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So where the fuck have I been? And why the fuck am I showing up for this show?

Well...funny fucking story...Let me tell you all about it.

It all started after that clusterfuck that was that god damn tournament. You see I got doublebooked that night. Stewart knew that. He fucking planned this shit. That's why when I saw what happened. I knew he had to have gotten to him. So the first thing after nursing a fuckton of a god damn hangover and popping tylenol like it was fucking pez I decided to let myself into Stewart's hotel room...well...let myself in is a bit of a stretch. What do you call it when you take a punk ass underpaid security guy in a suit and use his head as a door opener...oh yeah...Monday.

“Where is he?!”I didn't even let suit boy hit the fucking floor as I looked and saw Stewart just glaring at me from the table in his hotel room. He adjusts his glasses and yawns at me. I don't take to kindly to this shit disrespecting me. I trained him. I can break him. I'll just have to deal with one pissed off adopted daughter that I broke her fucking husband's damn ugly ass bitch tainted face in. I grab him and before I make the move I want to I hear the gun click.

“Sit your two dollar ass down before I turn you into a fucking dime...”DJ. Dude JoB. Former best friend. Former tag team partner. Former fellow trainer of said shit head. I sigh as I let him go and put my hands up. I don't like guns. I don't like them being pointed at me. It's taking everything in my body right now to not break his god damn arm that's pointing that hand cannon at me. Two things are stopping me. One...I know how good of a fucking shot he is. Two. I know that the gun is the least of my worries with the former “Hardcore Hippie” here. I sit down as Stewart puts his glasses back on and pops one of those damn white pills of his. “We've been expecting you.”

“We? Since when do you play nice with pointdexter?”The chortle of laughter from DJ is quite amusing. I know he hates Stewart. He hates him almost as much as he hates my nephew Sebastian...and Sebastian is the one who broke DJ's spine a few years ago. Stewart looks at both of us and rolls his eyes as he starts to talk.

“We have mutual goals. Goals right now that your services are not required for...”

“Meaning what?”

“I have your CWF severance package. As of right now Trent. You are banned from CWF. You show up at an event...and I'll fucking have you deported, and then arrested back home. You got Carnage. I suggest you stay there and out of our hair. CWF is mine, and right now Tax wants nothing to do with you.”

“I want to talk to him.”

“You can't. Unlike you...he has a job to do. He has to keep the money coming into my federation. You don't need to worry anymore. You show your face around here again...and DJ is going to be your problem. Got it? Good.” I eyeball my “friend” and he lowers his blue hippie shades. I know that look. I knew that look a long time ago. It means he's fucking serious. He knows every trick I can do. He knows every move I could make right now. Except one.

“Alright. I'll take your severance package. I could use the money...”

“See. I told you he could be reasonabl...”

“What have you done?” DJ asks pointing the gun right at my head. “You don't walk away this easy...”

“Who said I'm walking away...”I get up, grab the package, and head out the door. “See you boys real damn soon...”

“...This isn't over is it?”I hear Stewart utter as I walk out of the hotel room. I pull out my phone. Good thing I grabbed the contact number before I got on the plane. It's not like he hasn't been recruiting for a while.

“Mr. Saint James!...Yeah...just like you said...”I smirk. I don't have to be in CWF to keep an eye on things. I just have to bide my time until Tax needs me. I know they're up to something. This is the best way for me to operate, and's time I give some wannabe wrestlers a real lesson in professionalism...

So this is the part where we would normally wait till the night of a clusterfuck for me to show up as a surprise replacement for some fat fuck who didn't know how to fill out a work visa properly.

I'm not one for surprises because I'm not one of this so called “bad guys” who just show up and use that to their advantage. Why would I do such a thing here? You do that to people who actually fucking matter. You do that for people who are worth something...

Five time world heavyweight champion...fuck you.

Living CWF Legend...AHAHAHHAHAH...

Son of a living stick of fish food somewhere in the Atlantic...

Have I pissed you three off yet? Let me clarify this to you three fucknuggets very fucking clearly. I'm not here for your little CWF vs Hostility war, because one fucking thing is true here. If you three are the ones fighting. This isn't a war. This is delusions of grandeur, but then again that's all your careers ever were.

Let's take a look at the so called “heavy hitter” here. Alex Cain. Old Man Cain. The baddest man in CWF history. Five time champion. Five time holder of the most coveted gold spray painted backwards weight belt that ever was blown way the fuck out of porportion. Bitch. Sit. The. Fuck. Down.

The only thing that matters in your record old why you haven't held that title since. See. Let's play a little CWF history folks. You know that thing that is the only claim to fame for Alex Cain. Let me take you back. A few years and two closures ago. There was this guy...he got thru Elisha, Elijah, and all the other piles of shit that use to scare you fucks in your sleep. He had the world title. He was on top of the world. Then one night...he gets booked. Not in a match with a world title contender. No. With a weird new guy that just was literally almost bleeding to death because of how bad Elisha beat his ass...

That man was Ataxia.

That man beat Alex Cain's ass and won the CWF World Title...and Alex Cain has been hiding ever fucking since. So here's a little CWF fact for you Alex Cain. One that will tell you exactly what you have walked the fuck into.

I trained that man.

I am the original Ataxia.

And I am going to make history repeat itself on this show when I take your fucking best shot and I laugh it off. Then I'm going to take your head and shove it up Blue Scorpion's ass so we can finally pop that damn stick he shoved up there so many years ago that whenever he fucking talks I see a bobbing broom head in the back of his throat.

Legend. Legend who never faced me. So you got no fucking room to talk. You want to talk like you fucking matter with your pansy ass federation that has never truly had a hardcore title. You want to look down on these fine wrestlers with your attitude.

I guess Jarvis King was to busy hiding so they had to come drag your copycat ass out of retirement. Look at this fucker. Blue Scorpion. I'm so fucking scared. You look like someone I use to run with. Someone who use to like to talk shit. Then that dumb ass mother fucker stop performing so we had to let him go. Well...I had to let him go.

Down a staircase.

On fire.

...I'm not going to continue this because it just gets a little silly after that, but sufficide to say you don't impress me. You run your mouth and then can't back it up. You'll find that my reputation speaks for itself.

I've destroyed federations with my bare hands.

I've broken everyone's favorite champions.

I'm who federations call to destroy their roster...

So when Mr. Saint James said he'd let me run wild. I decided to give back a bit. You see...ever since Outsider Wrestling Federation closed I had this weight on my back. My home. What I built is gone, but with Carnage I revamped their legacy. Just a while ago I finally did something I swore I wouldn't do again. I went after a world title and won it. And I see...there will be one here. There will be a legacy here. There will be a revolution here.

And you want to try and stop me...

You are not made of sterner stuff BS. Neither you nor Cain can pull it off...

Which leaves me with you.

You. You I want most of all Jaiden.

I've wanted to get my hands on a Rishel for a while now and since Daddy is pushing up daisies in the great beyond more than likely...You'll have to do. For everything your family did to my dear sweet boy...

I'm going to take out of your god damn hide.

Your bad business decisions caused CWF to close and send that boy into a mental hellstorm. Then you coming back and trying your bullshit pushed him to come back. To care! LOOK WHAT'S FUCKING HAPPENED TO MY BOY THANKS TO YOU AND YOUR GOD DAMN GENE POOL YOU FUCK!

I'm going to make a new hole for you to shit out of in your god damn neck by the time I am done with you. I will take your silver tongue and it will lick the taint of my ass before I pour home made napalm down it and watch your fucking gullet melt as you try to scream out for your father...and he won't come to help you Jaiden...

Because no one will help a little worm like you... And when I am done with you three tonight...

You're going to know what true HOSTILITY is!

Now “The Reason” going to know why you don't mess with...THE SON OF A BITCH!