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Lance Storm and Sean Morley The Ass Whooping...Pie Eating...Rock
Roleplay Number >>> #10
Date >>> June 29 2003
Win / Loss Record >>> 1-0-4
Achievements >>> None Yet

(-Forward-) Ever since signing a contract with WME Lance Storm has been the underdog so many times quite frankly many people have lost track. He is nothing major says many WME superstars all he is is just another face in the rotateion of Smackdown gaining no respect from no one, Its not like he deserves it right, He is labled as not a threat for eny major titles and the way he is going its not likely he will ever hold a title...But KOTR is so close and Lance Storm and Bill Demott will tag for the Second time..Why, HMM who knows thease two had a epic battle at GAC in a No Holds Barred match. Maybe Storm and Demott have respect for one another they decided to enter in the Tag Team Turmoil match at KOTR, But rumours have been flying as of Late weither or not Demott will leave Storm by himself to fend off 4 other Smack Down Tag teams. Does Lance Storm have the guts to even show up for the match even know he is being lead to be Slaughterd....YES....If Lance has to battle 4 teams to have a shot at a title well then he will do it This Man has nothing to lose, So who ever wins this Tag Team match will have to want it more because Lance Storm is hungry, Hungry for Gold and the one thing he has wanted ever since he walked into the WME arena and that folks is RESPECT and critics have predicted that KOTR is where he will shine bighter then he has ever (-End Forward-)

Scene opens up to WME backstage with Lance Storm wandering the halls like a mad man in search of one thing and that is his Tag team partner Demott, Storm opens a door and brooms and bukets fall out all over the place, the sounds of the fallen janator equipement echo threw the halls every one looks at strom it wondering eyes Storm speaks out angerly

(-Lance Storm-)"What are you all looking at HUH what"

The writers and crew members shake there heads at lance and go back to there work as Storm wonders the bright lit hall ways in a determand search for his Partner for KOTR..Lance mumbles quietly to himself as(-Storm-)"Where the hell is he, Its just like a american not to show up for a job"Lance walks into a washroom and looks around as some guys zip up close and yell


(-Lance Storm-)"Iam looking for my partner have you seen him

(-Washroom break Jake-)"What ever you do at home buddy is none of my busness but in the mens room come on thats a little sick"

(-Lance Storm-)"Aww you stupid American iam talking about my Tag Partner for KOTR Bill Demott. And if i could be serious for a moment id like to set things straight iam not like that iam perfectly married"

Lance walks out of the room slaming the door behind him, we then go to ring side where King and J.R are all dressed up for KOTR J.R begins to Talk to the Millions at home who have orderd there PPV and are ready and willing to watch a great event

(-Jim Ross-)"Dont ya kinda feel a little sorry for Lance Storm i mean Demott is a No show so far and how far can Lance go in that Turmoil match just by himself, He is a great wrestler but i dont think he is great enough to beat 4 teams"

(-The King Lawler-)"Come on its Great Lance Storm deserves this for all the American cracks he has been dishing out since he first came into WME its going to be great i know it Storm has no chance HAHA"


New Smarties Bar

Coca Cola

Slim Jims


Limos and Taxi Cabs are driveing in and out of where the KOTR is being held, Storm barges threw the exit to where a long white limo just pulls up he is all smiles the chuafer gets out and walks smoothly to the door he grabs the handle and opens the door slightly

(-Lance Storm-)"Bill nice to see you i know you wouldnt let me down....."

Storms voice trails off as he see's who exits the limo, its none other then cheif Ref Earl Hebner

(-Lance Storm-)"What the hell this is Not Bill Demott

(- Earl Hebner-)"Lance face facts Bill is gone he has not intent of showing up for KOTR

Lance get's a enraged look on his face and begins to breath heavely and begins to shout loudly for all to hear

(-Lance Storm-)" ahh that it i have had enough iam sick and tired of waiting and waiting iam simply SICK OF IT, I guess if you want to do a job right you have to get a Canadain to do it. Iam going to walk out there and show that Lance Storm is not a joke in WME Iam going to show that i had had enough and its time for a change iam going to show that from now on iam going to do what i should have done when i first steped into WME and that is to make a IMPACT.."

With that said Storm marches off into the building with a angry and determand look on his face no one has ever seen Lance as pissed as he is now Lance begins to rant and rave furiously threw the crowed halls

(-Lance Storm-)"WME wants a joke i will give them one when i walk out the #1 contender for the Tag Team titles how is that for a Joke,"

Cole runs to catch up to Lance Storm

(-Cole-)"Lance we havent seen you this mad before does it have to do with you not haveing a shot at winning at KOTR"

Lance Storm stares at Cole with a blank look on his face Cole is about to rephrase the question but Lance interupts

(-Lance Storm-)"Listen and Listen good Cole iam not going to lose that match its that simple, I have been Loseing and Loseing most of my matches here in WME and when the bell rings and all 9 men are ready to battle iam going to stop my Loseing streak Iam sick of being looked at by other WME superstars saying i should just quit iam not all that great. Do you think i am a loser Cole do you Answer me"

(-Cole-)"UMMM no Lance not at all

(-Lance Storm-)"Cole i think you do, You will say iam not when iam standing in front of your face but when i turn my back for a slight second you are mouthing off on how i am not WME material, Well cole it stops here and it stops now, I have had enough of the critics putting me down and saying i cant handle being with the best WME has to offer.I am going to make sure i do my talking in the ring, That KOTR mat is where i show Angle, Rock, Chavo, Eddie, Cena, Mack, Bagwell and Savage that the new Lance Storm is ready to win and Make a Impact that the whole world will look and and respect not because iam Canadian but because Iam from Calgary Alberta Canada"


(-Lance Storm-)"Shut up Cole we are threw just like mine and Demotts tagteam"

Lance walks off eger to step into the ring and prove that he is not a joke that he is worth something in the greatest federation around WME