ShowTime Kid


Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 225 lbs
Record: 1-0-1

(The camera fades into backstage. It is STK's locker room. STK is wearing a " Superior One " t-shirt and is watching the monitor and watches Ben Kaps finish his 'little' promo for Friday Night Fight. STK has a blank look on his face. No emotion whatsoever. He does not smile, nor does he show anger. Then STK turns directly into the camera.)


STK: A 'Sell-out'? No, Ben I'm not a 'Sell-out'. I am just a man who has lost all passion in this business. Yeah, it's a business now. It is no longer a game or a sport to me. This is a business. I get paid for wrestling. I get paid more for winning wrestling matches. This feeling comes to all wrestlers at some point in their careers. Kaps, you're still a newbie in wrestling, so you still have this passion for the sport. I envy that. But you will come to a point where the passion of this sport has been drained out of you. Then all you do is wake up and come to work, because you still need to survive. And remember, I may have lost the passion for the business, but it doesn't mean that I don't care about winning or losing. I still will kick your ass, because with a win comes a bonus. So be ready, because you are going to be in the most intense match in your career. Against ME!!!


(STK pauses for a second to re-group his thoughts.)


STK: Now onto to your challenge for West Wales Wrestle fest. I don't know if you are, what's the word I'm looking for, ah, GOOD ENOUGH to face me on at a Pay Per View. Your match would be more against a wrestler like a Sean Dahmer, not a Purav Patel. You still haven't earned the points yet for it. You see, I may be down right now, but I am still above YOU. But you don't know. If you get lucky on Friday Night Fight, and you do beat me, NOT Sean Dahmer, but pin me, then maybe you can have a match with the ShowTime Kid. But first, you must pin ME to do so...


(STK walks out of the locker room, and then slams the door. The camera turns to a poster of STK in his prime holding the Old School Title. Then the camera fades to black.)