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Oh...I'm trying really damn hard to not laugh my ass off right now.

You see. I'm in a very awkward position here. You see. Eventually I know. I know. I know that Jaiden Rishel is going to give me a payback for this. I'm a talent. He's a promoter. He's waging a one man war against a brand he hates because of his family. In another's funny...I could have been Jaiden Rishel.

But I'm not a fucking pile of shit...

My father, in his later career, decided to buy a Pittsburgh territory of a federation and decided he was doing traveling. So my whole catholic family began to run all aspects of the business. Being one of the younger kids I didn't have a lot of responsibility at the time, but I worked all aspects. Even before I got into the ring I learned everything about the business. And I realized that there were worms in it. The worms were the ones who ran it who couldn't cut it in the ring. Those who can...wrestle...those who can't...hide in their daddy's company.

So when I call you a fucking know why you are. Here is a man who squandered his fucking federation and dares to take a shot at a place that has NOTHING to do with CWF. Nothing at all. This isn't CWF. This is Hostility! You got a fucking problem with this place because it spat in the face of your father's legacy. What the fuck do you call what you did when CWF restarted Jaiden?

You joined up with Elisha and Sunset...

And you wanna talk about your good fucking family name after that shit...or are you just trying to save face after your whole fucking family has disappeared. Guilt? Nostalgia? A shitty turn at redemption. It's fucking god damn pathetic is what it is. I at least have a reason to be here. I have a fucking purpose...and that is to make you fucking suffer.

You got an axe to does the fucking fan base with you. And for once we are both in agreement that you need to get the taste slapped out of your mouth.

I'm not here to win a cage match.

I'm here to break you in half. Because I was the hatchet man for my father. I was the one he'd put someone into a match with to break that person. To send them out the door. I have no problem breaking every god damn bone in your body. You sit there talking to me about your legacy. Your this. Your that.

Fuck you.

When the fuck have you fucking earned it Jaiden. You aren't going to beat me. You don't have the skill. You don't have the ability. And most of all you don't have the fucking heart to do it because what you really want is CWF...

And you can have that fucking cancer of a fed. Look what it's done to my boy. Not like you care. Why should you care. You don't give a good god damn about anything. All you cared about with my boy was that he made you money. That's all you Rishel's ever cared about. You never cared about your talent. They were tools. There were a means to an end. After you were done with let them rot.

My son went out to save CWF the last time it shut down...where were you? Where was your precious daddy? He was hiding. Like the bitch he is and was. You want to talk about great promoters in the history of wrestling? Rishel basically means shit. Always has...always will.

When are you going to learn that this isn't about you.

This is about us.

This is us.

This is our fucking lifeblood. This is who we are. This isn't you Jaiden. You're a cold calculating businessman. You aren't a wrestler. You aren't hardcore. You aren't shit. You have other people do your dirty work, but you want me.

Okay bitch...You're about to get me.

Maybe I'll be nice and give you a win...after I drop your corpse out of the ring. Here lies Jaiden Rishel...

May the worms feast on the worm...

Hostility wants me to shoot a promo. Okay. I'll bite. They ask me when and where to bring the cameras. We pick a warehouse where the cage is in storage. Set up the cage. No ring. Just me. A chair. Pack of cigarettes. Lighter. I pull one out and strike it. It's not the smoking or the cancer that's gonna kill me so fuck it right. I take a drag and the filming starts.

“So...this is going to be a bit of a cliche kinda deal here. However, you're a promoter so that's kind of what you do. This is a bit of a symbolism as to what is going to happen. You see. Right now you can act all tough. You can pretend you're going to win. You can play the pissed off heir apparent who squandered his fortune. You know what the funny part about all of that is. We're not so different. I to am the prodigal son of my family. Except well...I can actually fight. You see. You do match the parable except for one fucking thing. You've not suffered Jaiden. You still have your money. You lost your dad. Boo...fucking...hoo. I'm suppose to care about your byronic hero twist here? No thank you. You want to sit there and tell everyone that you are justified in your actions. Nah...let me tell you a little secret about me. Nothing that's happened to you is anything compared to my background. Having to murder someone threatening to kill your sibling after they've brutally assaulted your sister in front of age nine. Needless to say after that normal was a setting on the wash cycle. You want to tell me you suffered. Bitch...You haven't begun to...until now.”

I take a drag and stand up slowly.

“You see. I could go into how much you've made my family suffer with what you've done to my boy. I could make a point about everything you did to fuck over CWF to where really you coming to Hostility is the best thing for you. It is. Because without this place you'd have no shot in making an impression on the audience because as a sucked. Let's face it. You're only good at being a promoter. And you are promoter without a fed. So you're trying to kill this place, but in reality, you want to run it because then you'd have a purpose again. So I'm going to give you a purpose...after I rip your damn head off.”

I put out the cigarette on my own hand and blow the ash off.

“You will talk a big game Jaiden. You will talk your shit. You will make all of your hype. At the end however. When that cage locks. When that bell rings. Your ass is mine...and I am going to enjoy doing what your daddy should have done. Some fatherly love is coming your way Jaiden. You can call me Dad if you want to because after I'm done beating your ass Jaiden...that kink is gonna be hardwired into your fucking brain. Call me Dad son...Call me dad...Ahahahaha...What do you have to offer me to not hurt you shithead? You have nothing. You are nothing. You're less than zero. Enjoy the last few moments in your life of being that silver spooned shit that you always were. Because I am going to break that spoon off in your mouth and make you swallow it!”

And with that we're done. I don't need anything really to threaten anyone...well...threaten is the wrong word. I don't need anything high tech to make a promise I will keep. See you soon Jaiden.