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This entire layout, the roleplay, the graphics... ALL of it is AMYS Since I lost adobe, I haven't been able to make my own layouts and AMY has been the best letting me use hers *All hail Amy*

roleplay number;
eleven ( 11 )

Manchester, England
MEN Arena

next match;
Triple Threat, Number one Contendership (extreme title)
Trish Stratus vs. HHH vs. Rob Van Dam

wow w/d/l record;
08 - 01 - 01

single wins;
Too many To remember

single draws;
Eddie Guerero

xwa achievements;
Former Extreme Champion (x1) 3 Months

Bye Bye Christian
date & time - 06/26/04, Saturday.. 1.00 PM
location - Manchester, England - MEN Arena

Sitting in her locker room, Trish seems to be Reading a magazine, She is flicking through slowly, licking her finger after ever turn of a page, She finds what she is looking for and stops looking suprised, She looks closer into the page and doesn't look very happy, She closes the magazine and puts it next to her on her couch, She looks around trying to find something to do, She stands up and pulls her T-shirt down to Smarten herself up, She opens the door and as soon as the steps out she steps backwards into her room again holding her nose, Looking disgusted, She turns her head around the corner of her door to see Uegene Warming up, She closes her door again. She waits a few seconds and then walks out again, only this time to see The big red machine, Kane walking down, She has already closed the door This time, He walks towards her and She steps back into the door as he gets really close and breathes on her neck, She looks at him in disgust and he backs away and carry's on walking down the hallway, She shudders in Pure disbelief and walks in the opposite Direction to Kane, She turns around a corner and it's like a whole new World, This is a corridor that not many stars 'Dare' To go down, It is the 'Road' To The bosses, Jetts, Office, the walls seem to be white but you can't see them because there is posters as far as you can see filling up the whole corridor wall, of every Achievement the XWA has made in the first few months, As trish walks up She notices one of her Holding the extreme title after winning it, Posing to the crowd and looking tired, she smiles at it, and then Carry's on to see another of her, Losing her title To Lance storm it has lance in the main part holding it high and her with Gritted teeth at the side looking extremely Angry. She carry's on walking until she comes to a black door saying JETT in very big Writing on it, She Knocks once and steps in. The walls are white but have a really big revelation Logo behind his Desk and There are two Black leather couches, A $25,000 Gucci Suite hangs on a hook. She notices Jett sitting on a chair, He looks up As she starts to talk.

‘ The Queen of Stratusfaction ’ Trish Stratus Jett, Boss.. Jett, I came here to say thanks for the Chance to get my title back, I'm going to show all the disgusting and Sweaty Manks that I can do it again and Lance storm is about to Feel the shortest title reign of his life, If he's ever had a title that is. I will prove to you that I can do it and I am the most successful in this business.

‘ The King of XWA ’ Jett You're Welcome Trish, I knew you could do well in this business and you have shown me that, I helped Strictly Because The match was been refereed unfairly.. Plus, I hate them Stars that give the crowd what they want and the ones that the crowd cheer to.. The 'Good' people. I granted you a Re-match because you deserve it, Others might not think so, But me, you and Christian do.

‘ The Queen of Stratusfaction ’ Trish Stratus About christian.. We have broken up and he has quit the XWA, I'm sorry.

‘ The King of XWA ’ Jett It's ok, He sucked anyway.

‘ The Queen of Stratusfaction ’ Trish Stratus Oh right.. [ Moves very close to Jett, He is now standing up ] I happen to know Someone else who Can Really Suck.

She starts to move her hand down Jetts back and Jett slowly And reluctantly puts his arm around trish, looking down at her. She leans up and he Follows her by Leaning down and she Kisses him On the lips, A long kiss, which seems to have included tongs, The crowd are now Booing Very loudly, The two stop the kiss and Trish smiles, Jett smiles back. She Steps back and smiles She licks her lips in a Seductive way and Starts to talk again.

‘ The Queen of Stratusfaction ’ Trish Stratus .. Maybe we can get together at the end of the show..

‘ The King of XWA ’ Jett sounds good.

Smiling, Trish Stratus walks towards the door And walks out. The Scene Fades to black.

In - Ring Promo
date & time - 06/26/04, Saturday.. 3.20PM
location - Manchester, England. MEN Arena.

The Lights fade to black at Ringside and the crowd wonder what is happening, Out of no where Blasts the Chorus to Evanescences New released single 'eyerybody's Fool' plays, Trish appears at the ramp as she lights Start to slowly Fade back on again. She starts walking down the ramp looking very bare without any title around her waist. She reaches the ring and walks up the steps Looking around the arena, When in the ring she takes a good look at the crowd and they Start to boo and she laughs at them, She Shouts at lillian For a microphone and She snatches one from her, She speaks.

‘ The Queen of Stratusfaction ’ Trish Stratus You Know, I was told, Manchester was the Gem on England, the main culture Area, With the Urbis museum, Which I have to Add it the most boring thing I have ever done in my life Besides sleep with Chris Jericho. I don't normally Snore, But boy, you could hear me a mile off i was that bored. Also with Old Trafford, Manchester United's Home ground. In English Football I support Manchester united, But the ground and the whole of Manchester is a Mess! (Crowd Boo) it smells and it's polluted. Do you guys not wear Gas masks? Anyway.. Off the subject of Pure disgust.. For now because I'm going to talk about the people in a minute. haha. I broke up with Christian.. As you all probably know, But it's not because Of his sex, Because he's not Good enough, If kane can Put him in hospital.. A clown could.. Not like kane isn't a clown, Because he is. Big red machine? More like big red Broken Machine without a heart and gets an Erection from blood and fear. Anyway, My match, Number one contendership for the Exteme title? MY TITLE.. Educated feet? More like Training, We all do it, I can kick too, I can do the Chick kick.. So fucking what.. Doesn't mean I have Educated feet. With HHH.. Hunter, Hurst, Helmsley? Boy.. Was his mum drunk? or just high of the Crack she smokes? the name trish is Sexy, The name hunter shouldn't exist. Hunters got a reputation for messing with girls hasn't he? Well I'm about to Stop that reputation by earning my title back, Me and Jett have talked and he believes I can do it, And so do I, You're all going to see a different more determined side to Me, So all you manks... Prepare.

Trish drops the microphone and starts to walk out as the cameras fade to static.

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