The Chosen One at Armageddon
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The Chosen One!!!"

The Chosen One
Name: Double J Jeff Jarrett

Achievements: None Yet

Next Match: Debut

Finishing Move: The Stroke

Now Choke on that Slapnutz!

OK just a short disclaimer, this roleplay is the copyrighted property of Me (Joe.) This roleplay is not endorsed by any of the characters in this roleplay and is in no way associated with the WWE, WXW, WWF, CWF or any other wrestling orginization. The following roleplay was written by me. Thanx to Chairmen2k1 for the Jarrett Banner. I did not make this layout my friend made this and gave it to me so give the credit to him.
The Chosen One is back.......

The Chosen One's Pay Per View Debut

..::[The Scene opens up in the middle of New York City outside a plaza with a couple stores and buildings inside it. Its very dark almost pitch black outside because there is no moon. It must be atleast eleven oclock because some of the stores across the s treet are closing. The camera man begins to walk in to the plaza parkinglot as a couple cars pull in and park. He focuses in on one of the stores signs and it Blockbuster Video. The camera man shruggs and walks over to the Blockbuster Video. He opens the two large doors with the word Enter on it. He walks in and opens another set of doors. He focuses in on the people looking around. A couple men, a teenage girl, and an old woman are walking around. He starts walking through a couple rows of DVDs and stops . He sees a couple wrestling DVDs at the bottom of the shelf and bends down to look at them. He focuses the camera in on them. There are about four of them, WWE Wrestlemania , The Man Goldberg Upclose, and The Chosen One. He shruggs and picks up The Chosen One DVD and smiles. Suddenly a man behind him tapps on his shoulder. The camera man turns around and finds out that The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett is standing right behind him . Jarrett is wearing his expensive one hundred dollar orange sunglasses, a black and white NwO shirt, and black pants. He is carrying a bag that looks to be in the shape of a guitar. Everyone knows that the famous Slapnutz guitar is in there. Jarrett drops his bag and begins to talk.]::..

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Hey slapnuts! What the hell do you think your doing with my damn DVD! You dont deserve to touch or even look at anything that has to do with The Chosen One. So how about you give me back my damn DVD before you find out what I do to people who mess around with The Chosen One s things.

..::[Camera Man]::.. I m sorry Mr. Jar.........

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Shut the hell up Slappy! I told you not to talk in front of The Chosen One! Give me back my damn DVD!

..::[The nWa Camera man hands Jarrett his DVD and Jarre tt throws him out of the way as The Chosen One makes his way towards the Xbox Video Game Rentals. He stops In front of a couple rows full of Xbox games and he picks up nWa:Smackdown and looks at it. He reads the l ist of superstars that you are able to choose from on the back and doesnt see Jeff Jarrett. He gets pretty pissed off and talks to some guy walking around him looking at some of the Playstation 2 Games.]::.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Hey jackass, why the hell isnt the Chosen One in this damn game? This game has to be the worst ever without The Chosen One.

..::[Some Guy]::.. Who the hell do you think your talking to bitch? You think you can talk to me like that? You better bring your tone down a little before I make you turn it down.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. You think your going to turn my tone down slapnuts? You aient going to do nothing to The Chosen One so I wouldnt even try jackass.

..::[Some Guy]::.. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. I am the only man that matters around this damn place because I got all the damn Stroke around here slappy! I am the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett of the National Wrestling Association bitch!

..::[The man walks away as Jarrett curses him. Jarrett shakes his head and laughs. He begins to walk up to the Blockbuster counter as the camera man follows him. He walks into a huge line because only one employee is working at the counter. He pushes his way to the second pers on in line. He takes the movies from the person in front of him and throws it behind him and pushes the person out of his way.]::..

..::[Employee]::.. Excuse me sir but what do you think you are doing? You cant just move people out of line and throw their movies away. You cant just cut in line like that sir so please get to the back of the line before I have to get my manager.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. I dont think so slapnutz! The Chosen One aient moving anywhere until he finds out what he wants to know so shut the hell up and let me speak slappy! Why the hell am I not in this game nWa:Smackdown? You better give me some reasons.

..::[Employee]::.. Im sorry sir but its not up to me whos in the game or not. You have to ask the makers of the game. Who are the makers of that game?

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. I dont give a shit about the damn makers! Give me some damn reasons right now before there is some ass kicking around this place!

..::[Employee]::.. Please sir there is no need for violence. What is your name?

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. What is my name? Are you kidding me jackass........I am the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett!

..::[Employee]::.. Sir.....

..::[Jarrett interrupts the employee by grabbing t he game a nd throwing at the employee hitting her in the face with it. He grabs a few bags of candy from a stand near him and walks out of the Blockbuster. People in the store are disgusted and surprised at Jarrett as his limo pulls up to the store and he ge ts in. The camera fades to black as Jarrett speeds away in the limo.]::..

..::[The nWa goes to commercial as the nWa logo flashes across the screen and a picture of Vince McMahon appears under it.]::..

nWa Smackdown goes to Commercial

Luggz Commercial Armageddon Preview nWa Ticket Sales Gatorade Commercial

nWa Smackdown Comes back from Commercial

..::[The Scene opens up outside the Joe Luis Arena i n Detroit Michiganin the middle of nWa Smackdown! People are still seen entering the Joe Luis Arena expecting to see some of Smackdown! Some people are wearing nWa superstar attire and some are just wearing plain street clothes. One man is dressed in all Triple H wrestling attire and his wife is in all Rock attire. They obviously like different nWa superstars. A man runs by wearing all Jeff Jarrett attire including Jarrett's tradmark expensive orange glasses and what looks to be a rubber Slapnutz guitar. T he guitar looks to be real but probably is fake. The man looks exactly like Jarrett but most of the people around him think that it is just a fan that is a Jeff Jarrett fanatic. Suddenly a man wearing street clothes runs by the camera man and runs past t h e ticket holders without handing a ticket to them. The ticketmen call the Security and they grab the man. They carry him and throw him to the curb just outside the arena. Security laughs and walks back into the arena expecting many more people doing the s a me thing throughout the night. The line for entering the arena is out to the street as peeople take their time taking their Smackdown tickets out of their pockets and handing them to the ticketmen. The camera man shows his pass and walks into the arena . H e walks up one of the excalators and walks down a very large hallway seeing many food restaurants, and nWa attire stores. People are walking throughout the hall back and forth and some are just watching the match in the ring through the large TVs hangi n g f r om the ceiling. The camera man focuses in one of the TVs. The match that is taking place in the ring is for the Intercontinental Championship Title. between Billy Gunn, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, and Shawn Michaels. The match is almost over as Christ i an an d Matt Hardy are battling it out outside the ring and Shawn Michaels and the IC Champion Billy Gunn are wrstling in the middle of the ring. The fans are on their feet cheering and screaming for all four of the nWa Superstars. Billy Gunn and Michaels grappl e and Billy Gunn gets the upper hand. He kicks him in the stomach and connects Michaels with The Fame Asser! He pins HBK for the three count as the fans give Gunn a rising ovation. The referee grabs his arm and raises it showing that he is the winn e r to th e nWa fans watching the match. The ref hands him his title and Gunn raises it. He clims the turnbuckle and raises it again as the fans cheer. He poses and gets down from the turnbuckle. He rolls out of the ring and walks up the entrance ramp towar ds the ba ckstage area. The camera flashes inside the arena where nWa Commentators Tazz and Michael Cole are waiting at ringside. They are sitting next to the nWa Commentary Table.]::..

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. That was a hell of a match Cole! I knew that Mr. Ass Billy Gunn would come out on top though in the end Michael.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Yeah me too Tazz. When Gunn connected with the Fame Asser on Michaels I knew it was all over and Gunn would continue to keep his IC Championship.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Haas and Matt Hardy didnt even know what was happening in the ring Cole! They were battling outside the ring and were kicking the shit out of eachother!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Well they both suck anyways Tazz so it didnt really matter. These two great nWa superstars will meet again though Tazz next sunday in a Singles match!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Not just any Singles match though Cole! A Singles match that decides who is the DX leader!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Right now there are two DX factions here in the nWa. One is led by none other than the legend The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels and the other is led by Mr. Ass Billy Gunn! Both of the factions ahave very good superstars in them though.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Yeah Cole, in the New Age Outlaws which is led by Gunn has a very old member of Degeneration X and isnt new to the wrestling sport X-Pac!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. In DX led by Michaels though Tazz Shawn Ohaire is on his side.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Well we will have to see what happens next sunday at nWa Armageddon on Pay Per View! This match will change the future of DX here in the nWa.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Yes it will Tazz! now thats not the only match that will change the future of the nWa! There are two main events signed out of the eleven matches by nWa Owner Vince McMahon.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. One of the main events will be between Rene Dupree and Rob Van Dam for the World Title of the nWa!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Thats not the only match for the World Title though Tazz. In the second main event at Armageddon Chris Jericho will wrestle against Christian!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Those two matches will forever change the nWa!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Not only the nWa Tazz but the sport of wrestling all together!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Well i gurantee one thing and that is that nWa Armageddon will be the best Pay Per View ever!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Damn straight Tazz.

..::[The camera man is shown backstage where many newly employeed nWa staff members are working with wiring and other stuff like that. The hallway is overcrouded with machinery carrying equipment from one place to another, the cameraman realizes that it is not the safest place to be so he walks in through these two doors, he is n o w in a more vacant and quite area, he ha s walked into the hallway in which all the nWa superstars locker rooms are located. The camera man realizes that with even all the machinery and busy people this hallway is alot more dangerous. any minute any nWa s u perstar could walk out through their door s and kick the shit out of the camera man. he begins to walk really slowly so the nWa superstars wont hear him, he passes locker rooms to such nWa superstars like, Kurt angle, Triple H, Christian, The The Man Gold b erg, Chris Jericho and The Heartbreak Kid S hawn Michaels. The Camera Man finally reaches the end of the hall when a door swings open, the camera man without looking back quickly runs out of the hall, he finds himself in a big open room with no people jus t open equipment lying on the floor. Suddenl y the camera man lets out a big sigh of relief as he now knows that he is out of danger. he steps through more doors and finds himself backstage. he could use the air, but that quickly changes, one of the nWa su p erstars limo pulls up and the camera man tha t is not feeling to good hides behind the garbage bin, the limo pulls up and you can read the word "SLAPNUTZ" on the liscence plate. The fans quickly erupt when they see this on the titantron, the limo comes to a stop as the back door swings open. Out step s Jeff Jarrett from the limo. He grabs his stuff and equipment from the trunk and tips the driver only a five. The driver looks confused as Jarrett walks away holding a bag in the shape of a guitar. People kno w that in the bag is the tradmark of Jeff Jarre tt a Slapnutz guitar. He smiles into the camera and walks through two very large entrance doors. He walks in and finds the clerks desk.]::..

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Hey slapnutz, where the hell is my damn locker room.

..::[nWa Clerk]::.. I'm sorry sir I'm a little busy. I'll get to you in a few minutes.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. What the hell? You'll get to me slapass! How about you get to me right now jackass and tell me where my locker room is before i have to kick the shit out of you.

..::[nWa Clerk]::.. Ok sir, what is your name?

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. What is my name? Are you kidding me jackass.......My name is the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett! You better find me my locker room.

..::[The nWa Clerk takes out a black clipboard with a few papers attached to it. He looks at the first paper and doesnt see it. He flips the second page......then the third page and doesnt see Jeff Jarrett on the list.]::..

..::[nWa Clerk]::.. I'm sorry sir but you are not scheduled to be here tonight so we dont have a locker room set up for you.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. What the hell? Let me see that damn clipboard....

..::[nWa Clerk]::.. No I'm sorry Mr. Jarrett......Only nWa employees and workers are allowed to see this clipboard.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::..To hell with that slappy!

..::[Jarrett takes out his Slapnutz guitar from the bag and slams it over the clerks head knocking her to the floor. Jarr ett walks away happily. He is scene walking down the hallway and stops in front of nWa owner Vince McMahon's office. He looks at the Armageddon Card and laughs.]::..

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. What the hell is this Vince?

..::[Jarrett opens the door to Vince's office and walks in. Vince is sitting in his leather chair next to his desk on the phone. He sees Jarrett walk in and looks surprised. He continues to talk on the phone.]::..

..::[Vince McMahon]::.. Yeah you have a match at Armageddon next Sunday.


..::[Vince McMahon]::.. Yeah youll be in a singles match against Jeff Jarrett.


..::[Vince McMahon]::.. Yeah The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett. So be there on Sunday in Madison Square Garden...... New York City!

..::[Pause then McMahon hangs up the phone and looks at Jarrett.]::..

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Who the hell were you just talking to slappy? .

..::[Vince McMahon]::.. I was talking to Hunter damnit..Whos going to kick your ass at Armageddon next Sunday night!

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. To the hell with that slapass! After I am done with Triple H in Madison Square Garden youll need to find a replacement slapnutz to take his place!

..::[Vince McMahon]::.. We'll see about that damnit! Oh yeah and Jeff I have to talk to you about something thats going to happen at Armageddon.

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Alrite Slappy, what the hell do you want.

..::[Vince gets up and pushes the camera man out of the office. He drops the camera a nd it smashes to the ground. Jarrett picks up the pieces of the camera and throws them outside the office with the camera man and slams the door of the office on him.]::..

..::[The camera flashes inside the arena and focuses in on Tazz and Michael Cole sitting at ringside.]::..

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Vince McMahon was on the phone with Triple H Tazz!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Yeah I heard him talking on the phone at the same time as you did dumbass! It sounds like Vince thinks The Game is going to win that singles match next Sunday at Armageddon!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. I dont know Tazz...but I wonder why Vince had to talk to Jeff Jarrett.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. It must be something very important because Vince broke the camera mans camera and Jarrett threw him out of the office!

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Yeah maybe its about his match?

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. I dont think so Michael. It must be something much more important than the match.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Much more than the match? Your are right Tazz it is just a singles non title match but this is Jarretts debut match in the nWa!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Damn straight Michael.

..::[Suddenly Jeff Jarretts Theme Music hits over the National Wrestling Association Public Address System CowBo y Ch..Ch...Ch.... Chosen Hits as Jeff Jarrett walks out from the backstage area with his Slapnutz Guitar wearing his black shirt that says Now Choke On That on the front side of the shirt and on the back it says Slapnutz! Jeff Jarrett stand on the entranc e ramp as the fans stand up holding their Jeff Jarrett rubber guitars and signs for The Chosen One. The crowd gives Jeff Jarrett a rising ovation as Jeff Jarrett raises his Slapnutz guitar i n the air as he walks down the entrance ramp towards the ring wea r ing his very expensive orange sunglasses. He gets in the ring as the crowd cheers. He takes off his sunglasses and grabs his Guitar then jumps up on the ropes and raises his Guitar in the air as the white pyros go off behind him! Jarrett gets down from th e ropes and grabs the micraphone from the ring announcer then waits for the crowd to calm down and sit down before he starts to talk.]::..

..::[The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett]::.. Welcome to Slapnutz city here in Detroit Michigan where the Lions havent been to the playoffs in like twenty years. Now who the hell cares about the damn Lions I got more important slapasses to talk about. Now onto that slapnutz Vince McMahon that thinks he can put The Chosen One in a match with a slapass like Triple H. Why the hell wou l d you do that Vince? You think that Triple H actually deserves to get in the ring with The Chosen One? I dont think so slapass because I got all the stroke around here! Now you can keep the match on the card but youll just have Triple H lying in the ring i n pieces after I'm done with him and youll know why I told you jackass not to put him in the ring with The Chosen One. Now onto that slapnutz Triple H! Now Triple H you call yourself The Cerebral Assasin or The Game? You think that the Chosen One actually cares what you call yourself or these slapasses in this arena? I dont give a damn what you call yourself because the only thing that matters is The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett! You think that your a bigshot around the nWa because you were a WCW World Champion in the WWE? Who the hell cares about the damn WCW? World Championship Wrestling went out of business because you had the title. Now that the WCW is gone no one cares about you being a damn champion. The Chosen One isnt going to play your so called game th o ugh Triple H. I am going to own you in the ring next sunday and toss you from one side of the ring to the other and I will show you why I am The Chosen One slapnuts! Once you step in that damn ring in Madison Square Garden in New York Sunday Night youll regret it. Youll be broken in half after The Chosen One is done with you! You dont deserve to get in the ring with The Chosen One. Hell you dont even deserve to look or talk to the Chosen One slapnutz! You might have more wins here in the nWa than the Chos en One but this is the debut of Double J into the nWa. Many wins are to come because I am the Icon, The Showstoppa, The Most Electrifying Man in sports entertainment today, Double J Jeff Jarrett so Choke on That Slapnutz!]::..

..::[Suddenly Jeff Jarrett\rquote s Theme Music hits over the National Wrestling Association Public Address System CowBoy Ch...Ch..Ch.. Chosen Hits as Jeff Jarrett raises his Slapnutz Guitar as the crowd cheers! The pyros again go off as Jarrett walks out of the ring, back up the entrance ramp, and to his locker room.]::.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. That was quite an appearance by The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Well he sounds like he is very focused on winning his match agaist The Game Triple H at our next Pay Per View.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. He sure sounds like it Tazz but Triple H is one of our greatest superstars here in the nWa today!

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. Werent you listening to what Double J was saying. He says he doesnt give a shit about what you think of Triple H.

..::[Michael Cole]::.. Well we have to go to a commercial break.

..::[ECW Legend Tazz]::.. When we come back our main event match will start! That should be a hell of a match Cole!

..::[The nWa goes to commercial as the camera fades to black and the nWa logo flashes across the screen then the Smackdown logo.]::..

nWa Smackdown goes to Commercial

Luggz Commercial Armageddon Preview nWa Ticket Sales Gatorade Commercial

nWa Smackdown Comes back from Commercial

..::[nWa Smackdown comes back from commercial with The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett scene walking out of Vince McMahon's locker room with a smile on his face. He walks down the hallway and to his limo to leave the Joe Luis Arena]::..

..::[The scene flashes back into the arena where the nWa Smackdown Main Event is just about to start. Fans are in anticiption waiting for the match to start!]::..