~Simply Electrifying~

( XWF's Monday Massacre is only four days away. The Universal Champion, The Brand is ready to go, with alot on his mind. Not only is Golden Boy his opponent for Monday, but the problem of The Demo Pac hot on The Brand's heels. The marked man has his work cut out for him. The first step in his Era started three months ago. Three months ago where he defeated six superstars in a month to become the companies top man. Three months later still the champion, Brand is fighting not only for the Universal Championship, but also against Cooper. Cooper always seems to come back in some way. Owner or wrestler, he's orchistrating carnage one way or the other. Along with him, he's brought The Demo Pac back to life. It's members? Three new lackeys standing behind Cooper. Three men who are no stranger to the XWF, but sold out none the less. Brand has been surrounded, but he's recognized his calling to step up as the leader. With no choice to put The Demo Pac issue aside, The Universal Champion most focus on his opponent for Monday Night. Though it's not for title, he's stands by his talk as there is "no man who can contend with The Primoversal Champion." He has a tough opponent, but The Brand has faced many tough opponents throughout his entire career, some things will never change...)

(We begin our scene with a long shot of the ESPN HQ. Outside cars have filled the parking lot, studio members wheel in camera's from the outside into the building. Near the right side of the arena, mass amounts of T.V. vans and media members crowd the loading lane. Cameramen set up outside, while news reporters get prepared for their broadcast. A few reporters stand at the far end of the lane, staring down at the Security Gate. They chat amongst themselves, obviously waiting for something. Suddenly, down at the security gate, a limosuine pulls up. Each of the reporters look over at the gate with wide eyes. The security guard opens the gate, and the limosuine turns in. The media dashes towards the limo. Who could it be? The limo slows down avoiding slamming into the media, then pulls up next to the curb. It comes to the stop as the media crowds around the limo, peering into the back tinted window for a glance of the man inside. The driver exits the limo, then walks around to the back. The media gets their camera's ready. The driver opens the back door, and the camera flashes begin to go off. The lights reflect off the limo, lighting up the area. Who steps out? None other than Brand! He steps out from the limo, and the press crowds closer in questioning him. Brand ignores the reporters, and simply looks around at the area. He grabs his XWF Universal Championship inside the limo, and pulls it out. Brand hoists his prestigious championship over his shoulder, and begins walking through the masses of reporters. Still, they follow The Brand trying to get a word. Brand just smirks and continues to be silent, moving faster now towards the ESPN studio. A security gaurd watches over the entrance door, and Brand approaches him. The gaurd lets Brand get behind him to the door, then begins blocking off the press. Brand enters the studio finally escaping the press. He notices an information desk with a young secretary standing by on the phone. Brand walks over and leans on the desk, staring down at her with his glasses dipped. Brand has a cocky grin on his face, and the secretary looks up catching sight of Brand. Suddenly, she drops the phone right from her hand. Shocked that XWF's Universal Champion stands right in front of her, the secretary's mouth drops in awe. Brand places the Universal Championship on the desk in front of him.)

The Brand: "How ya doin' hunny?"

Secretary: "...You're..."

The Brand: "...Looking for the ESPN studio babe. You wanna point The Brand in that direction?"

Secretary: "Oh my God. The Brand!"

The Brand: "In the flesh."

Secretary: "Umm! Oh My God, Mr. Brand-"

The Brand: "It's just; 'Brand'."

Secretary: "Well..Heh, 'Brand', ya know I'm really big fan and all..."

(The secretary giggles. Brand continues his arrogant smirk, but also pulls out a picture of himself out of his bag.)

The Brand: "Is that so? Well, let The Brand get you an autograph. What's your name hun?"

Secretary: "Jennefir! I mean....It's Jennefir."

The Brand: "Jennefir huh? Beautiful name. You got a pen?"

(Jennefir hands Brand the pen and he begins writing out the autograph.)

The Brand: "Alright, here we go. "To Jennefir...From The Primo, The Brand...Here you go Jen."

(Brand hands her the autograph and leans back on the table, watching the excited Jennefir look at her autograph.)

Jennefir: "Oh God I can't wait to show my friends! Thank you Brand!"

The Brand: "Anytime babe. You think you could point The Primo in the direction of the Sportscenter studio now?"

Jennefir: "Sure! It's just right up those stairs and to the left. You'll see a big set of double doors."

The Brand: "Thanks hun."

(Brand makes his way towards the stairs, but is stopped again by the secretary.)

Jennefir: "Um Brand...One more thing."

The Brand: "What's that Jen?"

Jennefir: "You think I could touch...Heh, the belt."

(Brand cracks a smile. He holds the belt out and looks at it.)

The Brand: "This belt right here? The XWF Universal Championship?"

(Brand walks slowly back towards the secretary.)

The Brand: "Sure. Go ahead, you can touch the Primoversal Title."

(Jennefir reaches out and touches the gold face plate of the championship. She feels the belt exstatic that she's grasping the one and only XWF Title.)

Jennefir: "Wow! Thank's again. I've always wanted to see that thing up close."

The Brand: "The Brand doesn't blame ya, he's wanted this thing for quite some time. It's quite rush knowing you're owner of this masterpiece."

Jennefir: "I watched you win it in December."

(Brand grins.)

The Brand: "Nice talkin to you Jen. The Brand will catch ya later."

(Brand hoists his title back over his shoulder, and winks at Jennefir. Jennefir falls back into her chair, and Brand begins walking up the long twisting staircase. He finally reaches the top and cuts left. Brand walks arrogantly down the hall way to a large double door with two security gaurds watching over it. Brand stops in front of the door, and the two large security guards look at eachother. Each of them open a door allowing The Brand to walk in. Brand enters, and looks around at the ESPN studio, where all the magic happens. He looks around noticing XWF footage role on the mini monitors in front of him. 'Revolt' footage roles, replaying the final moments including Maverick's return, Cooper's attack, and Rigg being buried. Brand stares at the monitor and goes into deep thought, reminicing the event. An A/V guy comes up from behind him and grabs his shoulder. Brand snaps out of it and pulls away, staring at the A/V guy with a disgruntled look.)

The Brand: "The hell are you doing? Don't you ever touch The Brand with those little rat claws again!"

A/V Guy: "Sorry! Sorry Mr. Brand. But-"

The Brand: "You better be sorry. You're lucky The Brand doesn't shove those headphones where the sun don't shine! Don't give The Primo that stupid look, what doe you want?"

A/V Guy: "Well Mr. Primo, it's just that we're ready for you to go on the air."

The Brand: "Is that so? Well c'mon point The Primo in the right direction. It's time for The Chosen One to electrify all his fans over the air waves."

A/V Guy: "Yes sir! Right this way."

(The A/V guy walks over towards the ESPN set, as The Brand follows.)

*** Cut to ESPN set ***

Terry Bradshaw: "Well I'll tell ya what Jim I for one am excited about our special guest tonight!"

Jim Brown: "No question about it Terry, tonight we got a special suprise for all those following the XWF! Earlier we've covered the so many events going on right now. It's a challenge just to follow them all. But after Revolt, it's no mistake XWF Owner, Cooper has fuled the fire like never before. His target? The Wildcards, Jason Cash, DEATH, and soon to be the entire federation Terry. So today we're going to talk with the marked man of the XWF, i'm talking about none other than the Universal Champion!"

Terry Bradshaw: "The Universal Champion IS HERE ON ESPN! The Brand ladies and gentlemen is going to join us!"

Jim Brown: "Terry, I've just been reported that The Brand is here and standing by right now!"

Terry Bradshaw: "Heck let's bring him in! Ladies and Gentlemen, The XWF Universal Champion; The Brand!"

(Brand's theme music hits in the studio and here he comes. Brand enters the set and walks over to Terry and Jim. Happy to be there, Brand shakes their hands and sets down his Universal Championship on the desk in front of him. The three men sit down and begin to discuss XWF's latest events.)

Terry Bradshaw: "Well Brand I can say it's a pleasure to have you here on ESPN!"

The Brand: "Thanks Terry, The Brand is happy to be here."

Jim Brown: "Brand thanks for joining us. Recently we've been discussing the latest events going on in the XWF. We'd like to ask the Universal Champion a few questions about what's been happening. As you know, the company has reopened, and the mayhem isn't far behind."

The Brand: Well there's no mistake about it Jim, XWF has reopened, and of course the mayhem is there. The big story is that alot of this mayhem has been recycled in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation.

Terry Bradshaw: "Brand that's one thing we'd like to talk about. The recylced mayhem. We see the same man that corrupted and closed the XWF, BACK as the owner. But his ego has run amuck it looks like. He's brought back The Demo Pac, he's shown the world how much damn stroke he has, and he's seeing fit to attempt to eliminate superstars from the spotlight such as yourself."

The Brand: "Of course Terry. See it's happened over and over again. That's just Cooper's way. That's his style, and that's his schitck. Cooper has been stealing the spotlight and doing what he can to dismantle the big names of the business for as long as The Brand can remember. As long as he has the power, Coop's gonna crave the spotlight even more. History just repeats itself."

Jim Brown: "Brand tell us about Cooper's history in the XWF and the past federations."

The Brand: "Well, The Primo can tell you quite alot. I mean it's one hell of a story. The Brand remembers as far back to the N.E.W. days. It was the 2nd half of 2001, and The Primo remembers The Demo Pac. The Original Demo Pac to The Brand of course. Back during my times as a newcomer, The Brand was part of a force to stop The Pac, to stop Cooper. The Brand can recall Cooper as the N.E.W. champion at the time. What does that mean? Well, The Primo can AND will say right here that Cooper's ego gew bigger than this damn building. Him, Demo, and The Voice did what they could to put many other stars, including yours truly out of commision. The N.E.W. soon died off from that point. The agony didn't stop there though. Let's come around to X-W-F August 2001. The Brand joined forces with Coop as a Demo Pac member against Kyle Demise. Sure, it was good while it lasted, we were dominating, but in the end when Kyle was run out of the federation, Cooper took over for his first ownership, and turned on The Brand, as well as his other members. So The Primo had learned first hand that friend or foe, you WILL be Cooper's enemy, and a target. Months of battling it out, Coop left and Burden took over. He went to CCWF. That takes us to Lord of The Ring. The CCWF Invasion! The Brand observes again as the XWF Universal Champion defends the companies gold against a returning Cooper. The CCWF leader. The Primo watched, and The Primo saw the CCWF Icon become the XWF Universal Champion. Jayzon, had been defeated, and he left. Coop had won in more ways than anyone could imagine. It didn't end there though, another XWF Big name, a man who had a passed with Cooper better than anyone. Bigg Rigg...Angry Italian...Lord of The Ring. He had his shot to take back the Universal Championship from Cooper. It was an Anarchy to remember in November. The Brand watched, we all watched. Too bad the result was the same...Rigg was one way or the other, controversal or not, was beaten. Coop continued to hold the title. TWO of XWF's big names defeated by that redneck son of a bitch. CCWF was spreading, and XWF was folding. December, Cooper left, an XWF star won the Universal Title Tournament, and today he sits in front of you with that very belt. And believe me, the XWF is alive and well! Although it is threated once again. The Brand knows what he's up against however. He knows what The Crap Pac is all about probably better than anyone with the exception of Bigg Rigg, who's currently buried 6 ft. under down in jolly old England. There's one more thing though. See it rides on Cooper's shoulders every time he see's The Primo walk to the ring. That's because The Brand IS the only XWF star up to date who's got the win over Coop. The Brand still has Cooper's number, and not a damn thing will change that. The Brand will be the one man who's a step ahead of Coop! That's a Garaun-Brand-Tee! If he thinks it's his time again, he's got another thing coming. It's The Brand's era that's continuing where I left off. No room for old Coop, you may own this damn place, but The Chosen One will make damn sure to keep your ass in line."

Terry Bradshaw: "Damn Brand, that's some mission. I mean your fighting to keep the XWF alive and well."

The Brand: "Let me tell you something Terry. The Brand IS the XWF! He's the Icon! That's what he does."

Jim Brown: "Brand do you have any worries about about the rest of Cooper's Demo Pac members?"

The Brand: "Well, being an ex-Demo Pac member The Brand understands that'll he just have to be more cautious. That's all there is to it. But there aint NO WAY, and believe me, The Brand means NO WAY he'll show any fear for Cooper's lackeys. It's a group of XWF sell outs, which Cooper owns each of their asses. The Primo will tell you about wHoRe. The old X-Treme Champion, the man with the "undefeated streak". Well guess what? The Brand has been riding 25 and 0 ever since you were working dark matches with Moss Davison and Vyrus. The so High Roller of Hardcore and go ahead and roll those dice. Because The Primo will take 'em both, roll a seven, then shove them so far up your ass you won't be able to swallow a tic tac! You do The Brand a favor, you stay behind Cooper with your lips glued to his ass. Then we've got Havoc. The Brand really has to applaud this guy though. I mean just when you think this guy couldn't be juiced anymore, he defies all boundries! The Brand can say this though. You might wanna cut down on the roids, because the day will come when you're gonna need a set of balls to step in the ring with the Wrestling Prodigy! You go ahead and do the same thing. Take your place next to wHoRe, and pucker up as you kiss that low-life piece of redneck trash's ass! Last but not least we have the third stooge. We've got Dominator. Some guy who got his name after his win streak against a long line of jobbers. There was Jobbin' Joe... Losin' Larry... Centurion, all of them! What an honor...COUGH. It will be an honor to beat your ass in front of the world though. The Brand doesn't give a damn how much power you may THINK you have around here. The fact of the matter is, you need a true star like The Primo to keep the ratings high, and the money in your pockets. The lackeys can go hide behind Cooper, or they can take their chances with a the True Brand of Wrestling..."

Terry: "Damn."

The Brand: "The Primo aint finished there though guys. As much as The Brand would LOVE to run through each of them seperately, he's glad to say that there's a new war in the XWF. The Brand and Maverick have revived a taste of the past as the Wildcards have reformed. The Cards are back to humiliate The Crap Pac just like they did many times in the past. It's gonna be a Wildcard moment every damn night, every damn day, of every damn HOUR! Mav and myself know what The Wildcards are capable of as well. In the past we infected CCWF with the Wildcard problem, and it damn sure felt the side effects! Rigg, The Brand, and Maverick all held the Ring Lord Title, The Primocontinental Title, and Mav with the World Title. Not to mention Rigg and The Chosen One dominating with the Tag Titles. In the XWF, nothing's gonna change. No one will take the spotlight from myself, nor the Wildcards. Not Cooper, not the Crap Pac, not ANYONE. It's damn sure time for a reverse effect. The Cards are the answer...And the XWF will breath because of us, not die because of Cooper. That's all there is to it."

Jim Brown: "Brand sitting here now I can honestly say I'm dumbfounded. I mean that kind of goal in the wrestling organization is just...Unbelievable. It's just unheard of. That kind of history, and now you take the position as the man who's going to step up to Cooper. That's uncharted waters."

The Brand: "That it is Jim. But you do it on those grounds only or not at all."

Terry Bradshaw: "Brand aside from this Demo Pac/Wildcard war that's going on, you've got a big match this Monday. This Massacre you main event against Golden Boy. If Golden Boy wins he gets a title shot at the next PPV. What do you have to say about that? Can you focus with all of this going on?"

The Brand: "Ya know Terry, that's a big question on The Primo's mind. But each time it comes up, he reminds himself that no man will be able to contend with The Primoversal Champion! Sure, there's alot on The Brand's mind. That has to be put aside though. The Brand needs to focus on this Championship belt right in front of him. The Brand won this Championship and proved to the World that he's the real goods around here. Second match back nothing is going to get to me, I Garaun-Brand-Tee that. If you Golden Boy will get the best of The Brand, you're dead wrong. The Brand is forced week in, to listen to this guy. I mean can someone get some footage of this guy up? Someone roll it."

(The A/V guy rolls the footage and Golden Boy's promo begins to play)

* * T.V. Footage * *

“God damn rain! Why can’t they ever have sunshine when I come to this country? And why are their idiots everywhere I look? I just encountered some horrible little cretin that said The Brand was his hero? What in idiot. Just like those damn idiots at Revolt! I mean who the hell did they think they were? Booing ME! I’m an XWF icon, a legend…a damn role model to these people! All I’ve done for these people! I even put on a superstar show, completely amazing those no-brain idiots in that arena. And what gratitude did they show me? Boooooooooooooo. Well obviously they don’t get to follow the XWF as much over here in England, otherwise they’d realise just who the XWF’s very own living legend is! I can’t believe I stayed in this godforsaken country any longer than I needed to.”

* * Footage ends * *

Terry Bradshaw: "Well Brand what do you have to say about this?"

(The Brand doesn't answer.)

Terry Bradshaw: "Brand?"

Jim (whispering): "Terry, I think he fell asleep on the air!"

Terry (Whispering): "Crap! wake him up!"

(Out of nowhere a boom mic comes on the screen and bonks Brand in the head! Brand wakes up startled!)

The Brand: "What the hell? Ouch! Who the fuc...Oh. Sorry about that guys. The Brand fell asleep."

Jim Brown: "Well, Brand welcome back! *Cough*...So what are your thoughts on Golden Boy?"

The Brand: "*Yawn* Well, it's nothing new guys. The Brand turns the T.V. to here a wash-up try to build his self esteem by taking shots at The Chosen One, and trying to view himself as an Icon. The Primo just laughs and pitys every one of the XWF "stars" who think they're bigger than the man himself. As long as The Primo holds this belt, he IS and ALWAYS will be the man. The Brand can look at this Championship, and quite frankly, is proud to know he's got more than a few phrases to back himself up. Golden can spit as much as he wants at The Primo, but it aint gonna put this belt in his hands. The only belt he'll have is The Canadian Championship. The belt that THE BRAND made famous back when his sorry ass was on the shelf. A place where we ALL wish he still was. He can go ahead and hold that belt any way he wants, the fact of the matter is he's just walking in The Primo's shadows, and will NEVER be able to represent that title like the greatest Canadian Champion of all time; The Brand. This isn't about that though. As the world has seen. The Primo has moved on to the biggest title scene of them all. He's become the REAL hero of the people. That's why when The Primo enters the arena, 20,000 Brand-Fanatics jump to their feet, and chant The Primo's name! They can identify greatness, as well as the trash. Exactly why he's booed out of the arena. I mean it's like every time he steps in the arena, 20,000 fans jump to their feet...And off to they to take a piss! Who books this crap? As a natural champion, The Brand is bred to deal with any problems, at any time. The Golden Boy, is exactly what he says. A little boy. That's the very reason he aint destined to become the man The Brand. He can look on at a real superstar. He can Idolize The Brand just like a boy does a Super Hero. He will join the millions of Brand-Fanatics, and The Brand will continue his reign. If ya CATCH, The Brand's Drift!"

The Brand: "Gentlemen. The Brand thanks you for this interview."

Terry: "Thank you Brand. Come back any time!"

(Brand shakes Terry and Jim's hand. He grabs his Universal Championship and leaves the studio. On his way down the stairs he winks again at Jennefir, still excited about her autograph. Brand opens the Exit, and leaves the building. Brand charges to the limo as the press notices his presence, and hurries after him. The limo opens the door for him and Brand hops in. The driver gets back in also, and backs up just as the press reaches them. The media knocks on the windows trying to get a word with Brand again. Brand sits in the limo with his fellow Wildcards, Roller, Roller's girlfriend, and Maverick.)

Roller: "Nice interview Brand."M

Roller's Girlfriend: "We saw the whole thing right here! it was great."

The Brand: "Thanks guys. The Brand tries."

Maverick: "So where to Brand?

The Brand: "The Brand was thinking we have a little fun before Massacre. Wildcard style!"

Maverick: "What did you have in mind Brand?"

(Brand grins as the limo driver pulls out, and leaves the ESPN HQ.)

(Stay Tuned...)

...Scene Fades...

~The Primo~
©2001 The Brand all rights reserved