The Cliq
Members: Kevin Nash, Trish Stratus, and Shawn Michaels
The beginning
Getting to know those you don't know just a little bit better
IPWE's greatest defining moment

***** IPWE, has never yet begun to imagine what an impact the nWo would have on them. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever imagine the nWo would make such an impact, so quickly. Even though they have done nothing physically. Their mental impact is bigger than no other. The mental impact of the nWo is way larger than any such physical impact that could even be thought to be mustered. Then again, who said anything about the nWo? Why would Shawn "HBK" Michaels, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash, and Trish Stratus want to reinact the nWo, when in fact they could reinact something even more powerful, something even more meaningful. With one missing ingredient, but that is for a later date. Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, two of the best of friends in the industry, two of the biggest clowns in the business as well. We now find Kevin, Shawn, and Trish residing in the home of HBK in San Antonio, Texas. Trish flipping through a copy of "Oxygen" magazine and Big Kev sleeping in a black leather chair with leather foot rest, snoring like a bear, fast asleep. Finally Shawn Michaels is out on the balcony of his house, looking over the railing and down below and even far away. Trish gets up from her reading and tries to awaken the sleeping giant, but only manages to make his snoring not to so rhythmic. Trish then walks out to greet her other friend, The Heartbreak kid. She leans up against the side, arms semi-crossed, looking over.

Trish: It's beautiful from up here, isn't Shawn?

Shawn: I really don't think about that Trish, I just come out here to think and just guessing, but you know why I come out here and not in there to think.

Trish: Why? Because of that big behemoth Kevin Nash snoring in your leather seat like an ogre.

Shawn: (slight laughter) Yeah Trish, it's him that allows me not to be able to really think, or get a hold of my own though. So I come out here and relax to be by myself. I mean don't get me wrong, Kev is a great guy to hang around, he's one of my truest and most dear best friends, but when he sleeps is when I like to sleep and quite frankly, I don't know any man who could sleep with that snoring going on. Makes you think you're being robbed hearing it.

Trish: (laughs) Why are you and Kevin so nice to me, Shawn?

Shawn: You're a great person Trish. You're a great person to be around, talk to, open up to. If you weren't, one you'd be somewhere other than my house, and two I'd have the cops called on you for trespassing. (laughs)

Trish: (laughs) Ah, so what now?

Shawn: Well Trish, usually now is when I take the girl closer and starts kissing her, but you're just a friend who I talk to. So I guess we find some common ground, something to build a relationship off of.

Trish: Ah, why is it you're so charming around everyone? I mean everyone loves you and loves to be around you. Why is that Shawn?

Shawn: Hey, I'm the Heartbreak Kid sweetheart, how can you not love me? (laughs) Besides, we're all our own person, why try to deny who we really are? I'm charasmatic, one of the true best, all I do is be myself and it obvious works and gets people to like me and think I'm "cool".

Trish: So, what about ICWE?

Shawn: What about it? I mean it's another promotion that is going to exploit me for my raw and unique talent base. I'm a true icon, the show stoppa. I know I'm going to be exploited by the IPWE, I just want back in the ring, just not really to be seen all that much, IPWE seems like a small, quiet promotion that can give me the in-ring performance that I love.

Trish: Ah, well I'm there with you and Kevin all the way, Shawn.

Shawn: Thanks Trish, I'll remember you saying that. (smiles) Remember now, I'm a married man.

Trish: (grins) I know Shawn, and remember you're the one who said we're just friends, I won't push it. (continues to grin)

***** The big behemoth in Kevin Nash finally awakens from his long nap, and walks out onto the balcony, Trish and Shawn not aware he is up. He comes up behind them and hugs them both and smies, then begins to laugh in his "Big Sexy" goofing around way.

Nash: Group hug!

Shawn: (surprise for a seconds) Hey Nash, enjoy your slumber?

***** Nash stands up straight and gets that goofy open mouthed grin as he nods his head up and down like a dork.

Nash: Yup, yup I surely did! No, not really, the damn chair arms kept restraining me.

Trish: I never had problems with that. (looks at Nash, all the way up) Then again, I'm not seven feet tall.

Nash: True, but then again, I don't get alot of threats either, and neither do my friends when I'm around. So I figure a little discomfort is worth being as large as I am.

Shawn: Nor do your friends want to piss you off Kev.

Nash: Sometime it's good to be feared, but on other ocassions, uh, it's kind of can be lonely, I guess.

Shawn: I hear ya big Kev, but ya know? I've never really had that problem, wonderful wife, great friends, now I can see where that would differ if I were as big as you, but then again, you always have me big buddy!

***** Kev and Shawn begin to cry in a playful manner as they embrace. Trish just nods, smiles, and exits the room. Kev and Shawn look over at her and look to themselves and shrug.

Kev/Shawn: (in unison) Whatever! (both pause then look back at Trish who still has a smirk on her face as she winks at one of them. They both look at one another and shake their heads) Women! (both reenter the house and take a seat on Michael's black leather sofa.

Shawn: So Nash, you ready for the ICWE? (Nash nods) What, no words from you Big Kev? That's highly unlike you. (in shock, sort of)

Kev: Man, cool it, I just woke up. Don't expect me to be myself until around... Uh two hours from now. Oh well screw it... ICWE, heads are going to roll! Big Sexy in the HOUSSSEEE! (both him and Michaels to their little wolfpac hand signal then laugh together) We're going to rock the ICWE my friend.

Shawn: Game face... (Nash's face gets serious, then they both crack up) Anyway Nash, old debts, old alliance forged, could it be? Could ICWE be a new chance for old alliance?

Kevin: What do you mean friend?

Shawn: Later, you'll see.

***** With those words said Michaels flips on the television to a rerun of Robot Wars on TNN.

Shawn: This is just great, look at what we do with our technology? We only find better ways to compete against one another.

Kev: I usually prefer violence with my hands, not some metal object... If I have a grudge I don't want a damn piece of metal fighting it out for me. I do it myself.

***** With those few words spoken by 'The Cliq' the scene cuts off.