera focuses directly on 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas, as he begins to speak.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| Edge tonight The Franchise Shane Douglas will not only beat you but The Franchise will make you his personal bitch.and if you want to try anything stupid you will get your ass beat.Edge this will be our second match and I will be the won that wins it and now I won't stop until I get the World Title around my waist.And Edge your victim number 2.You can come out here with your long blonde hair and flashing a smile here and there but that shit ain't gonna get you no where.Tonight The Franchise is ready The Franchise has been training all week for this match and Edge you ain't gonna be able to run from me this time cause I will finish your career.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| In the WWA Edge you know that I coulsd have beat you but the fed closed and you came here so I followed you and I knew that one day that we would me again in the ring and tonight is the night where the hunted gets caught and Shane Douglas will be the one who wins the game and the one that will not stop untill he gets a title around his waist.

The camera draws closer to Shane Douglas.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| Edge no one and I mean no one will stop me and Shane Douglas will be the man that gets the gold.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| Now on to other news The Franchise is starting The New D-Genneration X,if you want it The Franchise will be in the back just come on in and The Franchise will handle it.Triple H I want you in D-Generation X and I want you to be my tag team partner and I want to get The Tag Team Gold.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| So Edge the countdown is on.TICK TOCK TICK TOCK you have a few hours to get your ass ready cause The Franchise will kick your ass.

Shane pauses for a moment,then he continues.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| You bastards in the crowd can kis my ass for all I care and you think that you can beat me don't sing it just bring it.I gotta get outta here you guys reek.

||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| I can't stand you Cinncinati,Ohio assholes I gotta get outta here you all stink.Oh yeah....YOU JUST GOT YOUR ASS...


||- 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas -|| And that's a fact, JACKASS! Ahahahaha...

The Franchise Shane Douglas drops the mic and D-Generation X's theme hits and then Shane gets out and then Shane walks to the backstage area.