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~Jason Lee Is Greatness~

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~Jason Lee Is Greatness~

Jason Lee Is Greatness

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Jason Lee Is Greatness

Jason Lee is Greatness



Anybody Who Gets In His Way

Battle Royal

|~!~?THE Walking Legend?~!~|

~ The scene begins outside of the Resch Center in Green Bay, WI. Where a lot of the fans are seen pileing in. The view then goes into the inside of the arena and zooms into the crowd as they rise to their feet erupting into cheers. The camera flys around the arena showing the thousands of screaming fans as they hold their sign high into the air. The camera then comes to a stop at the Announcers Table where Michael Cole and Tazz are seen. ~

Michael Cole:

"Hello and welcome everybody to Adrenaline! Im Michael Cole along side Tazz and what a show we have planned for you tonight, Folks!"


"That's right, Cole. Tonight we have Mason Storm facing the World Champion, Deciple one on one in a Non Title Match! I can't wait to see that, It's gonna be off the hook, Cole!"

"That's not all, Tazz. We also are gonna be seeing Danica Nash against Autumn Brown, Now that i can't wait to see!"


"Me niether Cole this night is gonna be great!"

~ Tazz continues on talking but is then cut off as "Sinner" blasts out over the PA System. The fans rise to their feet once again in aticipation wanting to know who is coming out to the ring. A few moments later Jason Lee pushes the curtains aside and steps out onto the stage to a huge ovation of boos then chants of "You Suck!" begin flowing through the arena. ~

~ Jason Lee stands on the stage and stares out into the crowd is booing as loud as possible and he smirks. He spits his gum out towards the fans in the front row then laughs and slowly continues on down the ramp toward the ring. He stops once again on the middle of the aisle and turns to his left talking trash to the fans. He then brushes off his suit and adjusts his tie and continues for the ring as the fans continue to chant. ~


"You suck!" "You suck!" "You suck!" "You suck!"

Michael Cole:

"He's not wrestling tonight, Tazz whats he doing out here?"


"Who knows, Cole. That is Jason Lee...He does pretty much what he wants. You should know that by now, man. I know won thing...These fans don't think too much of him."

~ Jason Lee finally makes it to the ring and makes his way up the ring steps very slowly and onto the apron. He wipes his feet on the apron then steps between the ropes and into the ring. Once he steps through the ropes and into the ring he adjusts his tie once again and straightens his jacket. He grabs the mic from the ring announcer and signals for his music to be cut off. The music dies down as Jason just paces around the ring paying no attention to the fans chants. He raises his head and takes a deep breath then brings the microphone to his lips. ~

Jason Lee:
"If you people would please shut your yaps for one minute, I would like to speak!"



Jason Lee:

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!!! Im sick and tired of people not respecting me! I want the respect i deserve damnit. Just because i don't come out here and kiss your asses like that Kid 2 whatever doesn't meen you have to disrespect me! If i want to speak my mind all of you people sit down, shut up and listen! Because what i have to say is WAAAAY more important than anything that you idiots are talking about! Im sick of this little bastard Kid 2 Extreme running his mouth night in and night out and most of all..Im tired of....Dave Hunter."

Jason Lee:

"That's right, Dave Hunter. I heard you not too long ago talking about how you are a "Wrestling King", The day you'll be a wrestling king is the day Jason Lee loses his firt match, That ain't happening any time soon, Pal! You said yourself that i am Impressive, But where you were wrong is saying that i have NOTHING on you...You got to be kiddin' me, right? You know yourself that I can win that Battle Royal, You even said it yourself! If your in it or not, It doesn't matter to me, boy!"

Jason Lee:

" You don't make a differance and you need to get that through your thick skull. I say it over and over, But one day you will finally see...That Jason Lee is GREATNESS! Nobody has anything on this! If you don't like it you can kiss my ass! It doesn't matter if your a good guy or bad guy, Jason Lee will take you out quicker than you can imagine! Im tired of the people in the crowd and the people backstage doubting me! They will fianlly notice me when i come out the victor in that X-Cup Battle Royal!"




"This guy is sure that he is gonna win that Battle Royal."

Jason Lee:

"Jason Lee will win that battle Royal, Because every single man in it fears me! They fear Jason Lee! They fear GREATNESS! They know just what i am cappible of! That's why you havn't heard from any other superstar in this match besides, Dave Hunter and that loud mouth punk Kid 2 Extreme and thats because these two are complete idiots! They actually believe deep down in their hearts that they have a chance in this thing. I guess they don't understand what greatness is?! Like i said in my interview...Im Thee one and only "Gift from God" and on Impact i am gonna prove it! So you two can try and convince yourselfs that you actually have a chance, But when it's all said and done. When the smoke clears and the dust has settled, Jason Lee will be going on to win that Championship and there isn't a damn thing anybody can do about that now is there? NOPE! So go cry to somebody about that, buddy!"

Jason Lee:

"Jason Lee is the greatest thing to happen to the WWCF since...Well nothing great has happend to the WWCF untill I arrived! But every since my arrival people looked down on me, But from now on thats gonna change! All you fans, You are gonna be worshiping at my feet the next time i come out here! Anything i say you will do! Like i said before...This is MY TIME and no one will take that from me! After tonight im through running my mouth...Your all gonna just have to wait and see whats gonna happen come Impact."

Michael Cole:

"This guy is full of himself. He actually believes he can't lose. I will give it to him, He's an awesome competitor, But NEVER LOSE, Come on now. He's got to lose some time."


"I don't know, Cole. If anybody could do it....This is the man that can."

~ Jason lowers the microphone from his lips and walks towards the ropes. He drops the mic and climbs out onto the apron. He then walks down the steel steps to the outside of the ring and walks backstage. ~

~ Scene Ends ~

Copywright of Dan Ellis at Golden Canvas Grappling - Email: