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..::! Enter Mr Extreme !::..
..::||-|| Feel My Pain! ||-||::..


..::! Enter Mr Extreme !::..

|| Roleplay Title: Time For Jay Leno to Experience Extreme!... ||
|| Record: 09 - 02 - 00 ||
|| Next Match: Vs. Ron Maiure ||
|| PHW Achievements:|| PHW WORLD CHAMPION (current); || Promo #: 21 ||
|| Experienced Extreme: Amazing Red,Christopher Daniels,Matt Hardy,Raven,Jesse James,Terrel Ownes, Jonathan Downs,Justin Sane,nLw,Ron Maiure? ; ||

-A Word From EXTREME:

Zack Kaines is the World Heavyweight Champion of Pride and Honor Wrestling. Anarchy Uprising 2k4 was forfeited by nLw's owner Dave Trevel when he actually realized that his federation had no chance in hell at defeating PHW...the fact of the matter is nLw is dead and PHW has accomplished its goal of destroying them...Zack Kaines is done with nLw and ready to move on to the issues in the federation. This upcoming Slaughter House...he will be taking on newly acquired Ron Maiure...Alot of specualtion and hype have been brought up about this ex member of no Limit wrestling...Zack has been waiting for this match for quite a long time and now it is finally here...we are going to have to wait and find out if Ron comes through and lives up to the hype...will Zack Kaines defeat the new comer to Pride and Honor Wrestling...or will this up and coming star over shadow the PHW World Heavyweight find out tune into SLAUGHTER HOUSE!!!...

-PHW...Fuck With Us and DIE!

The scene opens in NBC studios...the band in the background begins to play as the host of the Tonight Show walks out to a standing ovation...he walks through the crowd giving high fives to the viewers...he goes back on stage and signals for the band to stop...he then gets more cheers...then Mr.Big Chin himself Jay Leno starts his nightly routine monologue Previously Recorded

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Tomorrow is the big primary in New Hampshire. John Kerry has the lead, but Howard Dean has the momentum. I think Dennis Kucinich has the bird flu. "

Crowd Laughs

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- " They say that outburst that Dean had in Iowa last week may have cost him some standing in the polls. And to make it worse, it looks like today he may have lost his endorsement deal with Snuggles fabric softener."

Crowd Laughs

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- " How many saw his interview with Diane Sawyer the other night? Actually, he was pretty honest. He said, 'I'm a human being.' He said, 'I have all kinds of warts...' When he heard that, Bill Clinton said, 'You too?' "

Crowd Laughs

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- " In Lubbock, Texas, a 92-year-old man was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison for robbing a bank. Police said he had a note with robbery written on it. Not for the bank, that was just to remind him why he was there."

Crowd Laughs

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- " And in final...According to a poll on, 46% of men surveyed think Al Sharpton is the most well endowed candidate -- while, 24% feel that John Edwards is. Let me tell you something... If you're a guy and you're on the Playboy website and all you're thinking about is how endowed the candidates are, you're on the wrong website!"

The band begins to play a little bit as the crowd laugh and cheers...Jay Leno smiles sticking his chin way out as he usually does...he then tells the crowd about his guests on the show...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Thank you...thank we have some show for you tonight!!...We have a man who is currently dating the lovely Cameron Diaz... Justin Timberlake!..."

Crowd Cheers...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "From his latest movie Bad Boys 2 Will Smith!!..."

Crowd Cheers...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "And finally from Pride and Honor Wrestling...World Heavyweight Champion...Zack Kaines!!..."

Crowd Boos like crazy and Jay smiles...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "So I guess you guys don't like him to much...well he is here and we are going to hear from him!...lets just hope he hasn't gotten to the beer yet..."

Crowd laughs...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "We have an awesome show for you...stay tuned untill after the break!..."

The band begins to play again as the scene fades to a commercial break...when the Tonight Show comes back on Jay Leno is sitting at his desk...the crowd cheers untill after the band stops...Jay then begins to speak to his first guest Justin Timberlake...he does the usualy wise cracks and lame questions...Justin answers them and the they go to another break...the same thing goes with Will Smith...another break...Jay then does his Jay Walking and the crowd gets a good laugh out of that...then after the commercial break following that..Jay is back at his desk with an open seat next to it...Will and Justin are sitting in the two seats next to the open one..Jay then begins to speak...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Ok ok...we have had a great show and now I guess it is time to say goodbye...oh wait...hold on the directors are trying to tell me something here...oh yeah that guy...well we have one more guest tonight...he is the reigning World Heavyweight Champion of Pride and Honor Wrestling...his nick name is Mr Extreme...Come on out here Zack Kaines!..."

The lights dim in the studios..."Praise" by Sevendust begins to blare over the PA system...half of the crowd who recognize Pride and Honor Wrestling start to boo like crazy...dressed with no shirt on and a pair of jeans...out comes the PHW World Champ with his belt over his shoulder...he shows his belt off to the crowd as they boo...Zack just walks past Will Smith and Justin Timberlake to his seat...Jay offers a hand to shake and Zack just ignores it...he sits down and puts his belt on the floor under his seat as his music cuts...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Well now that is an entrance...that may be the best entrance we have ever had on the show...and another come on here with shirt your a pro looks like you haven't been keeping up with the work outs..."

Crowd laughs...

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "Very funny Jay I always seem not to get a laugh out of this show...hey man you don't look so athletic yourself..."

There is an akward silence then Jay breaks it and tries to change the subject...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Ok so tell us about this Pride and Honor Wrestling..."

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "PHW...Fuck With US and DIE!..."

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...Hey Zack I don't think your allowed to say that on T.V...your not aloud to say *bleep*...*bleep*...and *bleep* either!

Crowd laughs as Jay smiles himself...

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "Then I can't say Jay Leno is a fat a## with a big a## bi###n' chin!..."

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Nope not allowed to say that either...well anyways back onto PHW...tell us more about that..."

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "Pride and Honor Wrestling...its one of the best federations in the wrestling buisness...we have guys that can be extreme and kick some serious a##...I of course am the best in the federation...I am the World Heavyweight Champion...with this belt here Jay it says that I am number one is better than Zack Kaines..."

Crowd Boos at the PHW champ...

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "Well then...what else is there besides Pride and Honor Wrestling...are you going to go down the path of some other superstars into movies...or tv...or anything else...?"

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "Nah Jay...the only thing I do besides Pride and Honor Wrestling is drink and smoke...what everybody in this world should do..."

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "I guess that is why the way you look like you do..."

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "What are you trying to say Jay...are you trying to say I am fat...out of talented...what are you sayin'?!..."

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "I don't know ...anyways I guess our time is has been a pleasure Zack and good luck..."

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines- "Our time isn't has only been like 5 minutes..."

' All Chin ' Jay Leno- "And now a word from our sponsors..."

They goto a commercial as Zack gets up and looks like he is going to do something to Jay...the security guards jump on the Champion and put him in hand cuffs...they then escort him out of the building...the PHW camera follows him the security unshackles the cuffs and go back inside as Zack is left outside...

' Mr Extreme ' Zack Kaines-
"That will be the last time I ever step foot into NBC studios again...they cannot disrespect me...I am the PHW World Heavyweight Champion...that is it I will have my revenge...just not I want to let Ron Maiure know what is going to happen to him when he steps into the ring with Mr Extreme!!...Ron I hope you are watching this because it is going right to you...So Ron...I guess you finally realized that nLw was scum...but what pisses me off is that you didn't realize it soon enough...! You were in our experienced PHW...and what do you quit our federation and stay with no Limit wrestling...are you kidding me...?! And now you think you are all PHW 4 Life but how can you be trusted...the people think you are some awesome superstar because of all the hype...damnit Ron the only reason that you are considered a top star is in your last federation you were facin' guys that looked like they had a week of wrestling experience...but that has all you are playing with the big are now in Pride and Honor Wrestling...but instead of letting you in with open are going to have to earn your spot in this federation at Slaughter House!!...I am going to show the world the true Ron cannot be trusted and that is why you are going to experience extreme first if you would please get the f' out of here so I can go back and get my hands on those damn security guards...they got me from behind...this time it will be different...!!"

Zack runs back to the door and just slams into it...the door is locked...Kaines just staggers backwards and walks off into the city streets as the scene fades to black...
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