Sara Pettis | 'Strangers' |

"Hey guys look who it is, its that one washed up chick from a year ago..." She says to 'entourage', noticing me sitting in the coffee shop at the hotel.

Its Sophia DuBois, SFT's new rookie. I'd rather just ignore the comment and have them keep moving. Instead she decides to lead her little group over to where I'm sitting.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I ask, even though I know full well who she is.

"Oh, don't lie, you know who I am." Sophia says, leaning on table, "I'm just wondering why you decided to come back."

"I have my reasons." I tell her. "And I don't really feel like explaining them right now."

"Thats fine, what you really should explain, is the hair," says her little gay friend, "I mean, since you decided to subject us all to having to look at it."

"I just felt like it." I respond, "So what?"

"Whatever, maybe you should just think about wearing a hat so that people's eyes don't have to get sore..." He says, trying to be smart.

"If it's bothering you so much, why don't you just keep moving." I say, getting a little bothered.

"Hey now, theres no reason to get snippy. I mean, we just came over to say hello. I mean, since we are going to be co-workers and all." Sophia says as she sits down at the table across from me. "Who knows, maybe we can even be....'friends'....Sara." "Whats a matter with you? Didn't anyone teach you not to stare?" She says.

"Why do I feel like I already know you?" I ask her.

"Maybe we've meet another life." she says with a shrug, leaning back in her chair.

"Something about you is definitely familiar, but I can't figure it out." I tell her, still trying to figure out where I might have seen this person before. I know she's new to the business, so it couldn't be from around SFT in the past. But I just can't shake this feeling.

"Well, I don't know where you're getting it from. This is the first time we've meet...but I'm sure it's not going to be the last time." she says with a smirk, "I'm glad you're back, for whatever reason. Maybe we can get in the ring sometime, so I can show everyone your time has already passed."

"Right..." I say, just looking across the table at her.

"You know Pettis, you seem like you're a kinda smart person," she says, "Why don't you do a really smart thing, and just go back to the regular world?" I just stare at her, and a smirk comes across her face, "Cette chienne n'a aucune idée ce que je projette faire." she whispers to her personal assistant.

"Now what was that supposed to be?" I say with a chuckle, "Whats a matter? Afraid to say something so I can understand it?" I ask. "There used to be a time in this industry that if you had a problem with someone, you just said it. And you didn't whisper it too your croonie in another language." I say to her getting up from the table.

"Well those times have passed, 'Child of Fate'. You're still living in the pass like it's your Mommy's days. Your time passed even before you had a chance, maybe you should just let 'the Child of the Stars' take over." She adds as I'm leaving.

I decide to just walk away. She's no concern of mine at the moment. Right now I just need to stay focused on my match this Saturday. The time is drawing closer to my return to ring. SFT has become a place of strangers anymore it seems. And its become obvious that I'm going to have to use The Legacy to reacquaint myself with the group. Mark Halbrook hasn't been seen or heard from since the pay-per-view, so I hope he's alright to fight tomorrow.
