Matt Korben vs. Harmony Taylor

From Tropicana Field


The scene opens backstage at the arena, we are in the locker room of the Elite. The camera slowly pans around the room as we see a large plasma screen TV a desk and two large leather sofas. Phil Styles is sat on one of the sofas with Jeremy Diaz and Wes Walker, Joe McBrady is sat on the chair behind the desk playing with a pen.


Phil Styles: Hey, Joe where is Bobbi?


Joe McBrady: She said she had some things to take care of.


Jeremy Diaz: She is with JP, I saw them before…


Joe McBrady looks around the room then notices the time on the clock.


Joe McBrady: Shit! It’s nearly show time!


Phil begins to laugh.


Phil Styles: Wakey, wakey Joe.


Jeremy Diaz: Damn...That the time, I’ll be right back I got to get my bag from the other locker room.


Jeremy grabs his towel and his International title and leaves the room. Wes takes a sip of water and looks across at the two bosses as the door slams shut.


Wes Walker: So what’s the plan for tonight boss?


Wes looks at McBrady, before Joe can speak Phil buts in.


Phil Styles: I’m your boss to you know?


Wes Walker: Shit sorry Phil.


Joe McBrady: Chill Phil everything is going to go our way tonight, I can feel it. The Elite will be taking care of business…


A cell phone begins to ring, Phil reaches into his pocket and answers it.


Phil Styles: Hello?




Phil Styles: I see, we will be there right away.




Phil puts down the phone.


Phil Styles: Joe we are needed in the production truck there has been a problem.


Joe McBrady: *Sigh* Come on then….


Phil and Joe get up and leave the room, the camera pans around to Wes Walker now sat in the Elite locker room alone.


Wes Walker: Damn right Joe, I will take care of business tonight.


Wes begins to laugh as the scene fades out.

Commercial Break


Gweedo: We will open up Juiced tonight with a three way strap match Moonie.

Mike Moon: This should be entertaining, but I have word of a scuffle going on in the back.

[The scene fades backstage as Steven Silver and Excalibur are trading blows. They are fighting towards the entrance ramp to the ring!]

Mike Moon: Looks like they might be heading out here.

Gweedo: I wonder who started that fight.

Mike Moon: Who cares?

[The two battle down to the front of the ring before Excalibur takes charge with an elbow to the face of Silver. He then tosses "The Sexy One" into the ring before following up on his attack. Boots to the back of the head give Ex the advantage until Zak Hackett comes running down the aisle.]

Mike Moon: Zak Hackett, a member of Fate, comes down to get into this match.

Gweedo: Isn't this supposed to be a strap match?

Mike Moon: I guess that's why the ref is breaking them up.

[The ref gets in between the three men with a strap in his hand. He ties one hand of all three men with this strap and signals for the bell as they go at it. Zak is punching Excalibur who is in the middle. Excalibur punches Steven Silver, but Silver punches him back. Excalibur realizes that he is getting most of the beating and decides to take a dive over the top rope to the outside. Zak and Silver hold onto Ex, causing him to dangle in the air before Ex takes a yank at the strap and both Hackett and Silver go flying over the top rope to the outside.]

Mike Moon: A great way to kick Juiced off here in Tampa, Florida!

Gweedo: This crowd is really into this match after that move.

[Excalibur stands up and pulls both Hackett and Silver to their feet before taking them both down with a double clothsline. He taunts to the crowd before sliding into the ring and trying to pull both men along with him. Soon after, they cooperate and come into the ring as Excalibur ties the strap around both of their necks somehow and begins to tap the turnbuckles.]

Mike Moon: This will be a huge win for Excalibur, who has been on a losing streak lately.

Gweedo: It will certainly help him out and he can start getting recoginition as the longest active member of the CMW roster today.

[Excalibur taps the last turnbuckle as the ref signals for the bell. The ref then takes the strap off the three men as Excalibur's music hits the speakers. Zak and Steven Silver stand around aimlessly until the lights suddenly go off in the arena. ]

Gweedo: What is going on here?

Mike Moon: Who knows? GET YOUR HAND OFF MY LEG!

Gweedo: I'm scared.

[The lights come back on and two masked men appear in front of the ring. Both are in all black with "Elite" ecthed across both of their shirts.]

Mike Moon: Those are the two men from last week who took out Kennedy!

Gweedo: They look like they want to take out three people now.

[Zak, Steven, and Excalibur band together as the two men enter the ring. One of them looks to be 6'6 and the other about 6'4. The 6'6 man takes Zak Hackett off his feet with a boot to the chest and the 6'4 man takes down both Silver and Ex with a double clothsline. The 6'6 man then picks Zak up and hoists him in the air in powerbomb form. He then holds him out a la Last Ride before sitting down with a VICIOUS powerbomb on Hackett!!!]

Mike Moon: He has to be dead after that!

Gweedo: He's not breathing!

[The 6'4 man grabs Steven Silver in reverse neckbreaker form.]

Gweedo: This move shouldn't be that bad.

[He then sits down hard on the mat with Silver's chin cupped over his shoulder!!!]

Mike Moon: OH MY GOD!!!

[The 6'6 man then grabs Excalibur up in powerbomb form as the 6'4 man grabs his neck. The crowd is speechless at these impact moves.]

Gweedo: This is the same move that nearly killed Kennedy.

[They both then sit out, the 6'6 man with a sitout powerbomb and the 6'4 man with a sit-out neckbreaker. Excalibur begins to violently convulse as the two men stand up and pull their masks off. The 6'4 man is a light-skinned black guy and the 6'6 man is a dark-skinned black guy. The 6'4 man grabs a mic.]

6'4 Man: We are the Violent Minds. I am Jamal York and this is Willis Jackson. We've come to bring a new chapter to the Elite, another branch if you will. We're not to be fucked with. And we want those tag team titles.

[Jamal York tosses the mic to the ground as he and Willis Jackson exit the ring area towards backstage.]

Gweedo: My God, what an impact.

Mike Moon: Jamal York and Willis Jackson. They are part of the Elite!

Commercial Break


["Tolerate" by Staind hits the PA system, and the word "FATE" appears on the bloodtron in white letters, on a black background.  Silver pyro erupt, as the lights go out and a silver colored spotlight greets The Fallen Angel at the top of the ramp.  As he walks down the ramp, a wall of silver colored fire emerges on both sides of the ramp, and a small trail right behind his footsteps.  Clad in a black skirt, his platinum colored hair hangs slightly over his face, as a demonic trademark grin can be seen.  He stands in the ring, and poses in the crucifix pose, with his head limp, arms straight out as the lights fade to black.]


Mike Moon: Well, Immortal member The Fallen Angel is out here right now... and frankly I don't care WHAT he has to say.  What he is doing to Caleb Hart is unjustifiable.  Hart can't catch a break, because everywhere he turns, Angel seems to be one step ahead of him!


Gweedo: Only because he is that much better Mike!


 Mike Moon: Thats quite debateable.  This savage blood fued, this all out psychological war is meaningless Gweedo... I mean how long before Angel finally gives up?  Nobody wants to see this anymore, its disgusting!


 Gweedo: I beg to differ Moon.  I quite enjoy seeing Hart get his ass handed to him every week!


[The Fallen Angel now sits in the corner of the ring, with a microphone in hand, staring out into nothing.]


 The Fallen Angel: Save your prayers Caleb, because not even God can save your soul.  I told you I wouldn't quit until I ruined you, until I took everything from you, and totally ENDED you!  Well, tonight the CMW higher ups seemed to have forgotten me when signing the matches for this week.  Me!  The X Net Global Champion!  I am Immortal damnit!  But you know what... I'm going to save, and fester that anger for the real problem of CMW.  Caleb Hart. 


 Mike Moon: This is getting old now Gweedo.  Same old story, different day. 


 The Fallen Angel: Caleb... you and I are alot alike.  Forefathers of this industry, helping lead CMW to the top.  Yet you got all the fame.  You got all the glory.  But who was always there to watch your back Caleb?  Roll the footage...


 [The bloodtron now begins to show the footage of when a masked when ran in and helped Caleb Hart defeat Eric Von Scott and The Rare Breed when the odds were against him several months ago.  Some footage then plays of TFA and Caleb Hart beating Matt Storm and Joe Taylor, then defeating the famed Bret Taylor and J.R.E.D.]


The Fallen Angel: You see Caleb?  I've always been there for you!  And how do you repay me?  With scorn and derision!  You always got the spotlight.  You always got the glory... while I... I watched.  I was happy for you Caleb, until you stepped on me for the last time.  I finally realized that I didn't need to stand back and watch... hell I MADE you.  All along these fans should have been cheering ME not you!  And you were right Caleb.... Fate doesn't have your back.  They've been using you all along!


 Gweedo: Hes right there.  Repeatedly we have seen Caleb Hart getting the brunt of things here in CMW, with no help from anyone.


 Mike Moon: Oh come on... circumstances come up, you can't blame Harmony, Darrell or Zak for that!


The Fallen Angel: But despite what I say, we both know who the greatest wrestlers of all time are.  You and I set the standard Caleb, but the problem is, there isn't enough room at the top for the both of us, and its time you step down... or rather, its time I make you.


 [The camera cuts back into the "Fate" lockeroom, to see Caleb with a towel around his neck, clenching his fists watching on a monitor.  He stands up and throws the towel down, and pushing the monitor onto the floor.  Zak Hackett and Darrell Music are watching this as Caleb starts to storm out.]


Zak Hackett: Hold on Caleb, we'll come too!


 Caleb Hart: NO!  Leave me alone, I can't handle this, it's MY business!


[Zak sits back down as Caleb storms out, with Darrell looking on with a concerned look.  The camera cuts back to the ring.]


 The Fallen Angel: This isn't going to end until I have driven you out of CMW Caleb... and when that is done, I can concentrate on obtaining my destiny.  Fate will put me back on a path towards my World Heavyweight Title.  And at Spill The Blood 2....


["Cult Of Personality" by Living Color hits the PA, as the crowd *ERUPT* and simultaneously get to their feet.  Caleb storms down the ramp, as Angel gets up out of the corner and flees to the opposite side, on the outside of the ring.  Caleb rolls in, and grabs a microphone, staring down Angel on the outside.]


Caleb Hart: I've had ENOUGH of your crap Angel.  Week in, week out, you come out here and run your mouth.  I'm sick and tired of it, it's my turn now!  You see, you never MADE Caleb Hart... you trained him.  I made Caleb Hart.  I worked for everything, and I made CMW, not you! 


 [The fans cheer some more.]


Caleb Hart: You beat me at Disasterpiece 2... but lets roll the footage shall we?


[The footage is shown of Caleb Hart pinning The Fallen Angel in the first part of a double main event Iron Man match, but the referee was unconcious and unable to count Angel down for the 3 count.]


 Caleb Hart: You see Angel, everyone in this building knows you did not win that match. 


The Fallen Angel: On the contraire my good friend... I took advantage of the circumstance.  I knew the referee was out... I didn't hear no three count being administered, so why should I waste my energy trying to kick out?


 [The fans boo loudly.]


 Caleb Hart: Well you know what Angel... I've had enough of your trash talk... because thats all it is.  Talk.  Spill The Blood 2, it's going to be Caleb Hart versus The Fallen Angel.  I don't care if Phil Styles doesn't sign the match, if we have to we'll meet in the parking lot for all I care. 


 The Fallen Angel: You're barking up the wrong tree Caleb...


 Caleb Hart: This is gonna end once and for all Matt!


 [Angel shakes his head and smiles on the outside.  He pushes a lady off a nearby chair and folds it up.]


The Fallen Angel: This won't end until I cripple your ass!  I made you, and now I am gonna break you!  I was your alpha, and I WILL BE your omega!


[Angel stalks towards the ring now as Caleb drops the mic and calls Angel on.  Angel slides the chair in the ring, and hops up on the apron, but Caleb knocks him down, as he lays on the outside of the apron.  Caleb leans through the second rope to pick up Angel, and as he bends over, he gets sprayed right in the face once again.]




Mike Moon: This is sick... for the past month and a half this is what happens to Hart every show.


 Gweedo: Look at him, doesn't he look like a moron, stumbling around the ring with a silver painted face?


[Caleb vigorously rubs at his eyes as he screams from the pain, as Angel just whipes his mouth and smirks.  He picks up the steel chair and just mockingly stalks the blinded Hart.]


Mike Moon: Just leave him alone!  Why can't Angel just fight him like a man for once in his career?


Gweedo: You saw Disasterpiece... Angel kicked his ass!  And what about Fatal Games?


 [Back in the ring, Hart is finally getting his composure back, but as he does, he turns around only to get walloped with a chair shot to the cranium.]


Mike Moon: Oh my God!  Caleb Hart is still standing!


Gweedo: He's taken enough chair shots, you think he would be used to them by now!


 [Angel winds up and cracks Caleb with another *VICIOUS* shot to the head, which makes some blood trickle down.  Caleb stumbles back and bounces off the ropes, but stays upright, wobbling on his feet.]


Mike Moon: This is incredible folks, a blinded Caleb Hart has just taken TWO destructive shots to the head, and is still standing.


 [Angels mouth gets wide open as his jaw drops.  He gets frustrated, kicking Caleb in the gut and hooking his arms, lifting him and planting him with a 180 degree double arm implant DDT.]


 Mike Moon: Oh my God!  The Oxceltyne Burner!  This is enough, Angel has done enough damage over these past few months! 


 Gweedo: Face it Moon, Hart is defenseless when it comes to The Fallen Angel.  Week after week Angel gets the best of him... and you know why?  Because hes BETTER than him!


 Mike Moon: Thats not true at all!  Noone has more fight, more spirit, and more resilliance than Caleb Hart!  Angel uses cheap dirty tricks every week... and hes definitely getting into the mindset of Caleb Hart.


 [Angel is now posing overtop of the bloody Caleb, standing in a crucifix position, as the fans pour on the boos.]


 Mike Moon: Get security out here this is sickening!  I can't wait for Spill The Blood 2... that is if Angel MAKES it there!


 [Angels picks up the microphone.]


 The Fallen Angel: You're out of your league Caleb.  Out of your league, and tonight?  I WILL get me a match, thats a PROMISE!


[Angel drops the mic, and walks over to the ropes, when Caleb Hart is up on one knee.]


 Mike Moon: Are you seeing what I am seeing?  Caleb Hart has been viciously assaulted and hes getting right back to his feet!  This is unbelievable. 


[The Fallen Angel just stands there smiling at the ropes, as a bloody Caleb Hart stumbles to his knees.  The fans in the arena erupt as Darrell Music and Zak Hackett are seen running down the ramp.  Angel turns to see this and rolls out of the ring, exitting through the crowd.  Hackett and Music roll into the ring and go to help Caleb who shrugs them off.  There is no mic but you can make out what they are saying, as Caleb is yelling at them.]


Caleb Hart: Where were you guys huh?  I thought you said you'd have my back!  You've NEVER had my back!


 Zak Hackett: You told us to stay out of it!  YOU'RE the one who told us to let YOU handle YOUR business!


[Caleb just pushes past him as Darrell and Zak look on confused as we fade to commercial.]



["Rain" by Yoko Kano hits the speakers as the lights dim and a spotlight follows Creature on his way to the ring.]

Gweedo: This match will determine who faces Robert Keyhome for the Owen Hart Memorial Title at Spill the Blood 2, Moonie.

Mike Moon: Both of these men had impressive showings last week. Creature in his soundly defeat over Excalibur and Joe Taylor with his attack on the International champion, Jeremy Diaz.

Gweedo: Joe Taylor will get what's coming to him for that attack on Diaz.

Mike Moon: Just like Darrell Music?

[Creature stands in the middle of the ring as "Greed, Hate, and Envy" by Nelly and the St. Lunatics hits the speakers. Creature wastes no time in leaving the ring as Joe Taylor comes walking down the aisle. The two engage in a brawl in the entrance way.]

Mike Moon: Both of these men are a bit on the small side. Creature at 5'10 and Joe at 5'8.

Gweedo: Short people rule!

Mike Moon: Huh?

[ Creature takes command of the brawl with a knee to the gut. He then slams Joe Taylor head first into the barrier. Joe is temporarily dazed as Russ Farrant comes walking from backstage and tries to give Joe come pointers. Creature grabs Joe by the hair and leads him towards the ring where he tosses him in under the bottom rope. Russ Farrant follows closely behind as Creature jumps at him as if he is going to hit him. Russ backs up with an angry look on his face as Creach slides into the ring. He is met with a baseball slide dropkick that sends him sliding right back under the bottom rope!]

Mike Moon: Creature certainly made the mistake of taking his eyes off Joe Taylor.

Gweedo: Someone with such speed should be stuck to like the sun on black!

Mike Moon: Sun on black?


[Creature is dazed on the outside as Joe Taylor mounts the top rope and takes flight with a highly elevated cross body onto Creature. The two roll around on the outside after the contact and Taylor is back to his feet quickly as the crowd cheers him on. Taylor goes back on the offensive against Creature with several forearm shots to the side of the head. He then goes to whip him into the steel steps, but Creature leaps over them. Joe Taylor suddenly follows up by trying to nail Creature with a calf kick using the steel steps to jump from. Creature catches Joe Taylor in mid air as if he were going to do a flapjack. Creature just spins around a bit with Joe before dropping him neck first over the barrier!]

Mike Moon: Joe Taylor will never be the same after that move Gweedo!

Gweedo: I think he's dead.

[Creature picks a limp Joe Taylor up and rolls him into the ring. He then picks Taylor's limp body up and nails him with the Abyss before hooking the leg. One, two, three.]

Mike Moon: Robert Keyhome. Meet your opponent for Spill the Blood 2.


[The scene fades backstage as Joe Taylor and Russ Farrant are walking after Joe's crushing defeat to Creature. Joe Taylor grips his neck in pain as Russ scolds him.]

Russ Farrant: I told you not to take him lightly! And what do you do?

Joe Taylor: I know! I know!

[The two turn a corner and bump into a familiar face.]

Jeremy Diaz: Hey Joe. How's the neck?

[Russ' eyes glow wide and Joe is surprised himself as Jeremy Diaz stands there in front of them with the International title around his waist.]

Jeremy Diaz: What's the matter? Did I scare you?

Joe Taylor: Yeah right!

[Joe starts to laugh.]

Jeremy Diaz: Well, I'm not here to bully you Joe. I've got a meeting with a certain someone right now as a matter of fact. So if you will excuse me.

[Jeremy just blitzes in between Joe and Russ as they just shake their heads and continue to walk.]

Joe Taylor: What a chump. I can't wait to take that belt from him one day.

Russ Farrant: Right now, we need to attend to that neck of your's. This could be serious.

Jeremy Diaz: Hey Joe!

[Joe Taylor lets out a sigh of frustration before turning around.]

Joe Taylor: What Di-

[Joe Taylor is quickly silenced with a 2-0-5 superkick under the chin. His feet leave the ground as he goes crashing onto the concrete. Jeremy then nails Russ Farrant with a right hook to the jaw as he falls on the floor as well. Joe Taylor is out cold. ]

Jeremy Diaz: So you want my title Joe?

[Jeremy slaps the International title that is strapped safely around his waist. Jeremy continues to kick at Joe Taylor's limp body before looking to see a table of concessions. Jeremy grabs Joe up by his hair and drags him to the table. Jeremy then picks Joe up in powerbomb form as Russ Farrant tries to stop him. Jeremy just drops Joe Taylor before grabbing Russ by the throat and slamming him hard into the brick wall. Russ just goes limp and falls to the floor as Jeremy puts him on the table of concessions. He then picks Joe Taylor up and slams him down with a vicious powerbomb. All the food and such splatter everywhere.]

Voice: Hey! That's my food!

[Jeremy looks over to his right and starts to laugh as Mikey Boy stands there licking his fingers with the Crimson Glory title in his other hand. Jeremy just flips him off before walking away. Mikey Boy picks up some kind of food and throws it at Jeremy!]

Mikey Boy: Asshole!

[The food hits Jeremy in the back of the head and runs down his bare back as he just stops in his tracks and turns around, but Mikey Boy is gone! ]



Mike Moon-Well next up is a match to be honest that I have no idea what so ever how it’s going to work.


Gweedo-Ha! Mike Moon has been stumped unlike ole manly here what we have up next is a…a…(scatters thru loose papers) the 1st ever CMW Hardcore Scavenger Hunt Match…wait a second is that a misprint?


Moon-No Gweedo it is not and according to sources the way to win is to find the Crimson Glory title hidden somewhere in the arena, the only way to do so is to pin your opponent and with that you gain access to a “clue” of some type that will give you the edge. The first person to hold the title in both hands is declared the winner.


Gweedo-Wait a minute you just said Crimson Glory title that of course means CMW’s own sir kick me around is defending his Crimson Glory title in a match thought up by a 3rd grader hyped up on crayon, who is his opponent?


The scene changes quickly as we see a garbage can situated in a parking lot with random things flying out of it IE. Egg cartons, plastic bags, condom wrappers, raggedy Andy Dolls, A Jeremy Diaz single disc you know crap. The rummaging seems to stop as we hear a hollowed cursing…


Voice-Damnit, damnit, damnit…


Gweedo-Wait a minute I know that voice…


Hardkore Dave then pops his head out of the can covered in grease and yolk and he begins to thwack his chair inside the dumpster as he climbs out.


Dave-Not here…then where the hell???


Gweedo-I should have known better to think real athletes were to be involved in this contest, so we have skeleton reject homeboy and modern day hobo caveman duking it out for the right to make asses out of themselves great fascinating TV wake me up when its over will you Moon?


Gweedo shuts his eyes and begins to snore.


Moon-Anyways let us go back to earlier in the day to where this match really began in the search for the holy Crimson Glory Title hit the footage.


Shoots out to a different scene.


We see Hardkore Dave fumbling around in the boiler room with a hardhat on; you know the kind the one with the flashlight on top and he himself on all fours. He is crawling on his belly somewhere in the dark in hopes of finding the title in what sounds like a movie theatre floor sticky and almost as if the bodily fluids of a pregnant woman had cremated itself on its surface. He continues to poke and prod until his hardhat light fizzles out.




Next Scene


We see Dave on the roof of the arena stepping onto a scaffold with what looks like the remaining supplies of the window washer. He motions for Mr. Steel Chair to go first and it does falling onto the steel grating and Dave follows and begins to level off floor by floor he looks in each window as he goes along.


Dave-No not there.


He lowers it to the next level.


Dave-No not there.






Scene Fades


We re-emerge with Mikey Boy sitting idly in the IMMORTALS locker room as his “running buddies” converse among them. He goes to stand up almost looking dehydrated as Follower raises his hand and stops him dead in his tracks.


Follower-Where do you think you are going there little one without a baby sitter?


Mikey just stops and looks up into Follower’s dead set black eyes.


Mikey-I was going to urinate would you like to watch?


Follower back hands Mikey to the ground and then washes his hand in the nearby sink.


Follower-You follow you do not lead…you are our shadow man not anything else, understand.


Mikey begins to clear his throat and responds from the ground.


Mikey-I need to find my prize its all I have left for now until I find something else…to suit my needs.


Follower just looks over to TFA and chuckles…


TFA-You thinking what I’m thinking?


Follower - Lightening does not strike twice but for this case I believe it to be something of an exception.


The scene fades…


We again come face to face with Dave who now happens to be stepping rather slowly in a steam filled area with the faint sound of pitter-patter being heard around him.




When suddenly thru the thick steam he spots someone a female it seems on her knees???


On instinct Dave swings hard and hears a thud and down falls Amber flat on her back on the wet floor…


Dave-Wet floor…Amber…Steam…oh crap…


Suddenly from the steam comes Harmony Taylor wrapped around tightly with a towel…


Harm: Hello stalker no. 283 I don’t appreciate peeping toms…


Harm then knees Dave in the nut sack and he falls instantly to the ground.


Fades out


We come back to the   IMMORTALS locker room to see Mikey is taped down and gagged to chair ala Harmony Taylor last week as the IMMORTALS begins to shuffle out.


Follower-And if you happen to know your place, you may now follow in our footsteps and if you truly yearn to find what is left of your soul you will and I mean you will find a way to persevere if not I guess you will be lost forever then.


Chelsea-And to think even in my state of drunkenness you could’ve had this (points to herself) in your sad little lifetime. C’mon Follower Hun, I have something I want to show you for later on.


Follower sneers a perverted grin as they leave Mikey alone in the room.


Fade out.


Moon-And that is where we stand now.


Gweedo- (snoring)


Moon-Anyhow lets see if any progress has been made.


We pan to the back to spot Dave wandering around covered in specks of piss and vinegar as if he just raided the fish and chips stand in section 3B. His chair is cracked and broken as a cameraman begins to follow him at a rapid pace. Then from around the corner Dave spots Mikey with his back turned as a ref is finally visible and without hesitation he runs up to him and wallops him over the head with a crackling chair shot…Mikey falls as Dave pounces atop for a cover and that almighty clue.


Moon-I never though Mikey could escape what the IMMORTALS did but it seems even so he is screwed.


The ref goes down 1…2…3!!!


Moon-Dave has just earned a clue, and now maybe this daylong match can end before the telecast is over.


The ref goes over to whisper in Dave’s ear when Creature walks by and just looks down a bit confused. The ref stops and looks at him cockeyed.




Creature-That sure as shit don’t look like Mikey to me.


Moon-Well after a shot like that I wouldn’t think so.


The camera pans over Mikey as Creature, Dave and The ref huddle around the body to see a straight laced man in business pants and an IMMORTALS T-Shirt on but his name tag says:


Visitor-Marty Sinisim, Agent.


Creature-Nope not him at all. (Now to be sure he leafs thru his pocket to get his wallet and pulls out a card and reads aloud). Representative of Chelsea Columbo, Jenna Jameson, and Anna Nicole Smith. Well at least he keeps a common theme going, there all stupid, fake whores.


Ref-But they are hot.


Creature-Granted. (Creature then drops the card and pilfers the money out of the wallet and walks away like nothing has happened all the time whistling Yankee Doodle Dandee)


Dave now sits there with his head throbbing like its about to explode. Gets up and stomps down the hallway until he notices the IMMORTALS locker room and kicks the door in to see…


Moon-Hey Mikey has freed himself there are just tape and rope all over the ground. The chair is missing though and a note, what the?


Dave opens up the leaflet note and reads aloud…


“Sorry Dave from your friendly neighborhood Infamous, motherfucker”


Dave just tears the holy hell out of the leaflet and storms out into the hall until he realizes something…


Dave-Maybe its in the camera. (He grins maniacally)


Dave then thwacks the camera hard and we lose picture but hear sound…


Dave-Nope not in this one.


Another cameraman runs into the picture just in time to catch another hard chair shot taking him down.


Dave-Not this one either.


A third man comes around the corner and sees the mess that’s been left and the cameramen who lay hurt and down and begins to run away. The camera turns into a Blair Witch film as the cameraman is seen running down the ramp before stopping to turn around and look at the ramp and with a sigh relief stops to catch his breath.




Dave comes out to a roar us pop, and stalks the camera man until out of nowhere…




Dave begins to trot down the ramp touching at his back as he grips his chair ever tighter. His back bleeding profusely he rolls into the ring as Mikey moves in for the kill until “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” by The Smashing Pumpkins hits the PA and Mikey just stops dead and turns around pissed.


Moon-Ah come on your tried once to sabotage his match and now that it’s close to starting here comes this misfit again.


Follower walks out onto the ramp with a gigantic smile on his face and a white T-Shirt with Mikey’s bleeding face on it reading: Born to be humiliated!


Moon-This is just plain wrong.


The Fallen Angel walks out next wearing the exact same shirt all the time walking bowlegged and then out comes Chad Columbo world title around his waist and referee’s shirt on and then finally Chelsea Columbo who comes out dressed in the sluttiest little cheerleader number.




Moon-Its like a 6th sense to you isn’t it?


Gweedo-Yes…it has the power to wake me.


The power group walk right past Mikey though and slide into the ring as Dave holds onto the ropes in order to pull himself up. Columbo immediately grabs the ref and tosses him over the top rope to the floor and then points to his authority shirt. Angel then waits on Dave and as he turns around delivers the blinding “Silver and Cold Kodak Moment” blinding Dave instantly Follower then dives in with a boot and delivers a rapid quick Broken Path into his Chair!!!


Moon-Wait there helping him?


Gweedo-Wait I’m confused.


Moon-You were asleep half the match.


Gweedo-You have no idea what’s going on either.


Moon just shuts up as Dave staggers up bleeding heavy from the nose, and is again taken down with ease back on the chair “Oxceltyne Burner” and Dave dead on his feet wobbles up again with a massive Crimson Mask and the Cracker looks around like he’s being watched and decides its worth the risk and applies the CrackerRack!!! Dave falls again as Angel then boot and EVEN FLOW DDT on the Chair!!!


Moon-Stop this beat down the man is dead.


Follower then waves off his comrades as Chelsea enters the ring and does a cheer.


Chelsea-IMMORTALS they can do it because they can, yippee.


She jumps into the air flowing up her skirt revealing to the crowd a massive amount of skin.


Gweedo-MY GOD!!!


Dave is inhuman he begins to get up again and falls back into a full nelson by Follower who then elevates Dave high into the air and pushes forward while extending both legs out crushing Dave into the mat face buster style while never releasing the full nelson.


Moon-He calls that “The Proverbial Cup of Kool Aid”


Gweedo-On that Chair…ouch.


Dave finally goes limp as Mikey steps into the ring only to hit with Chelsea by her pom pom and he falls like a sack of bricks she uncovers it to show a brick and then tosses them over the top rope. Mikey struggles bleeding from his eye as Follower has a mic…


Follower-This was not for you Mikey as you just felt this was to let out a little steam over Angel’s blemish by the hands of this life reject. So as you sit there soaking in your own bodily fluids I give you a clue…the voices left you because you were weak and now soon something more then just blood will leak from your place of abandonment prepare for you head to be caved in.


Angel pulls up a dead Dave and puts his destroyed chair in his hand as Mikey stands up incoherent to the world…Follower swings Dave’s chair for him using his limp arms as Angel walks for him and Mikey is powerless to avoid the beaming blast finally caving in the chair as he falls to the mat unconscious. With the impact alone though the chair breaks open and what would happen to fall out…


Moon-Oh my god…The CMW Crimson Glory Championship was concealed this whole time in Hardcore Dave’s Chair!!!


Mikey lays there bloodied as the title remains in both hands and Chad just stands there shocked as he calls for the bell.


Announcer-Your winner and still CMW Crimson Glory Champion, Mikey Boy!!!


The IMMORTALS stand there shocked as Dave pulls himself up bloodier then fuck and the lot of them just begin to put the boots to them until Darrell Music, Harmony Taylor, Zack Hackett and Jessica Beach walk out onto the ramp the IMMORTALS stop dead and stare them down as Dave rolls out to the mats below. The IMMORTALS step out of the ring and onto the ramp way as The two masked hoodlums, John Patrick, Wes Walker and Jeremy Diaz hop the railing and attack from behind leading to all out war between all three factions!!!


Moon-This is total chaos!!!


A massive amount of security comes out to prevent any more bloodshed as well as CMW wrestlers and crew. Mikey begins to stir as Jeremy Diaz looms over him ignoring what is going on behind him. Mikey removes the chair from around his neck and grabs his belt as Diaz backs up allowing Mikey to stand. Mikey extends his to shake Diaz’s.


Moon-A nice thanks you from Mikey.


Diaz extends until he retracts it gives Mikey the finger and lays into him with a 2-0-5 Super kick laying him out…




Diaz grabs the microphone and stands over Mikey until he snatches the Crimson Glory Title.


Diaz-I do not do favors for anyone only to myself. And now I can eliminate something that has been bugging the shit out of me for quite some time and that is to erase the defeat that this maggot holds over me and take the belt that he has held so dear for so long because he might be the longest reigning CMW Champion on the roster but he is not as big as ME!!! I am Infamous and I will do this…NEXT WEEK HELL IN CELL!!!


Gweedo-H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T!!!


Moon-Always looking out for himself, bastard.


The brawl turns wild as we cut to break.


Commercial Break

2 DOWN......

Mike Moon: Folks I am getting news that something has just happened backstage!


Gweedo: What in the hell is it Moon!?


Mike Moon: I don’t know.


The scene then jumps backstage and the camera looks down on the floor and there is a trail of blood on the concrete floor. The camera follows the trail until it goes past the interview area and round the corner into the loading bay. Round the corner is a few CMW superstars and road agents stood around looking shocked the camera moves over the mess over pipes and barrels to see Joe McBrady and Miss Bobbi both lay on the cold hard floor both busted wide open. On the floor next to them a buckled folding chair there seems to been quite a struggle. The EMT’s are seeing to Miss Bobbi who is screaming in pain as they load her onto the stretcher. They then begin work on Joe McBrady who is virtually un recognizable because of all the blood. He is out cold as the EMT’s put the oxygen mask on him and load him into the ambulance. All of a sudden Phil Styles and Jeremy Diaz come running around the corner.


Phil Styles: WHAT IN THE HELL!


Jeremy Diaz: Shit that’s Joe there loading in there!


Phil Styles: Shit!


Phil tries to get nearer to Joe but a security guard stops him.


Security Guard: Sorry sir you can’t come any closer.


Phil Styles: I can if I want this is my building and my company!


Both Diaz and Phil barge past the man and Phil stands next to Joe.


Phil Styles: Don’t worry Joe your going to be fine…I’ll get who did this to you Joe and it will be the last thing they ever do.


Jeremy Diaz: We promise dude.


The EMT’s shut the doors on the ambulance and the ambulance drives off into the distance, Phil just stands there and watches until it’s completely out of sight. He then looks around and notices all the people standing around watching.


Phil Styles: Shows over folks…


Jeremy Diaz: You heard the man…BEAT IT!


The crowd quickly disappears.


Phil Styles: We will catch them Diaz.


Jeremy Diaz: We shall…


All of a sudden Wes Walker comes running round the corner. All out of breath he tries to speak to his fellow ELITE members.


Wes Walker: Come…Quickly….JP!


Phil Styles: Breath for god’s sake!


Jeremy Diaz: You see what some fucker did to McBrady!?


Wes Walker: Yes I did but the same has happened to JP!


Phil Styles: YOU WHAT!?


All there men run down the hall with EMT’s following closely behind they stop at a locker room on the far side of the arena and John Patrick is lay on the floor broken class everywhere. John is bleeding but not to badly. He is clutching his right arm and screaming in agony, Phil leans over as the EMT’s see to JP.


Phil Styles: JP! Who did this!?


JP: I don’t…ARGH!!!


Phil Styles: Did you see anyone?


JP: No, happened to fast.


Phil Styles: Get him out of here, I can’t deal with all this.


The EMT’s carry John Patrick out of the room as Phil kicks the shards of glass around with anger.


Phil Styles: Listen up, somebody or something is trying to crush the Elite and there doing a god damn good job at it. So listen up Diaz Walker you both have a match tonight and your both representing the Elite so until you go to ringside tonight your going to have the very best security forces guarding you. Hell I don’t care if they have to watch you piss. You talk to no one you stay in that locker room…I can’t have anything happen to you two. Diaz I know it sucks so don’t even start on that level, just bare with me I have some investigation work to do.


Jeremy Diaz: Deal…


Wes Walker: Sounds cool with me.


Security forces enter the room as Phil Styles pulls out his cell phone and the scene slowly fades to black.



[The scene opens in Harmony Hart's dressing room as she is getting ready for her big match tonight. The cheers from the crowd inside the arena echoe as the door to her lockerroom opens and shuts. Harmony looks up and nearly shrieks at the sight of Jeremy Diaz standing there. The boos amount greatly at the sight of him.]

Harmony Hart: If you are planning on attacking me, do it AFTER the show.  Please?

Jeremy Diaz: Hmmm...

[Harmony stands up as Jeremy approaches her.]

Jeremy Diaz: I came here for one reason and one reason only.

Harmony Hart: And what is that?

Jeremy Diaz: To wish you luck and let you know that I'm cheering for you to beat Columbo tonight.

Harmony Hart: Well, thanks, I guess.

Jeremy Diaz: No problem.

[Jeremy sticks out his hand for Harmony to shake. He then smiles at her before turning to leave to room.]

Jeremy Diaz: Harmony.

Harmony Hart: Yes?

Jeremy Diaz: Tell Darrell I said to go fuck himself, oh nevermind, I'll tell him myself.

[Harmony laughs as Jeremy leaves the room and the scene fades.]


Mike Moon: Well, next up folks we have quite a treat.  I'm still shocked by all the events taking place earlier this evening, it has been quite the eventful night so far tonight. 


Gweedo: Yeah, whatever, but next up we have a classic tag match going down.  Fate vs. The Elite.  Darrell Music and Caleb Fart take on Wes Walker... and my favourite, the "Infamous" Jeremy Diaz!


Mike Moon: Oh brother!  Don't get st...


["Infamous Muthafuckas" by IJD hits, and the arena erupts in boos almost instantly.  Jeremy Diaz walks out onto the stage as the lights dim, and a spotlight begins to follow him down to the ring.  He jaws with some of the fans as he walks down the ramp, and rolls into the ring, going to one of the corners and posing to the crowd as they boo him even more.]


Gweedo: Cmon now, you should show some more respect to this man!  This man is the current Unified International Champion, and a former WORLD Champion... treat him with the respect he deserves!


Mike Moon: These fans are giving him exactly the same amount of respect that he gives them.  Its a dog eat dog world out there Gweedo.


["Figured You Out" by Nickelback hits and Wes Walker walks out onto the stage and he raises both arms in the air. He then walks down the ramp, ignoring the fans as he goes. He then scrapes his feet before he enters the ring. He then goes to the two far corners and does a pose before he stretches with the ropes waiting for the match too start.]


Mike Moon: Well, we have a newer team here of Wes Walker and Jeremy Diaz, two members of Elite, going up a well experienced group of Caleb Hart and Darrell Music, although tensions have been running high lately. 


The lights dim as the big screen fades to total darkness, and in the middle of the screen appears a word in bold blue


This disappears, followed, in order by these words...




When "Music" hits the screen,  pyro shoots off and "War Machine" by Kiss fires up on the speakers. Thomas Highway emerges from the back, and pauses while his gigantic charge comes from the backstage area. The
crowd lets out a massive ovation, as Music comes into view. The two men stroll down to the ring, and Darrell steps over the top rope, and into the squared circle, Wes Walker retreating to the outside, Diaz just watching from where he was standing, as they eye eachother down.


Gweedo: I've been dreading this moment all night.


Mike Moon: Whats that, this match is going to be amazing!


Gweedo: Not the match lamebrain, Caleb Harts entrance.  All these stupid fans.  Makes me sick.


["Cult of Personality" by Living Colour blares the the PA, as almost every single fan in the arena stand on their feet and applaud. The lights go out as the opening riff ends, Hart Attack flashes across the screen as pyro shoots out of the entrance. The arena lights are strobing Red and White as Caleb Hart appears out of the entrance dressed in black boots, black trunks with the words Hart Attack in white across his butt. Hart stands at the top of the ramp and holds out his arms and begins to walk down to the ring jawing with the fans and slapping their hands. He slides into the ring and climbs onto the second rope in the middle of the ring as the lights begin to strobe only white casting a cool silhouette on Caleb as he raises an arm to salute the fans. The lights go back on as Caleb perches himself on a turnbuckle facing the entrance.]


Gweedo: Makes me sick.  Why would they cheer for a man like this?  The so called "Sex Machine"?  Hes nothing but a loser.  He lost to The Fallen Angel, which is understandable, but he lost his chance at the tag team titles last week, and theres no way hes walking out of this match victorious.  Jeremy Diaz has already beaten him once, for the World title I might add, why does Caleb persist?


Mike Moon: Because Calebs a fighter.  Hes never gonna give up, and that, along with all the talent he has, makes him one of the best superstars in the world.  No doubt about it.


Gweedo: Stop kissing ass.


Mike Moon: Wha...


[The bell rings, cutting of Moon, as Music and Hart slightly argue over who will start, as Wes Walker just gets out onto the apron, as Diaz doesn't seem to mind.]


Mike Moon: More tension here between Caleb and Darrell, they can't even decide who is going to start the match!


Gweedo: That's because they are both scared of Diaz!


Mike Moon: Actually, I think they both WANT in...


[Music finally gives in, letting Caleb start out the match.]


Mike Moon: Well, the bell has sounded, and Jeremy Diaz charges at Caleb while hes not looking, executing a perfect dropkick into the back of Hart.


[Hart bounces off the ropes as Diaz just gives a little smirk, waiting for Caleb to retaliate.  Caleb keeps his cool, and begins to circle Diaz.  The two lock up, and Diaz hits a knee to the gut on an already beaten and battered Caleb Hart.]


Mike Moon: I don't know how Caleb is wrestling right now, what resilliance.


Gweedo: Whatever.  Looks like hes not faring so well though as Diaz just hit a wonderful snap suplex.


[Diaz taunts Caleb for a bit, before running and knocking Diaz off the apron.]


Mike Moon: There we see some more of the heated rivalry between Music and Diaz, but what about Music and Columbo?  You've got to think that Music is ultimately more preoccupied with the World Heavyweight Champion, then Jeremy Diaz?


Gweedo: Jeremy Diaz rules though!


Mike Moon: Yes, but the tension between Columbo and Music is nothing compared to the heat between Diaz and Music.  I think Music is just trying to take out some of his frustrations on Diaz who, for some reason is starting something with him.


Gweedo: Diaz didn't start it, we ALL know that!


[Back in the ring Caleb is back to his feet, and exchanging right hands to the forehead of Jeremy Diaz who was jawing at Music on the floor.]


Mike Moon:Caleb taking advantage of the fact that Diaz is ultimately angry with Music.


[Music climbs back up onto the apron, as Caleb has Diaz backed into there corner.]


Gweedo: Music just tagged himself in, much to the dismay of Caleb Hart.


Mike Moon: Music really wants to get his hands on Diaz, and hes not waiting for Caleb to tag him in. 


[Caleb starts arguing with Music now, as he wanted to stay in, which allows Diaz to regain his compsure, kicking Music in the midsection, as the referee prompts Caleb to leave the ring and stand on the apron.  Diaz whips the huge body of Music into the opposite corner, where Wes Walker starts to choke him out, before the referee makes him stop.  Diaz runs in and hits a big splash.]


Mike Moon: Diaz and Walker actually working in unison it seems.  Pretty good for two people who have never worked together before.


[Diaz twists the arm of Music a few times, and tags in Wes Walker, who steps in, and kicks Music in his exposed ribs, as Diaz leaves.  Walker now hits Music with a russian leg sweep, tagging Diaz back in, who climbs the top rope and quickly hits a frog splash on the big man.]


Mike Moon: Impressive work by the newly formed team of Walker and Diaz.


Gweedo: Well, Walker is a tag team specialist with his partner John Patrick, so he knows what this is all about.


Mike Moon: Did you just say something intelligent?




[Back in the ring, Diaz has an armbar sinched in on Music, before Darrell Music can get to the ropes.  Diaz pulls his leg, and pulls him to the middle of the ring, and runs off the ropes and hits an elbow drop.  Diaz grabs Music by the hair and forces him to his feet, going for a right hand, but Music blocks it and hits a right of his own.  Music with repeated lefts and rights now, before he hits a huge headbutt on Diaz, forcing both men to collapse.]


Mike Moon: Darrell Music fighting back there... but Diaz is still first to his feet.


[Both men struggle up, Diaz getting there first, and irish whipping Darrell into the ropes.  Caleb slaps him on the back and jumps into the ring.  Diaz hits Music with a dropkick, and Caleb comes in with blazing rights, reeling Diaz back.  The referee however, didn't see Caleb make the tag, and pushes him back into his corner, allowing Wes Walker to come in and make the doubleteam on Music while the referee isn't looking.]


Mike Moon: This is a bad stroke of luck for Caleb!  The referee didn't see him make the tag!


[When the referee turns around, Walker is back in his corner, and Diaz is pulling Music up by his hair.  Music however, finds a surge of energy, and hits a lunging clothesline at Diaz.  Music gets to his feet, and looks over at Caleb, but hesitates and holds his hand up, waiting for Diaz.  Diaz stands up and Musics massive hand is wrapped around his throat, going for a chokeslam.  Walker tries to come in, distracting the referee, which allows Diaz to kick Music right in the groin.]


Mike Moon: Oh!  The referee didn't see the low blow!


Gweedo: Great tag team wrestling there Moon.


[Caleb Hart, drops off the apron, and starts walking to the back.]


Mike Moon: Whats going on here?  Caleb Hart is deserting his partner in the middle of the match!


Gweedo: Good for him, Music is a loser anyways!


[Music doesn't notice, as he has just taken a kick to the balls.  Diaz goes to the top rope, and as Music gets up, he jumps and hits a twisting hurricanrana.  Diaz gets up and poses on the second turnbuckle to the crowd, who boo his ass off.  Diaz and Walker make the tag now with the odds in their favour, do a double suplex on the vulnerable Music, which leaves Music and Walker the legal men now.  Music however, reverses and irish whip and shoulder checks Wes Walker.  He helps him up and hits a huge sidewalk slam.]


Mike Moon: Darrell Music has just unloaded here on Wes Walker!


[The Fallen Angel can be seen walking down the ramp, as he stands up and gets on the apron, where Caleb was standing before.]


Mike Moon: What in the bloody hell is going on now?


Gweedo: The Fallen Angel is here to save the day!


[Music now hits a powerbomb on Wes Walker, but Jeremy Diaz gets in the ring blindsiding Music with a superkick to the side of the head.  The referee makes Diaz get back in his corner.  Music now, crawling to his corner to make the tag.]


Mike Moon: I don't think Music knows that Caleb left, and that The Fallen Angel is his partner!


[Music makes the tag, as The Fallen Angel jumps in the ring, and begins unloading lefts and rights on Wes Walker who almost got the tag to Diaz.  Meanwhile Diaz is complaining to the referee that Angel isn't supposed to be in match.  He pulls Walker to his feet and kicks him in the midsection, and sets him up, posing in the crucifix position for the crowd.]


Mike Moon: The Oxceltyne Burner!  Oxceltyne Burner!


Gweedo: My hero!


[The Fallen Angel goes for the pin!]


Mike Moon: Oh my God hes going to get the pin!


Gweedo: No, Diaz off the top rope with a leg drop to break up the pin!


[Music is up now, and realizes that The Fallen Angel is in the ring.  He pushes him.  Angel pushes Music back.  Music goes to hit Angel with a BIG boot, but Angel ducks, and Music nails Wes Walker, as The Fallen Angel gets superkick right under the chin from Jeremy Diaz!]


Mike Moon: 2-0-5!!  Jeremy just NAILED The Fallen Angel. 

[The refree is having a hard time gaining control here, as neither Darrell Music, or Jeremy Diaz want Angel in the ring.  He does however regain order and the match continues, with Angel irish whipping Walker into his and Musics corner.  He charges and hits him with a knee.]


Mike Moon: Darrell Music just hit The Fallen Angel with a VICIOUS right hand, knocking him down... and wait, thats a legal tag!  Music is the legal man!


Gweedo: Oh no, now Angels gonna get a loss!


[With The Fallen Angel staggering to get up from the right hand of Darrell Music, Music sets up Wes Walker and hits a *BRUTAL* gutwrench piledriver!]


Mike Moon: The Reckoning!  This is it Music for the pin!


[Music falls on him for the pin, and Diaz tries to come in for the save, but The Fallen Angel is there too and sprays Diaz in the face with the silver mist!]


Gweedo: Silver and Cold Kodak Moment!  For the second time tonight! 


Mike Moon: THREE!!!  More importantly than that Darrell Music just got the three count!


[Diaz is blinded and can't see, as The Fallen Angel rolls under the bottom rope, with Darrell Music staring him down, before rolling out and running up the rampway after him, leaving Diaz and Walker in the ring, as we fade to commercial.]


Commercial Break



(for the CMW World Heavyweight Championship)


Gweedo: It is now time for the biggest match in Harmony Hart's career.

Mike Moon: Harmony Hart versus Chad Columbo for the CMW World Heavyweight Title. Harmony certainly has an uphill battle tonight.

Gweedo: Too bad she's going to lose to the Immortal Icon.

Mike Moon: I wouldn't speak so soon Gweedo.

["Do You Call My Name" by RA hits the speakers and the crowd is on its feet as Harmony Hart comes walking down the aisle. She gets halfway down as red and white pyro blasts off behind her. She enters the ring and poses on a turnbuckle to an outstanding ovation from the crowd.]

Greg Jackson: The following matchup is a singles matchup for the CMW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!! In the ring, from Green Bay, Wiscousin, SHE is the challenger, HARMONY HART!!!

[The crowd's cheers drown out the sound of Harmony's music for the next few minutes as she looks around, amazed by the ovation. The cheers turn to boos as "Immortal" by Adema hits the speakers. Chad Columbo comes walking down the aisle with the CMW World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and his sister Chelsea by his side. ]

Mike Moon: Of course he would bring that tramp down to ringside.

Gweedo: Don't judge Moonie. Afterall, Harmony has some friends in the front row.

[The cameras pan over to Jade Camry and Jessica Beach in the front row.]

[Columbo enters the ring and holds the ropes for his sister as the crowd continues to boo.]

Phil Styles: Wait a damn minute!!!

[The crowd boos somemore.]

Phil Styles: I want a good clean main event tonight. So Chelsea Columbo, you come backstage. Jade Camry and Jessica Beach in the front row, you two come backstage as well!!!

[The show goes to a commercial.]


Gweedo: And we're back from that break. As you all should know by now, Spill the Blood 2 will be live on ppv June 29th in Portland, Maine.

Mike Moon: The winner of this match will go on to face Darrell Music in the main event of that show.

[The bell sounds as Chad Columbo hands the CMW Title to the referee who hoists it in the air to signify this match as a title bout. The ref then hands the title to a ringside person as Harmony and Chad begin to skip and circle the ring keeping a distance from one another.]

Mike Moon: Harmony Hart gives up alot of size to Chad Columbo.

Gweedo: Almost two feet and two hundred pounds to be exact! You could make a whole other person with the size difference between these two!

Mike Moon: That person would be short and fat Gweedo.

Gweedo: It sounded good until you analyzed it.

[Chad mockingly gets down on his knees and crawls over to Harmony. Begging her to kick him in the face. He even closes his eyes. Harmony just shrugs before bouncing off the ropes and nailing the Cracker with a dropkick to the face that takes Columbo clearly off his knees. Harmony wastes no time in going on the attack, grabbing Columbo by the hair and delivering punishing forearm blows to the face. She then begins to nail him with closed fisted punches before Columbo shoves her backwards. Harmony hits the mat back first and back flips to her feet in a crouching position. She charges Columbo again, but gets nailed with a boot to the chin. ]

Mike Moon: Columbo is taking charge after Harmony's big burst of offense.

Gweedo: She is really going to feel the pain now.

[Chad picks Harmony up and shoves her into the corner. He then uses the ropes for leverage in the stomps to the gut and even chest of Harmony Hart.]


[The fans boo hysterically as Columbo stops taunting and picks Harmony out of the corner. He whips her against the ropes and nails her with a devestating tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the return. Chad then makes a cover. One, two, Harmony kicks out with authority. Columbo picks Harmony up from the mat and nails her with a 10 second delaying vertical suplex. After this, he taunts to the booing crowd in Tampa, Florida.]

Gweedo: He is so amazing.

Mike Moon: After making the blood rush to her head before dropping her, he should be making a pin cover.

Gweedo: Don't tell him what to do, that's why he's World Champ and you're just an announcer with a bad attitude.

Mike Moon: And you kiss everyone's ass.

[Chad picks Harmony up and whips her against the ropes again. Harmony surprisingly ducks a clothsline attempt and nails Columbo with a flying forearm shot on the return. Columbo is quickly to hit feet, but taken down with a beautiful dropkick from Harmony Hart. Columbo is back up again but gets snapped to the ground with a japanese arm drag. Three arm drags later and Columbo just rolls to the outside of the ring for a breather.]

Mike Moon: WOO HOO!! Look who is getting it now!

Gweedo: Oh, shutup!

[Harmony bounces off the ropes and takes flight with a suicide plancha to the outside onto Columbo who easily catches her. He twirls around with her in his arms a bit to the boos of the crowd before tossing her lower back area into the steel ring post! Harmony hits the floor on the outside, clutching her back in utter pain. Columbo stomps on her head again and taunts the crowd before picking her up and whipping her so hard into the steel steps that the top one flies off. Harmony just lays there as Chad picks her up over his shoulder and taunts to the crowd once more.]

Gweedo: He's going to deal the finishing blow!

[Chad runs to toss Harmony, headfirst into the steel post, but Harmony slides off his back and slams him into the post. Chad hits the post and is temporarily dazed before falling to the floor on the outside. Harmony, however, just sloutches out on the floor. The ref begins his count.]









[Harmony slides into the ring while Chad is already in there but laying on the ring mat. Harmony pulls herself up to her feet as Columbo pulls himself up in the corner. Harmony charges Columbo and jumps onto him for a hurricanrauna, but Chad starts to run like he is going to nail a powerbomb, but Harmony flips it over quickly with a hurricanrauna. One, two, Columbo barely kicks out.]

Mike Moon: We ALMOST had a new champion there!

Gweedo: Columbo is pissed!

[The crowd is going nuts as Columbo pulls his hair in frustration. Harmony surprises him once more with a dropkick to the side of his head as he is on his knees. Harmony then runs and flips off the second rope with a lion sault onto Columbo. One, two Columbo kicks out by bench pressing Harmony into the air. He sits up and pulls his hair again in frustration, not believing what is going on. Harmony just bounces off the ropes and nails a front sit-out dropkick to the chest and face of Columbo. She then grabs his legs and flips over. One, two, Columbo kicks out. He quickly gets to his feet as Harmony is about to execute another attack and nearly takes her head off with a clothsline across the neck!]

Gweedo: And he little run for glory ends THERE!

Mike Moon: Shut the hell up!

[Chad taunts the crowd somemore before giving a cut throat signal and climbing the top rope.]

Mike Moon: Columbo is going to try and end the match here Gweedo.

Gweedo: It's about time, he's been playing with female for too long.

Mike Moon: Harmony Hart is not just any "female".

[Columbo is on the top rope and signals for the Crackerjack as Harmony staggers to her feet. Columbo then takes flight as Harmony moves out of the way and Columbo NAILS the ref on the forehead with the flying forearm! The ref hits the mat hard as Columbo can't believe his eyes. He then sees Harmony staggering towards the ropes and charges her, but she drops down and pulls down the top rope for Columbo to fly over and onto the outside. Harmony then, in one burst of energy, climbs the top rope and takes flight with a SHOOTING STAR PRESS to the outside onto a rising Columbo!!!]

Mike Moon: WOW! Did you see the camera flashes when she executed that move?

Gweedo: No.

[Harmony gets to her feet first and sheds a grin before reaching under the ring and pulling out a ladder. She then slides the ladder into the ring before kicking Columbo in the head a few times. She even goes as far to grab him by the hair and slam his head hard onto the concrete.]

Mike Moon: She might cause the champ a concussion.

Gweedo: Now he'll be hurt for his match with Darrell Music.

Mike Moon: The way things are going, he won't make it to Darrell Music.

[Harmony struggles to pick Chad up by the hair and put him in the ring under the bottom rope. She then enters the ring herself and sets the ladder up as Chad lays there. She climbs the ladder as the crowd goes nuts and cameras flash. She then signals before taking flight.]


Gweedo: WOW!

Mike Moon: What's that I hear?

Gweedo: No fair! She's using a ladder!

[Harmony hooks Columbo's leg, but then realizes that the referee is still knocked out from that Crackerjack. She gets up to go revive the ref. She picks him up by the shirt, but he limply falls back down to the mat. Harmony gives up and turns around to be nailed in the face with the folded ladder by Columbo! Chad then slides to the outside of the ring by the announcer's desk and grabs a chair before sliding back in. Harmony gets to her feet dazed as Chad CRACKS her over the skull with the steel chair!]

Mike Moon: That cheap bastard!

Gweedo: You do what you have to do to win.

Mike Moon: That's not what you said when Harmony used the ladder for her finisher!

Gweedo: So?

[Columbo then sandwiches Harmony inside the ladder before using the chair to beat onto her crazily. After the chair dents up to much to use anymore, Columbo tosses it to the outside before pulling Harmony out of the ladder. He then picks the ladder up and slams it down on her limp body one more time before throwing it to the outside of the ring. Columbo notices the reviving referee so he picks Harmony up for the Cracker-Rack.]

Gweedo: It all ends here Moonie.

Mike Moon: Not so fast. Harmony counters!!!

[Harmony somehow counters the move into a school boy roll up. One, two, Columbo kicks out. Harmony just falls to the mat tiredly as Columbo gets up to his feet. He grabs Harmony up by the hair and whips her hard into the corner. Harmony comes staggering out and is nailed with a sidekick to the forehead from Columbo! Harmony folds up like an accordian as Chad makes a cover. One, two, kick out!]

Mike Moon: Harmony refuses to give up her dream!

Gweedo: Columbo wishes she would just GIVE UP!

[Columbo picks Harmony up and sits her on the top turnbuckle. He then gets on the middle turnbuckle with her and then stands her up on the top turnbuckle and stands up with her.]

Gweedo: Columbo is going to try and end her career!

Mike Moon: It looks like he's going to give her the superplex up there!

[Columbo goes to nail Harmony with a superplex, but Harmony battles back with punches to the gut. She then shoves Columbo off the turnbuckle as he lands in perfect position for her to come down on him with a Decending Melody! Harmony quickly hooks the leg, ONE, TWO, THREE!!!]

Mike Moon: SHE DID IT!!! SHE DID IT!!!

Gweedo: She cheated!

Moon: Hold on a second Gweedo, not to take anything away from Harmony but we are told we are fading backstage.....

The scene goes backstage and we see a security guard stood in front of the ELITE locker room. The camera man goes in and we see Phil Styles sat at his desk looking kind of frustrated and angry, he is still on the phone and he is chewing a pen. Then out of nowhere a boy no older than the age of 18 comes running into the office without knocking.


Phil Styles: Ever heard of knocking!


Boy: Please…Mr. Styles I have been told to get you urgently there is something for you in the parking lot.


Phil Styles: What is it?


Boy: You should come and see…


Phil Styles: Last thing I need tonight but ok. Diaz get out of there!


A side door opens and Jeremy Diaz walks out in his street clothes with a bag of ice on his head and plaster above his right eye from his match before.


Jeremy Diaz: What’s up boss?


Phil Styles: We are needed in the parking lot.


Scene fades out



The scene fades back in with Diaz Styles and the young boy standing before the door which leads out onto the parking lot.


Jeremy Diaz: How do we know this isn’t a trap and where is Walker!?


Phil Styles: Walker went to get coffee with his security dude.


Phil makes a hand gesture and the security guard opens the door to the parking lot after a few seconds he says its safe and Styles and Diaz make there way outside, when all of a sudden there facial expressions drop. Outside parked up is a hearse with the flowers in the back reading CMW, and a coffin sat there. The driver seat has someone sat in it. Diaz walks over very carefully and opens the driver doors to find Wes Walkers security guard all beaten up in the front seat with tape over his mouth and his hands bound. Phil and Diaz both looked shocked as they find a note on the dashboard that says “Open The Coffin”. Phil plucks up the balls and walks around with the security guard and opens the back door the coffin slowly slides out. Phil begins to pull at the lid and the security guard at the other side they finally get it open.


Phil Styles: WES!


Wes Walker is covered in blood and his hands bound with chain he seems completely out of it and Styles just begins to shake his head.


Phil Styles: Get me my phone and get me some security and for god’s sake get me a doctor!


With that Juiced fades to black.