After the commercial break...

J.R.: Ladies and gentlemen, Before our break, Chris Jericho came out here and announced that his match against Terra Ryzing this Monday will be a "Submission Match". Then Terra came out of the crowd and busted Chris open with a steel chair.

"The King": I don't blame Terra for one second. Chris Jericho got what he deserved after adding that stipulation.

J.R.: Well folks, That was not all, Cause during the commercial break, Our cameras caught up with Terra backstage and here's what took place.

Cameras catch up to Terra as he walks backstage toward his locker room. As Terra approaches his locker room, He notices a piece of paper on his door. Terra walks over and takes the paper off the door and begins reading it...


As Terra turns around, He is nailed by Chris Jericho in the head with the same steel chair that Terra used on just moments ago. Chris picks up the paper and reads it. A smile creeps upon Chris’s face as he drops the steel chair down onto Terra’s body. Chris walk away as the cameras cut to J.R. and The King sitting ring side.

“The King”: I can’t believe what we just seen. Can you J.R.?

J.R.: No I can’t King, That’s going to be one match I can’t wait to see.

“The King”: And what about that note? Was that a set up from Jericho?

J.R.: I’m not sure, Hopefully well get some answers this Monday night. We'll be right back after this commercial break.

Cameras fade to commercial break