World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit are announced that they’re challenging Batista and Ric Flair for the World Tag Team Titles one night during RAW. Both men are interviewed separately before the main event, and Benoit has nothing but good things to say for Shawn Michaels.

“After our match at Wrestlemania XX, I have nothing but respect for the Heart Break Kid. It was a shaky road getting there, but I feel that without Triple H on our focus, our problems have diminished.”

Shawn Michaels gets interviewed later on and plays a cocky role. Terri informs Michaels of Benoit’s comments.

“That’s what Chris Benoit said? Well, I guess it’s only natural for him to feel that way. I mean Terri come on; let’s look at things from my perspective. Let’s say I was the one, who walked out of Wrestlemania the champion. I mean wouldn’t it be obvious that Benoit would be bitter and angry like he always is. He’d be all over me trying to get a rematch here and there. As champion, he can say that with confidence. I don’t care who that World strap is on, I just want it. I don’t have any problems with who wears it, but if they get in my way they’ll make themselves a problem. Now tonight, I really don’t care about this Tag Team match. So what if we become Tag Team champions? It’s not going to change anything. Those belts would become a paper weight, Terri, because I want the World Title. I don’t want to drag a tag team belt around, that can only give me half of the glory that I want. So why am I even strapping on my boots tonight? I suppose it’s because Evolution is one step closer to Triple H. I haven’t forgotten about him and yes we still have some bad blood. I have two things on my mind and that’s the gold, but more importantly I have revenge on my mind. I have to write the final chapter in the Triple H and Shawn Michaels saga. I can’t let it end with Hunter’s arm raised in victory.”

During the match, Triple H strolls out and watches the match from the stage. Michaels gets distracted while on the apron. Benoit is reaching for a tag, but Shawn Michaels is shouting trash to Hunter. Benoit gets dragged back in the centre of the ring by Ric Flair. Flair locks in the Figure-4 leg lock. Shawn Michaels looks in the ring and then back up to the stage where Triple H has left. HBK shrugs his shoulders, gives Benoit a, “Forget you” motion, and runs up the ramp. Benoit reaches the ropes but Batista is tagged in and a double-team powerbomb gets Batista and Flair the 1-2-3 victory as RAW goes off the air.

The next week on RAW, Triple H is signed for a match to go one-on-one with Ric Flair. Chris Benoit is scheduled to go one-on-one with Randy Orton (who lost his Intercontinental Title one week ago to Shelton Benjamin). Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair is the ‘top-of-the-hour’ contest and it ends when Shawn Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music and gets the 1-2-3. After the match, Triple H is on the titantron and it appears as if he’s not in the arena, but rather at the airport where he tells Shawn Michaels that he’s been given a healthy vacation for the next while. “After all, I wouldn’t want you to get distracted for your big title match, Shawn. Who knows when I may come back, Shawn? But I do know that I don’t give two craps about you or Chris Benoit, or like you said anyone else who holds the title. I too want the World Title Shawn, because it’s why I’m in WWE. So if it’s you, or Chris Benoit, or anyone else for that matter, when I return I will claim what is mine! Good luck Shawn, and so long.”

In the main event, Benoit defeats Randy Orton and even fights off both Ric Flair and Batista. Afterwards, Benoit celebrates with his World Title and Shawn Michaels shows up. He gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.

“So I’ve got one thing off my mind, just for a bit. I have all focus on your title, Chris. With Triple H out of the picture I don’t need to tease the fact that I plain out don’t like you, Chris. I just want that title. I’ve buttered you up enough to the point where you thought I was your backstage friend, or partner, but now the truth comes out, huh? Well Benoit, the truth hurts.”

Shawn Michaels gives Benoit the Sweet Chin Music, and stares at his unconscious body as RAW goes off the air.

The next week, Chris Benoit arrives and is interviewed by Terri Runnels immediately. Benoit keeps walking straight for his locker room while Terri lightly jogs by, trying to keep up with him and get an answer. Benoit gets to his locker room, enters, and slams the door. Terri is left speechless and walks away.

Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring, getting a mixed reaction. The extremely pro-American fans are still on his side, while the Benoit fans of all nationalities give him (HBK) heat. Michaels enters the ring and struts to the ring like his old cocky self.

“You know I tried the ‘goody-goody’ bit for a while, but what was it doing for me? My adoring fans weren’t helping me win gold. You people were my ‘friends’ and my support when I came back, but your hollerin’ and screamin’ just drowned out my thoughts of becoming the champion again. Then you all gave up on me and as soon as Chris Benoit picks up the gold, I can finally hear myself think without you screaming in my ears, and I realized I really don’t need you (points to audience) at all. I’m Shawn Michaels; I’m the Heart Break Kid. So at Backlash, I’ll prove exactly what I am, and that is the greatest. Hell, I’m the greatest that there was and I always will be. You can’t surpass the Heart Break Kid. I’m like god behind that curtain folks and I’m a god in the ring. Even though I have a bad back, I’m still carrying that RAW locker room all on my own!”

Shawn Michaels leaves the ring to a bigger chorus of “boo’s” than when he came out. He makes it to the bottom of the ramp, and is interrupted by Lance Storm’s music. Lance Storm has a microphone in hand.

“Now, if the fans could let me be serious for a moment, I’d like to make a comment regarding your words, Mr. Michaels. I made sure to listen to everything you said carefully, and under further analysis I realize that you couldn’t be anymore right. Shawn you are a leader and “god-like” backstage. Your in-ring abilities are just a reflection of that all. Shawn you deserve all the success because without you, we wouldn’t know who to turn to. Chris Benoit, our Canadian hero? Give me a break, people, he resents his homeland. “Now residing in Atlanta, Georgia?” Chris Benoit, you make me sick. You’re no champion or leader. That belt means you get the higher pay check every month, but you’re no champion. This man (points to HBK) is a true champion. He symbolizes this business and the RAW locker room. I’m proud to be able to enter the same arena as you, Shawn.”

Shawn begins marching up the aisle shaking his head mouthing, “I know, I know!” Shawn gets to the top of the ramp and shakes hands with Lance Storm. HBK heads for the backstage and Lance Storm walks to the ring getting ready for his match. Storm gets in the ring and is interrupted by Chris Benoit’s music. Benoit gets in the ring, throws the World Title down, and charges for Storm. Storm gets taken down with a spear and Benoit begins pummeling on him. Storm throws Benoit off of him, and locks in the Sharpshooter! Benoit is in pain and tapping out. Storm won’t let go of the hold, and Shawn Michaels appears on stage again. He runs to the ring and grabs the World Title. Shawn parades around the ring wearing the belt while Storm is still locking in the Sharpshooter.

Before the night is over, Eric Bischoff scolds Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm for nearly jeopardizing the Backlash main event. So Eric Bischoff signs a match, a match between Lance Storm and Shelton Benjamin.

During the main event (Storm and Benjamin), Batista and Ric Flair stroll out with the Tag Team gold. Benjamin gets distracted and Storm hits a Superkick on him to get the 1-2-3 victory. After the match, Storm and HBK leave the ring and celebrate up the aisle. In the ring, Batista and Flair start putting the boots to Benjamin. Benoit appears at the top of the ramp and hit Storm and Michaels from behind with a chair. Benoit runs to the ring and fends off Evolution, rescuing Benjamin in the process. RAW signs off the air with a 3-team stare-down.

For the next week, Eric Bischoff signs a Triple Threat World Tag Team Title match for the main event. The match is, Chris Benoit and Shelton Benjamin, versus Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm, versus the champions Ric Flair and Batista.

Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit get interviewed before hand. Shelton Benjamin comments on the match:

“I know that I came here to RAW to be a singles success, and this Intercontinental Title shows that, but I suppose for the sake of a little extra gold, me and Benoit are going into this match ready to add to our golden collection. Ain’t that right, Chris?”

“You’re damn right it is, Shelton. I know I’ve got the World Heavyweight Title around my waist, and I’ve got a bit title defense at Backlash, but like Shelton says, if it’s just for the sake of adding some more gold to what we already have, then hell why not? Michaels proved what kind of partner he was two weeks ago, but tonight, myself and Benjamin are ready to take the gold and make something out of it.”

Michaels and Storm are backstage discussing the match and ‘plans’ for Backlash. They’re interrupted by Flair and Batista, and Flair says a few words.

“Listen up guys; we’re not here to cause trouble. I’m just here to level with you, man. I know that you two aren’t exactly looking to take our Tag Team Titles. Shawn you said it yourself, you’re just after that World Heavyweight Title that’s on Benoit’s shoulder. So you know damn well that you’re not gonna try any funny business and take these titles. Am I right?”

Michaels and Storm look at each other and nod. “Yeah, I suppose you could say that.”

“Well good, ‘cause fellas tonight I think we can help each other out. You help us make sure these titles stay where they belong and that’s with us, and we’ll give you a hand in softening up Benoit for next Sunday. You got it, brother?”

“Michaels and Storm give Flair and smirk. “We’re in, Flair, we’re in!” They all shake hands and leave the locker room.

In the main event, Michaels and Benjamin are in while Benoit, Storm, Flair and Batista wait for a tag on the apron. Benjamin gets dominated by Michaels, but makes a desperation Dragon Whip/Money Clip and purposely tags in Ric Flair. Flair doesn’t want to enter the ring at all to face Michaels. Flair gets in the ring and tells HBK to back off. Michaels turns around to surprise Benoit with a tag, but Benoit hops off the apron. Batista is on the outside brawling with Shelton, so Flair and HBK have no choice but to wrestle. Flair extends his hand for a shake but HBK slaps it away and tells Flair to “shove it.” Flair and Shawn begin grappling and tossing each other around. The two execute a more ground-based arsenal of moves. Michaels and Flair both run into the ropes and Shawn hits a surprise Sweet Chin Music! Michaels makes the cover, but Benoit runs in and pulls Michaels off Flair. Benoit is sent back to his corner and Batista slides in the ring giving Michaels a devastating powerbomb. Flair makes a cover and gets the 1-2-3 victory. After the match, Batista and Flair focus on Shelton on the outside, and Benoit and Michaels/Storm brawl up the ramp. They get to the top of the mini-stair case that walks to the announcer’s “bird’s nest” and Storm holds Benoit for Michaels. Michaels hits a Sweet Chin Music that sends Benoit flying from the stage down to the announcer’s table! Benoit is out cold and is rolled onto the table while Storm locks in the Sharpshooter while RAW goes off the air!

At Backlash, Michaels and Benoit are shown throughout the evening warming up. After each shot of their warm-up, it shows a mini-clip of their greatest moments, and the moments leading up to the Title match tonight. Storm is motivating Michaels for his match backstage.

“Come on Shawn, tonight is your night. Tonight you prove to Chris Benoit and these Canadians, the Canadians that enjoy turning they’re backs on you and me, that you’re better than every one of them! Forget all about the fact that this is Bret Hart’s hometown, hell; he won’t even show his face here tonight. He’s too much of a coward to show his face to his own people again. Because after what you did to him at Survivor Series, all he can do is sit at home and collect dust. I know that thought has never left his mind, believe me. We’ve spoken, and it’s almost pathetic the way he doesn’t do anything about it, or even apologize to you. Let me tell you something, it’s not you that needs to apologize. You can’t help but follow the boss’s orders, but it was Hart that was the problem. Vince McMahon was right when he said, “Bret screwed Bret.” Tonight, you’re going to screw Benoit. No one will talk about Survivor Series 1997; they’ll talk about Backlash 2004, where Chris Benoit lost the title in front of his home town.”

Shawn Michaels finished wrapping his wrists and lacing his boots, and he looks up at Storm who’s finished his speech. Michaels smiles, gives Storm a pat on the back and they leave.

Meanwhile, Benoit is alone with himself in a dark part of the arena reflecting on his career and recent success. He wishes for nothing more than to go out in front of his own people and win the match. It would be a true defining moment in his career, and possibly bigger than the moment he made at Wrestlemania. Chris Benoit stands up, looks at his title, and heads for the ring.

Shawn Michaels comes out first and gets a huge wave of heat. Storm follows behind and gets a little pop. Just for the fact that he’s Canadian, the fans still give him some support, but after his comments made earlier, Storm gets mostly “boo’s.”

Benoit follows and the arena begins to shake! The fans are to their feet and screaming as Benoit enters the ring wearing red and white tights with the maple leaf proudly spread across his attire. Benoit stares down Michaels in the ring and hands Earl Hebner the title. Hebner raises the title high in the air and Benoit and Michaels can’t take their eyes off of it. Storm leaves the ring, Benoit and Michaels take their corners, and the bell tolls.

During the match, Lance Storm is sent to the back for his constant attempts to interfere on Michaels’ behalf. Michaels has a word to the ref about it and Benoit rolls up HBK from behind. The crowd counts with the motion of the ref’s hand. It’s only a two-count, but a close two count. Benoit sits up and wonders how it was no more than a two. Michaels does the same, but has worries and tells himself that the pin attempt was, “too close!”

In the last few moments of the match (time of the match reaching the half-hour mark), Lance Storm makes his appearance once again. He stands at ringside and slaps the canvas, screaming, “Come on, come on!” Michaels hits a Sweet Chin Music and Benoit goes down. Michaels collapses after hitting the kick as both are extremely tired. Storm continues to bang on the mat for motivation. Both men pull themselves up with the ropes and Michaels darts at Benoit, but Benoit was ready and he locks in the Crossface. The crowd is off their chairs and screaming so loud, the arena seems as it were lifted in the moment. Michaels pulls himself over to the ropes and can just get one finger on the ropes until Benoit hauls him back into the center of the ring. The crowd is getting louder with every tug on Michaels’ arm and neck. Michaels gets to the ropes again, but before even reaching his hand out, Benoit pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Michaels’ hand is hovering about the canvas and the ref is asking if he’s giving up. Michaels’ hand slams the canvas once to give him adrenaline. He slams the mat once more, this time harder. Finally Michaels’ starts tapping the mat profusely and the ref calls for the bell! Chris Benoit won’t let go even after he’s won the match. The crowd is ecstatic beyond belief and Benoit finally let’s go, grabbing his title as tears pour from his eyes. Chris Benoit grabs his belt and scales the second rope and holds it high for the Edmonton crowd to witness and celebrate with Benoit. He’s caught in the moment and just begins crying, a reflection of Wrestlemania XX, except the victory is much sweeter. The crowd dies down somewhat, and Benoit drops his title. He picks up Michaels by the hair and he can barely stand himself. Benoit is still holding up Michaels, just by the hair. Benoit points to Storm who’s on the outside and Benoit tries provoking Storm to getting in the ring. Storm slides in the ring and stands his distance from Benoit who still holds Michaels by the hair. Storm slides forward and hits a Superkick to the jaw of, Shawn Michaels! Lance Storm looks down at Shawn Michaels and looks at Benoit who’s smiling. Benoit and Storm embrace and the crowd gives new meaning to the phrase, standing ovation. Chris Benoit and Lance Storm celebrate in the ring and look to the entranceway where Bret Hart is standing and applauding the victory as Backlash goes off the air.

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