Date: July 24, 2003
Time: 8:30
Setting: The Arena of Pain

The scene turns up in the WWF2K3 Arena. The crowd look rather bored, dejected and tired as a small squash match draws to an end in the ring. Once the wrestlers have cleared way there is an instant blackout. A cross fades of lights is met with the echoing "You Awful Me" by Gotham Road - and the crowd uproar into a frenzy of jeering. From the balcony in the top left hand corner of the arena, Raven's Nest, apears Raven - a spotlight fixed on him in his famous crucifixion pose. The spotlight reflects off his horrifying face paint and damp bleeched hair. The crowd continue to boo as Raven stands remote in him stature, his plaid tartain skirt and "FATE" scrawled upon his chest. The music slowly fades out, as Raven shows the first sign of anger toward the crowd who are still jeering at him. He raises a microphone to his mouth as his other hand points accussingly at the stands of fans. Raven sounds bitter at his resentment.

~Raven~ To a deafening roar of bullshit chants, to the mockery of cheering to the greatest travesty, just last week, just one week ago - I was granted my destiny. The World Title that I took from Go-D, which that was a prophacy that had been written since the beginning of time, that I was to be victoryous. What fate had predicted...what destiny had predetermined in the past...was merely Granted by the luck, by the serendipity of Ravens fortune. A chance that I took to prove that I was the better man and thats exactly what I did and I proved it by beating the man that some people said i couldent beat well as the Raven sourse threw the air so did I. But Now on to Raw as I have to face non other then Shannon?! As destiny was ripped from my soul as A child so wont your heart from your outraged populous screamed to the heavens that you too were crusifixed by the Raven. Which will you will be Deinied, denied your right into the heavens, into the Elysian Fields of paradise. Those in purgurtory, those in limbo, those within transition to heaven - your poor soul - will be DENIED at the cost of your unjust defeat! Those were sent howling with fear, drenched in pain towards the flames of hell, the fire of punishment...all at what cost? All at fate's cost! AND I APPROVED THIS ETERNAL PUNISHMENT! For when fate, destiny, death is altered...the entire theology of the god's is altered. When their wishes, their wishes of my lifetime of lingering for success to soar to my end, but when they were interfered with - their anger sent down vengeance upon the souls. Upon the souls of the innocent, upon those not damned, not the sinners, not the evil...but the good. Their suffering is all down to Shanon, all down his ineptitude, his intolerance and his incapability to accept what is out of his hands!
Raven glares upwards as he slicks his hair out of his face with his free hand. His fist clenches but then a semi-grin comes across his face. as he starts to make his way down the stairs and towards the crowed as he heads to the ring.

~Raven~ However, however this may be the sign that I have been awaiting. This may be the apocalypse for the WWF2K3. Since I claim my right to be champion This may be my blessing in disguise. For ever since I have become part of this Federation, all that I have done is wept in sorrow, cringed in tormet. Ever since taking part in this Federation I have lost my concentration, from my main aim. I came here, here to the WWF2K3 with one goal - one purpose. And since taking part in this Federation I have been appeased by the abuse from other superstars. I have a destiny to become the Ultimate leader in sports entertainment and since I have won the World Title no good job's no pats on the back no congrats but when other people win they get all that Well What about me What about Raven? But then I was called by a ingenious madman, a madman with a hard soul for MY crucifixion! apon the world. But I will get to him a little bit later.
Raven then climbs over the Guard Rail and gets on the apron as his Belt shines as it is wraped sround the waist of the World Champ.

~Raven~ As far as I'm concerned I've dealt with pathetic souls, I've already duped him into his own pile of excrement. I've already dumped him unceremoniously into the halal of defeat. But Shanonn can't get over it, he doesn't seem to realise that I stand in the spotlight of the conceited! And as for him, if he wants to get involved in my affairs, if you want to meddle in my business...I will rip your face off and use your cranium for a flower pot!
A large "Fuck You" chant breaks out...Raven reacts calmly as he gets in to the ring and begins to speak again.

~Raven~ Each and every one of you -- you're all filthy slime beneath me and if I had my way I would never step foot in this filthy pit of worthless souls. But in order to wrest the crown from the man who is king. Me I must go wherever is necessary. I will walk through hell if I have to. I will do my MUST to take the world by storm...TO RIP IT FROM YOUR DEAD WAIST! I Have A Destiny. I have a destiny to become the unholy god of this federation and that Destiny Shall Be Fufilled to a certainty! Unlike last week, I shall not accept otherwise! But then again, Fate can be a cruel Go-D found out. Fate can be the carrier of deceit. Fate can be the disease of sorrow, of woe. You see Shannon, as a wise man once said "The vision of powerful men can often inflict and lead to sorrow, pain and misery of those involved". Well Shannon, I HAVE A VISION! I have a vision of seeing you, lying on your back, drenched in the crimson of your own blood as I...I stand - at destiny's request - with the WWF2K3 Title! I HAVE A VISION! A vision that will surely, indefinitely bring you sorrow! A vision that will bring you pain! A vision that will indemify you with misery! But who has to wait for Raw? Who has to wait that long? Let's make an example of that vision on your Future Grave that I will make as the Raven will bring your soul to the land of the dead. Let me entreat you all to the biggest masterpiece since William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Let me present to you Raven's path of carnage. A masterpiece, the bigger picture...Shannon Will get the bigger picture on Raw. Let me say this - this title reign of mine, this Souless life, this nightmare that you are all having and living -- I will turn it into reality of painful oblivion. Hell will be a welcome alternative. An alternative that you, that you will favour over my shelter of horrors. By the dawning of Battle Lines you will want to give me the title of God, you will want to bring me the souls of every man in the back in a bargin for your redemption. In a bargin for your absolution. But Shannon, I WILL NOT BARGIN! For I could take it all. Your humiliation, your hurt, your aguish...your soul. You may have been able to fight men before me, but you have fought nothing till you have battled against a man's fate. A man's course of destiny. MY DESTINY - YOUR SOUL THAT WILL BE MINE! Realise this Shannon, that you are not the Wrecking Machine in this epic battle, you are not the Mister your a are another pawn, moved by other means, means above your reaches. You Shannon, you are a mere gardiner in the yard of life. You can trim at bushes of success, you can weed at the flower beds of love...but when you prick yourself upon the thorn of my rose of Shannon, you have sealed your own downfall. I mean, In four days my destiny shall come true, all my hopes and dreams as a child finally granted to me for my youthful suffering. Where as you, Shannon, all the bad dreams that you as a children, every one, all those nightmares are about to come true when I put you through Hell and back. But as for Raw, there's one thing that sticks in my mind. And this goes back to last Pay Per View, this goes back to me winning this title. ...When I left the arena as I left Go-D in crumbles in a wreck! I have defied the odds. And now in this galant tale, we turn to the chapter of George and the Dragon. The people must have thought George was taking on the dragon...they no doubt mocked him too. He was written off before he had been given a chance. The dragon must have seen George as insane. But as George slayed the Dragon, and I shall lay Shannon to rest. It's not about what Shannon is going to's about what I'm going to do! Not him...ME! WHAT ABOUT ME?! HUH? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN?! The Righteous Finger Of Indignation Points Upon You Shannon! You have done me have done nothing but abuse me, you weren't a friend to me. And now as "do unto others as you have them do unto you" is my turn! The crowd have become increasingly tired at listening to Raven talk and talk and well talk. Their disgruntled attitude soon gains backing. Fan: RAVEN YOU SUCK! Raven instantly spots the heckler amongst the crowd, nearby. Raven: Shut up! I'm in the middle of saying something important. Could you please keep your noise to a minimum or your soul will be the only thing left of you?! Raven shakes his head dismissively. Raven: You know ... I'll tell you what, you people here are so, are so ... so ... what's the word -- they're such poor people -- they're such trash that they talk over another man trying to speak his peace. I HAVE A DESTINY, DAMN YOU, PEOPLE! I HAVE A DESTINY! I AM GOING TO BE THE LEADER OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT with the help of a Madman like I said ladies and gentilmen it is time I said it for weeks that my masterpeice will come to its complete certianty well it has now came to pass as I have what you would say made a deal with the devil as...........The Flock will soar across the world and bring pain and suffering to the people of the WWF with the help of this man Ladies and gentilmen alow me to introduce to you the man that will join me in my journey bring this world to an end ladies and gentilmen and I use that tearm very very lusly my partner..................SHANE McMAHON.
all of a sudden you here explode over the pa system here comes the moneyyyyyyy as pyro goes off and out walks the son of Vincent Kenedy McMahon.

as he then makes his way twards the ring he gets in as he shakes the hand of Raven as Raven retires and goes and gives the mic to Shane and then goes and sits in the corner of the ring.

as Shane brings the mic up to his lips as he begins to adress the world as they are all in shock.

Shane} Well hello hello hello. You are all probably wondering what in the hell is going on. Well let me just tell you all this for 3 years I have been living in the shadows how the NBT is always on the bottom of the pit when it came to stables well god damit I am sick of it so now I am going to make sure that you all know what exactly what I can do for I have aliend my self with the one man that can take me and the men in the back that I will announce that is going to join us in our campaine of pain. So allow me to introduce our enforcer of the Flock as he is a man that has all the potential to become a serious top contender here in the 2K3 Raw Brand ladies and gentilem allow me to introduce to you to...............ALEX CHANCE!
Alex chances music blasts as he makes his way towards the ring as the crowed is in discuss and wondering why have these men joined the prince of dark souls Raven? The curtin moves and out walks Alex. and his n

The crowed dosent even know what to think as there superstars that they came to know and love has gave there soul to a Raven. Alex climbs in to the ring and gives a High Five to Shane O' Mac as he gets the mic and begins to speak.

Alex Chance} Time...............its somthing that you all take for granted including Shane Douglas well Shane you better think about your time here cause your last chance is comming and when Alex Chance gives you your last chance you better pray that I go easy on and may god have mercy apon your soul.
Alex then gives the mic back over to Shane as he begins to speak again.
Shane O' Mac} You see all is comming to plan but wait theres more for I am proud to introduce to you all the most gorgeous Diva that these eyes have ever set there sights on ladies and gentilmen here she is the hottest Diva alive Misty.
all of a sudden pink pyro flys from the ground and then out walks Misty.

as she then makes her ways towards the ring the men in the criwed go in a feeding frenzy for her as she gets into the ring she takes the mic and begins to speak to all the guys out in the audiance.

*Misty* For all you guys out there this is one women that you will never get your hands on cause well to put it to you blankly Im to good for you all.
she then hands the mic over to Shane as he begins to speak again.
Shane O' Mac} Now for our final soilder allow me to introduce to you all my best friend and has all the promise all the potential to one day become a world champ ladies and gentilmen........................Ryan Storm.
Just then out from the crowed comes a man that is seems really excited as he then climbs in to the ring and starts to do pushups.

he then gets the mic and begins to speak.
{"Ryan Storm"} Ladies and Gents you are all probably wondering why am I out here well its simple I am not leaveing my best friend unlike what I am planing to leave after I get done with HHH on Raw as I will probably just leave a hair on the mat as I will beat him to a bloody mess.
Ryan then hands the mic over to raven as Raven gets up and begins to speak again.

~Raven~ Shannon, are nothing more than a lying egotistical pussy of the greatest magnatude! Every word that you have spoken, everything you have listed to which you are going to do to me is false. It's a lie. You people should no better than that, than to take the word of a man who's entire career has been based around presenting the public with a charade. With an act of fictatious events. I mean...a mattatude follower! and no doubt still is, paid to carry the illusion that he is actually being a bitch. He is paid, to lie about the size of friendship to Matt, about his loyalty and he boasts about his lifestyle in general. What you see of Shannon is him acting, is of a man - who is living a lie. Who is living some fantasy life. Therefore his words mean nothing! You compare his credibility to that of his actions...and just like his movies, his videos, his words are all pretence. When Shannon walks down to the ring on Raw...he is not walking to end me...but walking to the ends of insanity. The ramp which he walks, is not sloping in his favour...but leading him into the treachorus arms of evil and deceit...the arms in which has he been cradled for so long. Shannon, we are the mirror image of each other. I personify the fears you talk about, where as are the nothing to which I once was. You can pretend, or lie as much as your heart desires to...but you will still be deliver to my the doorstep of hell's horrors. Where the innocent are the damned. Where souls cry in torture...but's better to have a condemmed soul...than no soul at Raven's Clockwork Orange House Of Fun! And welcome to the Flocks First Victim. Quote the Raven Nevermore.
Raven Drops the mic as the newest stable of the WWF walks out of the ring and in to the back as the crowed throws dabree at them as the cammera fades.