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Name: The Diamond Kid

Nicknames: TDK, The Infamous

Born: January 10, 1960 ~ San Antonio, Texas

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 250 lbs.

Entrance Music: "Without Me" by Eminem

Finishing Move: The Diamond Kick (Superkick)

Set-Up Move: The D-Spot (Spear)

Trademark Moves: Moonsault, Sharpshooter, Spinebuster

Personality: Face

About The Diamond Kid: The Diamond Kid is one of the most decorated superstars ever to grace a wrestling ring. The Diamond Kid retired at age 42 but now at 45 is coming back to the ring. The Diamond Kid is making a return not because of the money or the fame but to do what he does best. He is an all around wrestler and is rarely in a situation he can't handle. He was known as the bad boy and trouble maker of sports entertainment at one time in his early years getting the nickname of The 'Infamous' Diamond Kid but the fans have always appreciated his dedication and skill to the wrestling ring. Some may say 50 is knocking on the door but The Diamond Kid is back at 100 percent to show the young bloods what the business is about and is capable of making history again and become a 11 time World Champion.