sWo Wednesday Night Revolution

sWo Wednesday Night Revolution

West: Welcome everyone! as we are LIVE! From New Orleans, Louisana! As the sWo Presents...Revolution!!!

(The cameras turn on into Dr. Rafter's Office, with a huge set of jeers from the crowd, where sWo President and Owner Dr. Rafter is sitting down, going over some paper work and other forms for shows. Dr. Rafter goes through each form, reading it and signing it at the bottom, and then putting it in his out box. As Dr. Rafter starts reading his final paper, we hear Dr. Rafter's Door open forcily, Dr. Rafter puts down the paper from in front of his face, and then smiles evily, as the camera pans around showing, Big Badd Wolf and The Kat standing in the doorway.)

Dr. Rafter - Well Wolf, we feeling any better after the PPV?

Big Badd Wolf - Great excuse Rafter, just as bad as your son. I'm sitting at the airport, waiting to get to this Vendatta PPV, I go up to get onto this plane with the Kat by my side, and what happens? I find out my tickets had be cancelled by someone.

Dr. Rafter - What? Are you serious Wolf? You mean that you weren't really sick?

Big Badd Wolf - Listen Doc, I rang you telling you that I was stuck at the airport and What's with this crap anyway about me being sick? Anyway, I've got an idea on who it was

Dr. Rafter - Well Wolf, you know, you tell me who you think it is, and if it's true, I'll fire them on the spot.

Big Badd Wolf - Ok then Doc, I'll tell you who I think it was...It was YOU!

(Dr. Rafter has a shocked look on his face.)

Big Badd Wolf - Listen Doc, It's so obvious that it would of had to been you. All the pieces of the puzzle come together. It's been obvious lately that you have lost all faith in me, what ever happen to the Dr. Rafter that promised me the World Title when I sided with him? What happened to the Dr. Rafter that said that I was the sWo's True World Champion, eh? You were just afraid of the truth being told, and now that it's out.

Dr. Rafter - SHUT UP! Ok! ...Your right it was me that did all that, and you know why Wolf? Because today's BBW...is a hasbeen! The BBW I sided with a few months ago was a powerhouse, a force, but look at yourself now Wolf, you don't even deserve to be standing here in my office. Whining!

Big Badd Wolf - What you going to force me out?

Dr. Rafter - No I won't be doing that, however these guys behind you will!

(BBW turns around and notices police standing behind him)

Dr. Rafter - As of this moment, BBW, your suspended! Simple as that. Get Him out of here, and that slut of a wife also!

(The Police grabs BBW and the Kat and takes them out of Dr. Rafter's Office, as Dr. Rafter stands there waving at them as BBW yells at Dr. Rafter)

West: Well that was...interesting to say the least. What do you have to say about that Killer?

Killer: If...uhh...if Dr. Rafter says something...it must be true!

West: You're such a tool! It's now time for our show to officially begin!

Returnee versus Debuter Match
"The Awesome One" AJ Foley vs."Static X" Serevin Alexander

West: Let's get this one started! Our first match has a returning Foley versus a debuting Serevin!

[Foley's music plays, and he steps out to a decent pop from the crowd. He walks down the ramp and gets into the ring, and leans against the ropes a few times.]

Hardcore Jimmy: And his opponent, 'Static X' Serevin Alexander!

[With the arena readied for the next match, a sweltering panic begins to sweep through the arena as the lights shut off, plunging the stadium into an utter, never ending darkness. Seconds later, the giant video screen comes alive with a group of small girls with their backs turned to the camera, dancing in their white cotton Church dresses in a sunny setting. The screen flashes to a heart monitor signal spiking quickly, then returning to the girls dancing. Seconds later, the screen flashes to the signal spiking again, only this time growing faster... and faster... until finally, the signal itself flatlines. The girls, with their backs still to the corner, begin to sing... Serevin Alexander steps out, and charges down the ramp. He slides into the ring, and spears Foley.]

West: My God! This match is underway!

Killer: Alexander is gonna rip this guy apart.

West: I wouldn't be so sure.

[Alexander takes an early advantage with a knee to Foley’s mid-section. Foley bends over allowing Serevin to hit a snap DDT. Foley rolls onto his back, squirming to get outside. Serevin leaps over and grabs him by the ankle dragging him back in. But Foley quickly kicks Serevin in the face. Serevin topples back, bounces off the ropes, and Foley goes for a clothesline, but Serevin ducks, and hits a clothesline from hell.]

West: What impact!

Killer: I told you. Foley's not gonna last three minutes.

[Foley lies on the mat while Serevin spits on him. He then hits a running leg drop, and goes for the quick cover, but Foley kicks out on 1.]

Killer: It's not gonna be that easy Serevin.

[Foley gets up and starts punching Alexander. He continues punching him, and Serevin punches back, the momentum growing. They continue until Foley gets the better, grabs Serevin’s arm and swings him into the ropes. On the return, Serevin ducks Foley’s clothesline, grabbing his waist, lifting him up to his shoulders and executing a samoan drop.]

West: Oooh. Samoan drop there by Serevin Alexander. Now going for the pin again but Foley kicks out on 2.

[Both men get up. Serevin goes for a punch on Foley but Foley ducks, runs to the ropes, and on the rebound cross bodies a bewildered Serevin Alexander. Foley gets up straight away and climbs the turnbuckles. He then executes a drop kick when Alexander gets up. Foley goes for the pin.]

West: One, two- no!

Killer: That's right Foley, get your shots in.

[Alexander swings to his feet quickly, and runs at Foley. Foley leapfrogs Alexander, who continues to the ropes, but Foley runs behind him, and as Alexander turns for the return, Foley clotheslines him with ferocity over the ropes, to the outside. But Alexander lands on his feet, and as soon as he does, he grabs Foley’s feet and pulls him to the outside. Alexander then swings Foley right into the barrier. Foley slumps down, clutching his ribs. Serevin quickly grabs him and throws him towards the steel steps, but Foley grabs the post and leaps onto the top of the steps. But Alexander quickly runs up, leaps to the top of the steps, grabs Foley and power bombs him to the floor.]

West: No! Power bomb on Foley! To the floor!

Killer: Aha ahaha! I told you!

[Serevin smirks as he throws Foley into the ring, and covers him.]

West: This has gotta be over!

Killer: One, two, thr- no! Dammit!

West: Foley kicks out!

[Alexander punches the mat. He then gets a sadistic look in his eye, before he grabs Foley's legs, and slaps on an Indian Death Lock.]

West: Indian Death Lock!

Killer: It’s over!

[Foley writhes around on the mat, screaming in pain, as Serevin keeps the hold. But Foley gradually manages to inch his way closer and closer to the ropes. Suddenly, Serevin pulls him back into the centre of the ring again. Foley continues to grit his teeth and scream, and once again gets himself over to the ropes. He then grabs them, and the ref counts to 5. Serevin breaks off on 4.]

Killer: Damn!

West: Foley got to the ropes! But the damage has been done!

Killer: Look at Serevin go! He’s working on that leg!

[Serevin starts stomping away on Foley’s right leg, as Foley clutches it and grits his teeth. Serevin then picks Foley up, and ‘inadvertently’ throws him into the Referee who gets knocked down and lies on the mat.]

West: Ah come on! That was blatant!

Killer: Serevin is a genius! He’s going for that chair now!

[Serevin has dropped outside and goes over to the timekeeper. He shouts at him, and then takes his chair. He folds it up and goes back inside the ring to Foley, who is lying on his side, clutching his knee. Serevin then slams the chair repeatedly onto Foley’s knee, who keeps screaming. As the ref begins to get to his feet, Serevin hits one last huge smash with the chair, and then throws it out side. The ref comes over to him to shout at him about the previous incident, and Serevin holds his hands up innocently, with a smirk on his face.]

West: Damn him!

Killer: Give him his props.

[Serevin quickly picks Foley up, and power slams Foley onto his side, so his knee hit’s the mat. He then does this again, and a third time. Foley lies on the mat, unable to get up. Serevin spits on Foley, and then picks him up. He sets him up for the Static Dreams.]

Killer: Static Dreams! Watch out!

[Serevin hit’s the Static Dreams, and once again Foley is flat on his back. Serevin covers him.]

West: One, two,- wait a sec! Alexander pulled Foley’s shoulder up!

Killer: He’s toying with his prey.

[Alexander smirks, and then slaps on the Indian Death Lock again in the center of the ring. He gets a vicious look on his face, and starts screaming himself. Foley can’t take the pain, and taps out.]

Hardcore Jimmy: Ladies and Gentlemen, here is your winner, Serevin Alexander!

[Serevin’s music plays, as he keeps the hold on. After a while it stops, as the ref screams at Serevin to break the hold. Serevin keeps it on for a while, but then breaks it, and throws Foley’s leg down, spitting on him one last time, before leaving, holding his arms up as the crowd boo.]

West: Commercial break time!


(We come back from a commercial break and see Blake Williams is walking back to his locker room, two kids stop him, and ask him to sign their copy of SWO Magazine. He says yes, and the kids hand him a pen and their magazines. He opens it up, and he sees that two wrestlers have already signed it. It says, Thank you, and is signed by Ric Rage and the Pod. Blake has a confused look on his face, and before he knows it, he is hit over the head with a golf club by the Pod. Blake drops to the floor. The two kids pick up their magazines, and run. Ric Rage walks into the picture with a baseball bat in hand. The Pod picks Blake up, and holds him by the hands. Ric swings at Williams ribs, and hits him hard. Williams starts to cough up blood. The Pod sets him up for a powerbomb, and down goes Blake onto the hard concrete. )

West: These two are getting out of hand.

Killer: What? I think the Pod and Ric Rage are ideal wresters.

West: They are sick if anything.

Killer: And what’s wrong with that?

West: What’s wrong? Look at what they are doing to Blake, he just finished his match, why attack him now?

Killer: You do more damage when the person is weak.

(The Pod starts to walk out of sight as Rage is attacking Blake some more. Ric kicks Williams in the ribs. He stands over Williams, and with his bat in hand, Rage slams it down onto the chest of Williams. RIc then picks him up, and hits him with a back breaker. )

Killer: Bake breaker! This is getting good.

(Rage picks up the Pod’s golf club, and uses Williams left shoulder as a golf ball. A Ref comes running to Williams aid, but Rages tells him to get the hell out. The Ref does not listen, so Rage swings at the Ref’s legs, and the ref falls to the ground, landing hard on his head)

West: No! This is too much.

Killer: The stupid ref, who does he think he is. I would hit him too if I was Rage.

(We start to hear music, and we see the Pod listening to a radio on his golf cart. He turns down the radio, and stops the cart. He jumps off.)

Stupod: Ric, lay him out side ways.

Ric: Sounds good.

(Ric Rages moves Blake Williams sideways, making a perfect speed bump for the Pod.)

West: No! He’s not!

Killer: Yes, yes yes! The Pod is going to run over Blake Williams with a golf cart!

(The Pod steps back into his golf cart. He turns the key, but nothing happens. He turns it again, but still, nothing.)

Rage: What’s going on?

Pod: I think I am out of gas.

Rage: What? We filled it up today.

Pod: Yeah, but I kinda took it out for a joy ride.

Rage: What ever, maybe we can push it over him them.

Pod: Sweet.

(The Pod gets out of the cart. Him and Rage get behind the cart and try to push it, but it wont move. )

Rage: What the hell is wrong with this thing?

Pod: Oh, my bad, I put the brakes on.

Rage: What? Forget this, we did the damage.

Pod: Okay, let’s go get a drink.

(Rage and the Pod start to walk away, and the camera zooms in on the bloody face of Blake Williams.)

West: This is just sick!

Killer: HAHA! And Blake has a match...right now in fact!

(Back in Black starts up and out comes Dr. Rafter, mic in hand. Smile on face. More jeering from the crowd.)

"The Violator" Simon Masters vs. Blake Williams

Dr. Rafter: It seems Blake Williams will be unable to compete tonight. As is usually the case when people have to face Simon Masters, he went and found the cowardly way out of the match.

(The crowd boos that.)

West: Yeah right! He had to see what just happened!

Dr. Rafter: Sooo...it is another forfeit win for the Violator!

West: What?! No he's not suppose to get a damn win! This match should be off!

Killer: What Dr. Rafter says goes, Tommy you know that! He had to make an executive decision.

West: Executive decision my ASS!

Dr. Rafter: Congratulations to Simon Masters on another big win.

(Dr. Rafter smiles, the crowd boos wildly.)

West: Well I guess that's that. The power hungry Dr. Rafter has struck again!

Mace vs. Kip Helmsley

Dr. Rafter: One last thing ladies and gentlemen...since Mace has taken it upon himself to ride with Blake Williams in the ambulance...he's unable to compete tonight so...the winner of this match KIP HELMSLEY!


Killer: That's the right move right there!

Dr. Rafter: Congratulations Kip on your big win!

(More loud boos by the fans as Dr. Rafter turns on his heels and leaves, big smile on his face.)

West: Well ladies and gentlemen w---

(The arena lights go out and over the loudspeakers you hear the sound of laughing. The laughs have been slowed down to where they sound almost demonic. Then on the sWo-Tron a white flash appears and words that say "HaHa". This leads us into a shot of something unknown. The camera starts zooming out and we see that the original shot was an extreme close-up of someone. As the camera keeps moving out, we finally see that it was Darius Graiye. He's wearing a blindfold as he lay in a heap on the ground of his locker room. Blood runs from his mouth and forehead)

Killer: What the hell?! Who did this?! Someone get the EMTs!

West: We have to go to commercial break ladies and gentlemen!


NA Title Match
"The Aussie Extreme Icon" Big Badd Wolf vs. "Superstar" Matthew Fox©

West: Welcome back everyone! Darius Griaye was attecked before our commercial break, by...someone. The North American champion and he's in the ring awaiting the challenger...Big Badd Wolf!

(Matthew Fox stands in the ring, with an crowd on edge, waiting for someone to come out from the back.)

Tommy West: Well, We all know that BBW was suspended earlier tonight from comments he made about the sWo.

Killer: That's right, I still don't believe BBW got suspended for that! But Dr. Rafter is a wise man.

(As Killer finishes speaking, AC/DC's 'Back In Black' hits the PA System as Dr. Rafter walks out from the back, holding a Microphone, as the crowd erupts into jeers.)

Dr. Rafter: Well, thank you for your warm hospitality, I'll be sure to cross you guys off the tour list from now on. However, this ain't why I am here tonight. Fox, My applogizes to you, because tonight, you don't have a match. But, that's good, because you get to keep your North American Title, and BBW is now sitting on his ass in his hotel room, watching Revolution. Hey BBW, if your watching right now, I'll tell you this, your suspension, it won't be lifted any day soon...

(Everything in the arena cuts out. The arena pludges into complete darkness. Slowly the lights come back on in the ring, and BBW stands in the centre of the ring, with Matt Fox in position for the Big Badd Bomb, lifts him up and slams him into the mat. BBW stands in the ring, looks at Matt Fox, and points down to Dr. Rafter, yelling at him that he's next.)

Dr. Rafter: Get this guy out of here! Now!!! He's Not suppose to even be in an sWo Ring! GET HIM!!!

(Police come out from the back, as BBW gets out of the ring quickly and jumps into the crowd and runs off, as the police get around the ring, as Matt Fox lays out cold in the ring.

The EMTs finally come to stretcher Fox out of the ring but he shakes them off and leaves on his own to great applause.)

West: What the hell going on here tonight?!

Killer: I don't know but Wolf's in a bad mood!

West: Main event time, Killer!

Main Event
The Pod© & Angel vs. Insomniac & "The Icon" Lex Rafter©

Hardcore Jimmy: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

Hardcore Jimmy: Introducing first! From Garden Grove, California! Standing six feet four inches tall! Weighing in at 205 pounds! THE POOOOOOOOOOD!!!

{Revolution by 30 Seconds to Mars plays, as the lights go out. Some silver fireworks go off, and then the lights go back on, and we see Stupod at the top of the ramp holding Golfy. Stupod walks down the ramp, and goes into the ring, where he climbs up one of the turnbuckles, and looks up into the jeering crowd.}

Killer: Look at the cocky swagger he has about him. It's like a halo! He's un-fuck-wit-able!

West: Riiight...

Hardcore Jimmy: And his partner! From Los Angeles, California! Standing six foot two inches tall! Weighing in at 240 pounds! DOPE member and number one contender to the sWo World Championship! ...ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!

{Dross' by Smashing Pumpkins hits the PA and the crowd launch into a huge chorus of boos. DOPE's symbol appears on the sWo-Tron as Angel walks out, smirking at the booing crowd, continuing down the ramp. He reaches the ring and slides under the bottom rope, before leaning against the turnbuckles, facing the entranceway awaiting his opponents. He slaps five with the Pod as he does.}

Killer: The absolute BEST wrestler in the game today, Tommy! Bar none!

West: You might be right, Killer.

Killer: Might be? I AM! No one touches Angel! And him and the Pod together tonight...Insomniac & Rafter don't stand a chance.

West: We're going to find out now, aren't we?!

Hardcore Jimmy: And their opponents! Introducing first! From Oakland, California! Standing six foot two inches tall! Weighing in at 235 pounds! Representing the Iniative! INSOOOOOMNIAAAAAC!!!

{The opening notes of Undeclineable's "Beautiful Nation'' hits, and the lights flash in red and black. Fireworks go off from the ramp and then Insomniac strides out. He stops and looks all around the arena, and then points at the ring, proceeding to march straight into it. He jumps up to the apron and looks around again, before he steps down and awaits his partner.}

Killer: Ahh and the THIRD memeber of the team haha!

West: Well Lex certainly belives that. He thinks he's the patsy in another big surprise reunion.

Killer: You know I have to agree with that idiot, Lex for once. This is too perfect! Dr. Rafter is goddamned genius!

West: We'll see...

Hardcore Jimmy: And his partner! From New York City, New York! Standing six foot three inches tall! Weighing in at 230 pounds! The sWo World Heavyweight Champion! The Icon! LEX! RAFTEEEEEEEEEER!!!

West: Here comes the champion!

Killer: A nobody! This punk can't lace the Pod or Angel's boots!

West: Your opinion!

{The arena lights are dimmed as the words "The Icon" appears on the big screen in blood red letters. "No Leaf Clover" by Metallica begins to blast through the PA system, across the arena, the power chords sending jolts through the crowd like electricity through water. "The Icon" Lex Rafter makes his way out to the top of the ramp wearing the sWo world title on his waist. The crowd greets him with a huge mixed reaction. More cheering than jeering at this point, however. The champion makes his way down the walkway and towards the ring in a calm manner. He quickly rolls under the bottom rope. He quickly hops up and runs to the top left turnbuckle, climbing the turnbuckle to the second rope, holding his arms in the air. He hops down to test the ropes before shooting a dirty look towards all three men in the ring.}

West: It'll be interesting to see how this one starts!

Killer: Angel and the Pod seem to know who'll start; Angel. But Lex and Insomniac can't seem to agree.

West: It looks as if...yes, Insomniac will start! I guess he's trying nullify the turn conspiracy theorist early.

Killer: ...what?

West: A worm is over ya head.

Killer: Whatever!

West: Well Angel & Insomniac will start us off with Lex and the Pod on the apron!

[Insomnaic starts with Angel and early mindgames result. Angel gets in Insomniac's face. Insomniac pushes him. Angel gets right back in his face. Insomniac tries to lock up, but Angel ducks under and rolls out the ring telling the referee to back Insomniac up as he runs over to the ropes.]

West: Angel starts immediately with the mind games.

Killer: He's the king round here! He does what he wants!

[Back in Angel and Insomniac go back to the middle of the ring. Insomniac again tries to get a quick lockup. Angel immediately counters into a go-behind on a standing switch. Insomniac just as quickly gets a standing switch of his own. He pushes Angel to the ropes, but Angel hangs on during Insomniac's rollup attempt. Angel ducks under the ropes back to the outside.]

Killer: Haha more mind games from the TRUE world champion!

West: He's going a long way to annoy Insomniac.

Killer: And why not! Get inside the head of your opponent and you've won half the battle.

West: Well you get inside Insomniac's head and get your ass kicked!

[Angel hops back on the apron as the ref pulls a pissed Insomniac back to the middle of the ring. Angel, smiles and tags out to the Pod after faking two lockups. The crowd boos that decision.]

West: What the hell?

Killer: More mind games! Not to mention this chump isn't in Angel's league. He doesn't deserve to be in there with him.

West: Right. That's why he tagged out.

[The Pod steps in the ring, cocky swagger and all and points across the ring to Lex.]

West: The Pod is in there with his hated rival Insomniac and he's pointing to the world champion?

Killer: He wants the 'champion'. Get Lex in the ring, Insomniac!

West: Insomniac is refusing. He's telling the Pod to come on! He's right there Pod!

Killer: Lex is scared! The Pod was right.

West: Insomniac is right there!

[Insomniac refuses to tag out so the Pod smiles and tags back out to Angel.]

West: This is just pissing Insomniac and Lex off!

Killer: Who's in control here?

West: Pace-wise, Angel and The Pod.

Killer: Exactly! They know what they're doing! You don't doubt the best in the game and that's what they represent.

[Insomniac doesn't let the head games get to him much as he waits for Angel in the middle of the ring. They lockup. Angel quickly gets in a cheapshot and a knee to the gut. He slams Insomniac and tries to follow up with an elbow, but Insomniac rolls out of the way. Quickly back up are both guys and they lockup again. Insomniac gets an armdrag and hangs on to the arm for an armbar. Angel makes it back to his feet and pushes back to the ropes and grabs a headlock. Insomniac with two fist to the gut and pushes Angel off. Angel bounces off the ropes and Insomniac grabs a sleeper.]

West: Ahh wrestling.

Killer: Insomniac doesn't want to do that with Angel. No one does.

[Angel elbows out the sleeper and they trade punches in the middle of the ring. Insomniac finally blocks and gets two in a row in, only to have Angel rake the eyes. Angel tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Insomniac catches his arm, and counters into an armbreaker. Insomniac rides the arm to the ground and grabs a cross armbreaker. This draw the Pod in and he kicks Insomniac in the head to break, so that draws Rafter in as well.]

West: This one's break down early!

[The Pod sees Lex entering the ring and warns the ref. The ref backs Rafter back on to his apron as teh Pod smiles and steps back on to his.]

Killer: See, Tommy? So pessimistic. The referee has things under control.

West: With a little help from a scared Pod.

[Back up Insomniac and Angel take it to the mat and neither can get the advantage. Insomniac tries a rollup, but Angel rolls back and tags out to the Pod. Insomniac stares Angel down before tagging out to the Icon.]

Killer: Smart move by Angel.

West: Here we go! Lex Rafter versus the Pod.

[Lockup. Lex with an irish whip. The Pod comes back and ducks under a clothesline. Rafter comes back and ducks under a clothesline himself. The Pod ducks a Lex back elbow and gets a high knee that puts the Icon down to end the rope running. Rafter makes it back to his feet on to have the Pod slug him down.]

Killer: That's right! Pose for the morons. Show them how you dominate their champion!

[And indeed the Pod does shower in the reign of boos. Lex makes it to his feet and the Pod goes to the kicks. First to the thigh. Then to the ribs twice. He tries it again and Rafter catches his leg this time. Leg sweep puts the Pod down and Lex, still holding the leg steps over (on the Pod's face by the way) and pulls the leg, trying to hyperextend the knee. Rafter then teaches the Pod the real way to kick a guy by stomping the Pod down and then stomping him in the face.]

Killer: What the hell is this ref? STOP THAT.

West: Nothing illegal about that, Killer.

[Back up the Pod gets two well-placed back elbows into the Icon's stomach and Rafter replies with two punches to the face. A slugfest erupts. It's a push, so Lex hits a forearm that backs the Pod into the ropes. The Pod blind tags out to Angel, ducks a Rafter clothesline and Angel hits one of his own on Lex.]

Killer: The Pod is so much smarter than Lex. I mean just look at that great tag team wrestling right there?

West: He tagged out with nothing settled between him and Rafter. Yet.

[Back up. Angel with an irish whip and Insomniac tags himself in. Lex bounces off the ropes and takes a high knee from Angel, but Insomniac comes in and drops him with a dropkick.]

Killer: Insomniac cheating as per usual.

West: What? When The Pod did the same thing you called it great tag team wrestling.

Killer: The Pod did it legally.

West: You're stupid.

Killer: Whatever. Atleast Angel got to knock that punk Lex down before hand.

[Back up Insomniac and Angel slug it out in the middle of the ring. Insomniac gets the better of that so Angel goes after the knee. Two kicks to it puts Insomniac down. An elbow to the inside of that very knee puts Angel in control. Angel floats over into a kneebar. Insomniac makes the ropes, so Angel hangs onto him and steps on his throat while standing.]

Killer: Ornery bastard, isn’t he? I love it! You the man Angel!

[Angel tags out to the Pod while still holding the knee. The Pod comes in with an immediate half-crab on Insomniac stepping on his face to convince him to turn over.]

Killer: Speak of which...

[Insomniac tries to grab the ropes so the Pod turns the half crab into a bow-and-arrow.]

West: That's one way to stop a rope break. Ouch.

Killer: The Pod's great, isn't he?

[Insomniac breaks and immediately tries to make it to his feet.]

West: Insomniac getting feisty again!

[Back up Insomniac charges and the Pod dropkicks him in the face to kill that momentum. The Pod drags Insomniac back into his corner and tags out to Angel. Angel gets in and grabs his own half-crab.]

West: The Icon is tired of this! He breaks the hold witha boot to Angel's face.

Killer: Come on ref!

Wets: The Pod's coming back in

Killer: Rafter comes in to break it up ...and gets his ass kicked!

[And indeed he does as the Pod and Angel lay into him with punches. Angel then dumps Insomniac, allowing the Pod to put the boots to Rafter in the meantime. On the outside Angel drops Insomniac face first on gaurdrail. Angel rolls him back. The Pod dumps Lex to the outside and then drops a knee on Insomniac. Cover. One...two...kickout.]

Killer: Aww. Every time poor Lex climbs on the apron, they knock him down again.

West: Insomniac is getting mercilessly double-teamed in the corner! Come on ref!

[As Lex goes back to his corner and Angel steps right on Insomniac's face to set up a Boston crab from The Pod.]

West: What an asshole!

Killer: I love it!

[The Pod tags out to Angel who comes in and gets a backdrop on Insomniac. Back up Insomniac reverses another try at it, but can’t tag.]

West: Insomniac desperately needs a tag here.

[Insomniac fights off the illegal Pod, but stops to put Angel in the sleeper instead of tagging.]

West: Insomniac might have squandered his chance at a tag right there!

Killer: Dumbass!

[Angel quickly elbows out of the sleeper, bounces off the ropes, comes back with a clothesline, which Insomniac ducks and he finally gets the hot tag to Rafter.]

West: Here we go! It’s a MONSTER showdown with Angel!

[Slugfest erupts and Angel wins with a forearm backing Lex into the ropes. Kick to the gut by Angel. Angel goes for another but Rafter counters by catching the foot and hitting an enzuigiri. Angel quickly back up and Lex follows up with a german suplex. Cover. One...two...kickout. Back up Lex bounces off the ropes but Angel counters with a sidekick. Backdrop driver follow up. Cover. One...two...no! Angel locks in the Stretch Plum, but Insomniac comes in and breaks with a stomp. This draws the Pod and he and Angel get a double-team powerbomb in on the world champion. Cover. But Insomniac stops that, too with a stomp. Lex drags himself to his feet Angel tries to kick him back down, but Insomniac comes from behind and hits a bulldog.]

West: This one has broken down!

Killer: Get some order in there ref! Insomniac isn't suppose to be in there!

[The Pod is tagged in and returns to the fight. Rafter immediately dropkicks him in the knee and hooks an elevated boston crab. The Pod can’t make the ropes, so Angel tries to break, but he’s still groggy from getting nailed by Insomniac. The Pod finally reaches the ropes and Lex breaks and tags out to Insomniac. Insomniac comes back in and knocks the Pod down and goes back to the leg with a kneebar. The Pod can’t make the ropes, and Angel is all tied up with Lex. He finally fights out but can’t stand up, so he gets to his feet and gives Insomniac an enzuigiri and collapses. He drags himself to his corner and tags Angel. Angel ducks under a clothesline and goes back to Insomniac’s knee. Backdrop driver on Insomniac. Angel tags out.]

West: The Pod and Insomniac are in there now!

Killer: We're in total control. Not to worry. We got this!

West: WE?

Killer: Me, Angel and the Pod, dummy.

[The Pod goes for the knee right away, but Insomniac blocks and gets the Shining Wizard. The Pod tags back out to Angel. Insomniac goes up, but Angel ducks to the outside. Back in, Angel go for the wristlock and Insomniac gets a headscissors takeover. Back up Angel keeps his distance, so Insomniac tries a headlock to keep him close and hits the elbow to the back of the head putting Angel down. Back to the headlock, but Angel back suplexes out.]

Killer: With authoritah! RESPECT IT!

West: Great move by Angel.

[Back up Insomniac stops the momentum by dropkicking Angel into the corner. Insomniac tries to follow, but Angel uses his foot to block the handspring elbow. Angel with a kick to the gut. Powerbomb!]

West: Cover! One...Two...NO!

[Back up Angel gets a backbreaker and tags out to the Pod. The Pod comes in and applies a camel clutch.]

West: Good strategy here by Angel and the Pod. Working the back. Tagging in and out.

Killer: They're too smart to lose! It's amazing really.

[After some time struggling in the hold Insomniac finally reaches the ropes and breaks. The Pod jumps on his back before tagging out to Angel. Insomniac uses the ropes to help him up and Angel pounds him in the back with forearms. Insomniac however suckers him in, and rolls through to send him crashing to the outside.]

West: Desperation move right there!

Killer: Yeah that landed my boy Angel right on his head

West: That had to hurt. Now Insomniac has to make the tag.

[Insomniac instead of making the tag bounces off the far rope and follows Angel to teh outside with a pescado on him!]

West: Or he can do that!

[Insomniac quickly rolls Angel back in. Cover. One...two...the Pod breaks by pulling Insomniac off Angel.]

West: Get in there ref!

Killer: The Pod was just helping his tag partner out here.

West: That's what yo call it, eh?

[Back up Insomniac goes right for the knee with a dropkick right there. He then places the knee between the first and second rope and dropkicks it there as well. Sending Angel down in pain.]

Killer: Damnit! What do you call that Tommy?!

West: Resourceful.

[Back up Insomniac gets a high knee that sends Angel out onto the apron. Insomniac's attempt at a suplex back in is reversed and Insomniac is the one suplexed to the outside.]

West: Insomniac bumped out to the floor in a pretty dangerous-looking fashion right there!

Killer: Come on Angel. Now's your chance. Tag the Pod!

[Angel instead bounces off the ropes and pulls out a tope suicida! And now both are down and out on the outside.]

Killer: WHOA!

West: Angel flying here! Returning the favor Insomniac gave him earlier!

[Both men up on the outside and Angel tries to re-enter the ring, so Insomniac quickly dragon-screw leg whips him off the apron!]

West: Ouch! Angel came dangerously close to bouncing off his head there.

Killer: That damn Insomniac!

[Insomniac then follows that up with a dropkick to the knee as Angel tries to rise again. Insomniac throws him back in and follows. Back in, he still doesn't make the tag instead he goes up and gets a missile dropkick. Cover. One...two...kickout. Back up and Angel dodges another potential dropkick to the knee, but Insomniac gets another quick dragon-screw leg whip and goes right to the figure-four to regain the advantage.]

West: This is a great strategy by Insomniac, but I doubt he wants to stay in there this long with Angel.

Killer: No one does! Insomniac is gonna get his, you just watch!

[Angel makes the ropes and Insomniac breaks. He waits for Angel to use the ropes to stand and Insomniac dropkicks the knee again. Insomniac tries to trip Angel back down as he gets back to his feet, but Angel fights him off, so Insomniac kicks him in the knee again. Angel then backs him off with a low blow then Angel gives it right back, dragon-screw leg whipping Insomniac’s knee and then getting his own figure-four.]

Killer: I hate to say I told you so, but...TOLD YOU SO!

West: Angel right back in this one after some low-ball tactics here.

[Insomniac quickly makes the ropes, stand goes right back for the knee, but misses a dropkick. Angel grabs the leg, another dragon screw leg whip and Angel hooks a Texas Cloverleaf, but Insomniac quickly powers out. Both men to their feet and a slugfest starts. Angel wins that with a hard clothesline that he even falls from. Angel lifts Insomniac and sits hiim on the top rope and heads up, where Angel back suplexes him off the top!]

West: Ouch! That can be it right there!

Killer: Should be! Cover him, Angel!

West: COVER! One...Two...NO!

[Back up up Insomniac counters Angel's bounce off the ropes by catching a desperation rana!]

West: RANA! Big move right there by Insomniac! And these two have turned this into a singles match!

Killer: Angel has a lot of anger build-up in him for Insomniac.

[Insomniac tries to follow up, but Angel blocks the Shining Wizard. Kick to the gut by Angel and a brainbuster follows!]

West: This could be it! Cover! One...two...kickout! Insomniac just barey kicked out right there!

Killer: He's a beaten man! It's just a matter of time.

[Back up Angel with the Irish whip, Lex makes the blind tag]

West: Uh oh! Rafter has said enough of this! He's tagged in!

Killer: Keep in mind this guy is somewhere in between first man and prehistoric remains in terms of age.

West: He's twenty-eight moron!

[Angel bounces off the ropes and The Pod also makes a blind tag in. Insomniac ducks under a clothesline and the Pod puts him down with a back elbow and poses. On the otherside Lex puts Angel down with a clothesline.]

West: I don't think the Pod and Lex realize they're the legal men and not Angel or Insomniac!

[The Pod lifts a pissed Insomniac and tries a vertical suplex which Insomniac knees out of in mid-air, and they slug it out. Lex gets a body slam and then follows up with a cork screw leg drop on the other side of the ring. Back up Insomniac bounces off the ropes and catches a spinning heel kick to the face from the Pod. The Pod follows up with Shining Wizard! Both the Pod and Lex make covers on the others respective tag partners. The ref tells them both their making illegal covers.]

Killer: NOW they know!

[Both Lex and The Pod jump to their feet and explode into a lockup in the middle of the ring. Angel tries to charge a standing Insomniac who side-steps him and Angel goes through the middle rope to the outside. Insomniac then defies the doctors by hitting a moonsault onto him on the outside.]

West: WHOA! Insomniac just lost it there!

Killer: That dumbass! It doesn't matter Lex and the Pod are the legal men!

[Inside the ring Rafter overpowers the Pod and back drops him. Quickly back up the Pod runs into a belly-to-belly suplex! Rafter bounces off the ropes and a returning Insomniac tags himself in much to Rafter's dismay.]

West: Insomniac wants back in and him and Rafter aren't on the same page obviously.

Killer: Do I even have to tell you what that means? The Pod and Angel are one well-oiled machine. It's just a matter of time.

[Lex stands on the apron after shooting Insomniac a dirty look. Angel finally makes his way around the ring and on his side of the apron. Mat stuff to start between Insomniac and the Pod. Insomniac goes for the single leg takedown, but can't get it. The Pod does the same and he too can't get it. They fight over a single leg for a bit, before the Pod clubs him in the back. The Pod works for a cross armlock, but as soon as he gets the arm Insomniac makes the ropes. To the wristlock goes the Pod, but Insomniac counters into one of his owns and Insomniac gets the arm, but the Pod gets an armbreaker to put Insomniac down. Back up the Pod tries to overpower him into a hammerlock suplex, but Insomniac arm drags outta that and gets dropkicked. The Pod bails to the outside.]

West: They know each other so well, Killer. It'll be hard for either man to get an advantage.

Killer: The Pod is playing with it! It's in the bag!

[Insomniac fakes a highspot and the Pod rolls back in. He points to his head to show he's smart, but doesn't realize Insomniac faked it.]

Killer: NO! Turn around Pod!

[Angel points behind the Pod to turn around. He does and Insomniac puts him down with a clothesline. Back up, the Pod ducks under a spin kick and hits one of his own on Insomniac. Insomniac back up and the Pod hits a dropkick to put Insomniac back down, and the Pod goes back to the arm with an armbar.]

Killer: Let me enlighten you, Tommy. See the Pod, in his genius is working the arm inorder to negate the Armatage Shanks. Not that Insomniac would ever hit it, anyway, but just in case.

West: It's a smart move, indeed.

[Insomniac rolls through the armbar and reverses to a ankle lock, but he's playing with fire using the Pod's move as he rolls through himself and gets the Stupodness!]

West: It was a great counter by Insomniac, but he fell right into the Pod's trap! And now the Stupodness is locked on!

Killer: Such a dumbass, Insomniac is! It's over now.

[But it's not as Insomniac makes the ropes and lifts himself all the way up to a standing position. The Pod tries to pound Insomniac's knee back down but Insomniac counters with a devastating Enziguri! Insomniac makes the cover. One..two...the Pod makes the ropes, however. Back up Insomniac is pissed off and ready to fight!] Killer: So I guess he means BUSINESS, huh? What is with the universal tendancy of wrestlers to remove clothing in order to stress their determination to win? That doesn't work. With that logic, Naked Mideon should have won every match.

West: Shut up!

[The Pod gets a crucifix cradle, but Insomniac makes the ropes. Back up Insomniac gets a go-behind, but the Pod escapes a german suplex attempt by flipping out of it. The Pod gets a dropkick to the back of Insomniac's head pushing him to the ropes. The Pod charges, however and is back dropped up and over the top rope to the outside!]

West: Ouch! The Pod definately felt that one!

[Insomniac bounces off the ropes and tries to follow with a pescado, but the Pod moves and Insomniac goes splat!]

West: Went to the well once too often.

[The Pod rolls Insomniac back in, goes up top and gets a elbow drop and rolls into an anklelock!]

West: Stupodness!

Killer: So graceful! So fluid! This one is over!

[Rafter immediately breaks, thinking like Killer. Back up the Pod gets a Dragon suplex. Bridge. One...two...th---no! Back up, a groggy Insomniac stumbles into cross armlock, but Insomniac quickly makes the ropes. Back up the Pod goes to the German suplex, but Insomniac flips out and hits one of his own out of desparation. He's unable to follow up however. Back up Insomniac chops the Pod into the corner. Insomniac backs up and comes in with a splash that the Pod moves out of the way of.]

West: That crafty bastard The Pod turns the spalsh attempt into another Stupodness! And I’m convinced that this is the end!

[But it doesn’t, as Insomniac makes the ropes quickly. Back up they fights over a vertical suplex and Insomniac wins that fight and gets him up and over. And Insomniac tags out to the Icon finally.]

West: Lex Rafter and The Pod in there now!

[The Pod immediately goes for the leg. Lex kicks him off and to the middle of the ring they go. Tie-up, the Pod tries to clotheslines out of it, but Lex ducks and gets a backslide. One...two...kickout. Back up the Pod suddenly gets a flying armbar out of nowhere, forcing the Icon to retreat to the ropes to break. The Pod keeps stomping the arm, and Rafter chops him down, hard. Back up, the Pod goes back to the arm with a vicious standing armbar, but Lex counters out with a leg sweep. Back up Lex charges, but the Pod chops him into the corner. The Pod follows up with a dropkick. Snap suplex out of the corner. Cover. One...two...kickout! Back up the Pod gets a scoop slam. Kneedrop follow-up. Another cover. One...two...kickout. The Pod finally tags out to Angel. Lex gets a quick drop toe-hold and floats over into a front face lock. Angel quickly rolls out of that into a hammerlock. Lex stands, Angel spins him around, kick to the gut. Powerbomb!]

West: Cover! One...two...NO! No one has Lex's number like Angel! I'll give him that!

Killer: You damn right!

[Angel tags out to the Pod who immediately goes up top. He goes up for the Brush With Greatness! No dice!]

West: The Pod looking to not only beat Lex, but humilate him by using his move to do so, but he misses!

[Back up Lex gets a quick DDT but is unable to follow up. Back Lex gets a quick kick to the gut! Ligerbomb! One...two...NO!]

Killer: You can't keep the Pod down!

West: But he sure can hurt him!

[Back up Rafter quickly lifts the Pod into the air. Brainbuster! Cover! One...two...NO! LEx back up he tries another one which is reversed to the Pod’s flying armbar!]

Killer: And NOW Lex is dead meat as The Pod rolls into the Stupodness!

[However the Pod turns Lex all the way around in the process allowing the Icon to easily make the ropes.]

West: That little mistake by the Pod could proves fatal!

[Rafter blocks a high knee and quickly hits a fisherman’s buster! The Pod tags out before Lex's able to make the cover]

West: Tag out to Angel! Smart move by the Pod as Lex was going for the kill! And here we go again! Angel in there with Lex Rafter!

[They exchange chops.]

Killer: Lex doesn't want to do that with Angel! He'll tear ya chest off!

[Angel is pushed off. Rafter gets a kick to the gut and tries a DDT, but Angel counters into a Northen Lights suplex. Bridge, one...two...kickout. Back up Angel gets a suplex and hangs on for another. Cover. One...two...kickout.]

West: Angel in control here with some devastating suplexes!

[Back up Rafter blocks a clothesline, but Angel gets an Exploider. Lex bounces off his head all the way under the bottom rope however. Cover! One...two... again Lex gets the ropes. Back up Lex blocks a kick to the gut and hits a half-nelson suplex! He's unable to follow up, however. Back up at the same time and Angel gets flapjack on a charging Lex. He drags him to his feet by his hair and hits a wicked DDT!]

West: Cover! One...Two...Th-NO!

Killer: Damn! Come on, Angel!

Back up Angel goes for another suplex, but Rafter blocks, hits a forearm and Lex uses the ropes to assist with the Begnning of the End!]

West: WOW! Out of no where Lex hits the Beginning of the End!

Killer: He cheated! He used the ropes!

West: Lex is unable to cover however as Angel quickly tags out to the Pod.

[The Pod comes back in and takes Rafter down with a double-leg to start. Back up, the Icon gets his own double leg takedown. Back up the Pod uses a vicious single-leg to take Lex down and steps over with a toehold, but Rafter reverses out of it and they wrestle up to a headlock position. The Pod pushes out and they fight over a wristlock and Insomniac wants in. The Pod rolls through and tags back out to Angel. Inside Angel tries a powerslam on the charging Icon, but Lex counters mid-move into a rollup.]

West: One...two...no! But what a great move by the world champion!

[Back up Angel with a belly-to-belly suplex with authority and the Pod is tagged back in. Rafter goes for a firemen's carry, but the Pod ends up sitting on his shoulders. Lex falls back for an electric chair.]

West: Cover! One...two...kickout!

[Back up the Pod misses an elbow, and the Icon hits a backdrop suplex.]

West: One...two...kickout!

Killer: He can't beat the Pod! No way! No how!

[Lex drags teh Pod to his corner and tags out to Insomniac. Back up is the Pod and he grabs the wristlock. Insomniac flips out of a wristlock and gets a german release suplex!]

West: Suh-weet!

[The Pod tags out again, however before there is a follow up. Angel comes back in and walks into a leg lariat that. Insomniac covers.]

West: One...Two...kickout!

[Back up Insomniac Diamond Cutter!]

West: COVER! One...Two...kickout!

[Quickly back up is Angel and Insomniac ducks a clothesline and gets a rollup!]

West: One...Two...NO! Angel is reeling here!

Killer: Uh-oh! Come on, Angel!

[Back up, Insomniac charges and Angel gets a drop toe hold. Float over into a front-face lock, then Angel bridges up into the tiger driver!]

Killer: Wow! Angel is AMAZING!

West: That was indeed a great move! Cover! One...Two...NO!

[Insomniac tags out to Rafter as Angel tags out to the Pod. The Pod uses a wristlock takedown, but Lex slams him…and the Pod hangs on!]

Killer: Great job, Pod!

West: The Pod is determined! You just don’t see that all the time.

[Back up the Pod runs into a high knee. Rafter misses an elbow, however, and The Pod is back on the arm with an headscissors take down into an armbar!]

West: Solid strategy there. Working the arm.

[The Pod stretches him into pinning position. One...Two...no! Back up the Pod pounds the arm and Rafter down to the mat. Lex kips up, but the Pod puts him back down with a forearm shot to the face. Back up again he overpowers the Pod into the ropes. Lex grabs a sleeper and hangs on even as the Pod rams him back into the turnbuckle! The Pod falls into the ropes, and that’s enough to break the sleeper.]

West: The Icon smartly won’t release until forced by the ref. And why not? You’ve got a count of five.

Killer: Of course that's your rationalization!

[Rafter suplexes the Pod, but misses an elbow follow up, which allows the Pod to head up. He waits for Lex to stand and bulldogs him.]

West: Big bulldog! Cover! One...two...th--no!

[The Pod tags out.]

Killer: Angel's in. He comes in with bad intentions!

[Indeed he does as he hits a tilt-a-whirl slam on the Icon. Cover.]

West: One! Two! Th---NO!

[Back up Rafter tries a charge, but Angel moves out of the way and Rafter hits post!]

Killer: What did that turnbuckle ever do to you Lex? He nearly dents the post with his chest!

[Angel tries a suplex, but Lex reverses and suplexes Angel to the floor!]

West: Rafter has to make the tag here!

[Lex crawls to his corner, but the Pod comes in and grabs his leg. Lex jumps up and hits a jumping back kick and lunges and makes the tag to his partner! Insomniac takes over. He comes in and hits a front suplex on the returning Angel. Insomniac heads up and hits a flying headbutts!]

West: This couuld be it right here! Cover! One...Two...T-NO!

Killer: Angel isn't having none of that!

[Back up and Insomniac gets a Gutwrench suplex! Cover. One...Two...kickout! Insomniac goes for a tilt-the-world slam, but Angel lands on his feet. Angel tries to counter with a kick to the gut, but Isnomniac catches his foot. He spins him around and Insomniac snaps off a belly-to-belly suplex!]

West: Cover! One...Two...Th---NO!

[Insomniac tags back out to the Icon. Rafter comes back in and pounds on the back. Double-underhook into a backbreaker! Cover. One...two...NO! Rafter tags back out. Insomniac comes back in and hits a flying back elbow on Angel. Cover. One...Two...kickout! Back up Insomniac misses a dropkick, and Angel tags out quickly, and The Pod gets back in. The Pod charges and Insomniac ducks out of the way of a high knee. Insomniac with a sleeperhold drop!]

West: Cover! One...two...th---no!

[Back up Insomniac tries a Tombstone, but the Pod arches back and counters into one of his own!]

Killer: YES!

West: The Pod with a cover! One...two...th--NO!

[The Pod tags back out to Angel who comes in and gets a Dragon suplex!]

West: Oh MAN! Insomniac landed RIGHT on his neck! Cover! One...Two...KICKOUT!

Killer: NOOO!

[The Pod is tagged back in and Angel throws him on Insomniac and the Pod hits a Rana!]

West: Rana into a pin! ONE! TWO! TH---NO!!! Rafter made the save!

Killer: COME ON REF! It was over right there!

[In the confusion Angel and the Pod allows Insomniac to tag out and the Icon comes back in. The Pod tags out to Angel in the confusion and he comes hits Lex with a SCREWDRIVER!]

West: Angel dropped Rafter right on his head!

Killer: He's making the cover!

West: ONE! TWO! THR---NO! INSOMNIAC makes the save!!!

[The Icon rolls out of the ring and takes a breather outside. The Pod runs around to that side and hits an Asai Moonsault onto him on the outside! The Pod rolls Lex back in.]

West: What a move by the Pod! Angel is making the cover! ONE...TWO...TH---KICKOUT!

[Back up Angel gets an atomic drop and a clothesline, before tagging out to the Pod. The Pod heads up top and gets a Missile Dropkick on the Icon as Angel holds him up! The Pod covers!]

West: One! Two! TH-NO! Insomniac AGAIN makes the save!

Killer: If it wasn't for illegal activity by Insomniac Lex would have long since been gone!

[The Pod tags back out to Angel who comes in and hits a Backbreaker! He goes up, sits on the top rope and hits a second-rope elbow. Cover. One! Two...NO! Lex fights back but the Pod puts him down with two elbows to the back of his neck. Insomniac runs over and gets a leg lariat on Angel that knocks him off the apron and the Pod is unable to tag! Instead Lex crawls over to his side of the ring and waits for a returning Insomniac so he can tag out. He does and Insomniac is a house of fire! Spinnning heel kick on the Pod. He goes for the Armtage Shanks, but the Pod slides down his back. Angel is back up. And he gets in the ring and tries to hit the Mouth of Babes on Insomniac, who side-steps and sends Angel flying to the outside again. The Pod tries to clothesline Insomniac, who ducks, bounces off the ropes and Lex blind tags in.]

West: Lex tagged himself back in!

Killer: He's a glory hound!

[Insomniac comes back off the ropes with a super kick on the Pod. He tries to make the cover, but the ref says he's not legal. Lex takes over and makes the cover on the Pod. One...two...kickout! Insomniac tries to lift Angel back into the ring and takes a handful of powder to the face! Lex doesn't notice however.]

West: LO-LO-LOOK! Angel threw powder into Insomniac's face!

[Insomniac stumbles backwards and into Lex who he hits with the Armatage Shanks!]

Killer: YES! Insomniac finally learned the error of his ways!

West: That was an accident!

[The Pod makes the cover on Lex!]

West: Cover! One...Two...thre---NO! LEX KICKED OUT!

Killer: Insomniac can't do anything right!

[Back up Angel comes in and goes for the Mouth of Babes on Insomniac who sidesteps and Angel hits Lex!]


West: Insomniac side stepped and Lex had no idea it was coming!

[The Pod makes the cover and Insomniac can't see that!]

West: ONE! TWO!! THRE---NOOOO! Lex kicked out!

[Angel goes back to his apron and the Pod tags out. Angel comes and immediately hits a Tiger Suplex on the Icon. He holds on! Back up, Lex counters a German suplex attempt, with a standing switch! Angel flips out of the German, turns Lex around and hits THE SCHISM!]

West: COVER!

Killer: The Pod just Super Kicked Insomniac off the apron!

West: ONE! TWO!! THREE!!!



Hardcore Jimmy: The winners of this match, the team of the POOOOOD! AND ANGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!

[Insomniac comes in the ring finally and he and the Pod go at it. The referee brigade can’t break up the fight, however, and the Pod & Angel accuse Rafter & Insomniac of being cowards!]

West: Well, you can’t say that about Rafter and Insomniac! Insomniac says so let’s get it on!

[It’s a huge brawl again, and the officials finally get all four separated, but they keep going. Finally the Pod & Angel decide they’ve had enough, so now Lex eggs them on and here we go again with another brawl as we fade out.]