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Total Attitude Wrestling
Team TAW
in the ring

Sim Center: Where do you live?

Rockstar: In wales, Near Cardiff

Sim Center: Which (if any) names or aliases do you prefer to go by and how much and what kind of contact do you encourage from game fans?

Rockstar : I use "THE ROCKSTAR" as my alias, it's also the wrestler in the game which is me. i'd like any sort of contact from fans, ideas for the game or site would help... but so far your the only person to get in contct with me

Sim Center: What ideas have you taken from other various simulators and put into Total Attitude Wrestling?

Rockstar: none really,  my game is an RPG, so i've had nowhere to get ideas from,

Sim Center: How long have you been a sim fan and who first introduced you to them?

Rockstar: i've been a sim fan since i first got my PC (the christmas before last i think) and i found the EXTREME WARFARE site and got EW9000, since then i've been sorta hooked

Sim Center: Do you prefer sims that use text or sims that use  graphics? What is your opinion of the freeware/shareware/ choice for sims?

Rockstar: i prefer sims with some pictures because i think they're more interesting, i've only actually got freeware sims but i think that using shareware isn't a good idea unless you know that someone out there will acually want to pay for your games.

Sim Center: Are there any tips, suggestions or recommendations you would give to other authors or aspiring authors? Do you have any likes or dislikes about any particular programming languages or operating systems?

Rockstar: this is only my first game but i would suggest looking at making some other sort of game that isn't like any others, also i would say to not go straight to a more complex language straight away, Basic is a good place to start i think

Sim Center: Are there any sims that stand out, in your mind, that are particularly good or bad or even unusual?

Rockstar: i think federation online stands out to me because of the way it is the only game where you get to actually have a hand in the outcome of the events

Sim Center: Finally, are there any other words of advice or suggestions you'd give to budding authors or programmers interested in creating a sim?

Rockstar: Start with something simple and then build on it

Sim Center: thanks

Site Belongs to the Rockstar. TAW © to Louis Fellows.