The Billion
<font color=pink>[ + ] 'Billion Doller Princess' [ + ] Sable RP

When the camera comes on the fans are waiting to see what will happen next, the camera is set on the stage and purple and blue lights go on and off and then Stephanie comes behind this cutrin and moment later "MY TIME" by who ever hits over the PA she makes her way down the ramp, she gets inside of the ring and she does her pose. And the fans are booing and chanting at her and Stephanie wlaks over and gets the mic from the ring annnouncer and she begins.

Stephanie McMahon:Now I have this match and that's all I really wanna talk about. TRISH AND VICTORIA! TRISH AND VICTORIA you say that you will 'fight and fight, until you get a pin fall' well that is really great. I am not saying that your not able to get what you get, or not able to beat me. Because it don't really matter how damn good you are the faith goes down it's self! So I will try every move that I know, also I so have to work out and show my skill and get more train, I have been doing that for a while now, and I am sure that i'm able to kick ass here in this match. If you really wanna show that you are a great diva, then do what ever it takes you should do that TRISH AND VICTORIA because I know that your able to do that. TRISH AND VICTORIA do you really think your able to do what ever it is that you wanna do because that's how damn good you really are. no we were never friends but that will go out the door because we will do our best in wining this match because we are both going for one thing and that is to win a shot for thee title! TRISH AND VICTORIA is right. We will be facing each other in this match on RAW IS WAR. VICTORIA AND TRISH says that 'she got some much better' well VICTORIA AND TRISH, I hope you show the fans and me what it is that you have. Because you could have many things. You could have great looks, or good wrestling skills, but the fact of the matter is that this match will be great because we will make it great. We will give our fans what the hell they want. Then you ask what do they want? They want a great live show. VICTORIA AND TRISH, I wanna say that i'm glad that you repect me and I do respect you also, to tell the truth it's about damn time. Then you said that 'i'm not that bad where I can stop you' well sorry to say, that I know that i'm able to beat you. I'm able to beat you because that's how of a good champ I am that i will be. I do what ever it takes. I go as far as I really need to go to win a match. Also I don't take any crap, but I do give it away! Good! VICTORIA AND TRISH, I hope that you don't let anything get in your way that you want. But if your spot was to be the title, to be the top women, well you are going to have to do a little better then you have been doing, because I have the skills what it takes but the question is do you TRISH AND VICTORIA have what it takes? because I will give all that I have, and just hope that you do the same for you, so TRISH AND VICTORIA wanna wish you luck for this match on on RAW IS WAR! You might need it! I am more than ready to kick your ass.I know what I need to do and I will do it, so TRISH AND VICTORIA if I was you I would get more prepared so if you think you are ready than I hope your bring it, because I am more than ready to kick some sence into you.I don't think you understand what the hell I can do. So if ur not prepared well that is on you.So TRISH AND VICTORIA get ready because you are the person who is next, I am not playing any games with you or any one I am here to win matches and I will win matches and if you think I am playing well we will see how much I am, so good luck VICTORIA AND TRISH because u will sure as hell need it. VICTORIA AND TRISH I am going to kick ur ass! I am sick and tired of your ass walking around like you are the best, well you are nothing you will never be nothing because you are nothing but ass bitch. Anyways in this match either me or you will win and I hate to tell you this, well I don't I love to tell you that I am going to beat you because I am so much damn better than you are. You act like you have everything that you need but you don't, the males only like you that the only fans that you have they rest hate you. Anyways the fact of the matter is that their is no way in hell that you will win this match will with me because I am just so much damn better than you will ever be in my life.You think I am playing you lil bitch? well I am not, I can not wait until this match so I can wip your ass inside of this ring and I am sure as hell ready to do what ever the hell it takes to VICTORIA AND TRISH if you THINK you have what it takes than come and bring it! Because you will need so much more then u have ever had here alright! Good luck! because you really need it here because I will win because I am better than you! I KNOW it and everyone else does and their is not much you can do! So I hope you all know what you go into here, I may be a McMahon and I will figh when ever the hell I have to. You might come out here and talk crap about me, but all of the stuff I say is true. Like Victoria, she is crazy and she is nutts, what's the matter Victoria? are you going to grab your head? Huh? are you going to pull your hair, are you going to scream? What are you going to do about this match? Yes, you may be a great wrestler, well I am a even better wrestler, I have been geting trained for a very long time. Victoria you are stupid if you think you can beat me, Victoria will you think the match will be for the women's title and walk over and grab over for NOTHING?! What Victoria are you scared? I think you are but guess what who cares. But now onto Trish, Trish I know you very well, and to me you will always be a whore, because back in the day you just went with everyone, my dad Kurt and Test and just everyone, I don't understand what they see in you, but I am a diva with class you are nothing but a whore, you think in this match you will win by how you look? Well guess what you thought wrong little girl. I am a THE MCMAHON in this match and I will sure as hell show you what I am all about. Everytime we faces I beat the crap out of you. And Trish you will pay for being the way you are and if you want to say somthing say it now because IN this match I will do more the beat the living crap out of you and Victoria I will show you WHY I am in control and in power here in wwe! So if your not ready you better get ready because I am here to win, I know this match is not for the women's title but sooner or later that title will be mine because it belong with me, I know what I need to do, and I will sure as hell do it BECAUSE I AM THAT DAMN BETTER!

"MY TIME" hits over the PA the fans are booing and chanting things as Stephanie dropes the mic and the camera fades. The tron comes on and the fans are quite and Jerry Lawer and Jim Ross stop taking. Mike Cole is backstage and he is walking back and forth and Stephanie walks up to him the fans are to their feet and they are going more then booing then ever, Stephanie has a smile on her face and the Coach put the mic up to his mouth and he begins.

Mike Cole:Alright Stephanie, what ever you say. But anyways now Stephanie the real question is this are you ready for this match and if you are how are you going to be prepared to take TRISH AND VICTORIA down in this match on RAW IS WAR, VICTORIA AND TRISH are way more skilled then you and she will be able to take you down. Are you ready for that are you sure that you made the right choice to come here what are your comments Stephanie what are your comments? Also, Stephanie, well you have made it, to your 1st match here. Now you are going in a match with TRISH AND VICTORIA now. Now you went to the ring and talked all this trash about VICTORIA AND TRISH inside the ring now you did not say one thing nice about them and Stephanie what are you expecting that will happen if you have no friend at all here in the wwe federation here and right now?

Stephanie McMahon:I don't know why you care if TRISH AND VICTORIA can beat me, yes, THEY may be skilled more then me. But she is not better. Where the hell has she been all this time? huh? I have not seen her once since I have been here. And I have been here a while. Anyways, this match I will be in does not take skills. It's a women's match, it's not that hard to pull close off of some one. Once I pull the clothes off of TRISH AND VICTORIA she will be bare and everyone will see what the hell it is that she sure as hell has. I will not be striped down, because I know how to play this game and their is no way in hell that I will lose this match with VICTRORIA AND TRISH. Cole, do you think I am scared of VICTORIA AND TRISH? Well that's not even true, quitefrankly I am not scared of anyone and their is no way in hell anyone can stop me here. Because I will win. Whoa... Whoa... Whoa.. I did not talk trash about VICTORIA AND TRISH. I will do anything to win this match here, so I went to the ring and I talked trash. I did not mean to go out their and say the things I said. But they just came out. Oh well right? That's right, because that's how I look at it, and if VICTORIA AND TRISH don't like it, then I am sorry. I do NOT want VICTORIA AND TRISH and I be friends, but if she don't want that to happen then that's fine with me I could care less because i'm a big girl who takes care of her self here. And I know. Who said they was not good? They are good but they are not good enough to take me on, they are not good enough to beat me. Who cares about friends Cole? I could care less about friends, I did not come here to get friends I came here to be the best thing to hit the wwe in a long ass time, and you will just see. Because I always come out on top, and in this match I will be the last women standing and their is not much anyone can really do about it because I am just that damn better and their nothing you can do about it ok.

Stephanie smiles and the fans are booing and chanting. Stephanie makes her way down the hall and she comes to a locker room that says "Stephanie" with a big yellow star and she goes inside as the camera fades down and out to a long commerical break until it should come back on. The camera comes back on, and Stephanie comes on the tron and the fans are booing and booing at her more and she has a smile on her fans and then she begins

Stephanie McMahon:Every since the interview I just wanted to make a few things clear I do have some repsect for theses women, but they are good at what they do, but they just are not good enough, but I am, I am great I goodness. Now in this match I will do what ever it takes to wim, I am not going to be playing any games, I will be playing THE GAME and I do have more then one game plan in mind here. Anyways I am not here to make friends as Cole said I might need some, well you know what I did not come here to make any friends I thought I made that pretty damn clear I am the BDP (Billion Dollar Princess) and I am sure as hell for anything that will come my way. It will be just any type of sport you will watch on TV you wont no what will happen, and if I was VICTORIA AND TRISH I would get ready real fast because you are going to be on national TV and you will get your ass kicked by the best! Don't fuck with me, because I am the wrong girl to fuck with. When you pissed me off that will be the last thing that will happen, because in the real world, you talk like that I would smack it off! But anyways you will worry about that when that time comes I am here to prove a point, I am good at what I do that's why I am here, so if your not ready for me, then don't try me at all, just pass me and don't say nothing else at all because you are nothing but dumbasses. I don't care what anyone says about me, because I could careless what people think about me, most of the divas here are jealous of me, because they want my life. They want to be like me! Because of my dad and mom and brother, and the money I have! Well guess WHAT YOU will never have anything that I have because you are nothing but a dumb ass fool so I hope you understand who the hell your mess with here, man, you no this! So VICTORIA AND TRISH you better go backstage here and you better think a few things threw because if you don't then you are going to have one of a beat down, because you will face me IN this match and their is just no way in hell they you will walk out on your own, you may be good wrestlers, but you are not that good, and their will be 2 losers and 1 winner, and that winner will be me, the winner is always me! It always will be and for ever because I am the best damn thing to hit the wwe in a long ass mother f_n time and if you don't like that well guess what? That's just to damn bad because you are on my time now and their is no way to stop it! Now for the rest of the divas VICTORIA AND TRISH, I hope that you can back it all up because I see that all people are talk are people really going to do somthing if they can I don't think they are able to do somthing in the ring. I know that I can back up every thing that I say. I am not cocky like some whore's that I know around here, but to tell you the truth I could give a damn what anyone says about me or even thinks. But I wont do nothing until the match takes place, I just hope they know what it takes to be a champ. They come in here and talk all this stuff and they have never been a champ once in their life, I was the women's champ 2 times for this federation. I will go on for 3 times when I beat the 3 divas in this match. But I just hope they know what is coming their way. They don't want me to get pissed off because if they do, that will be more then hell to pay so I hope and they learn and understand what the hell I am about because if they don't then they will get a beat down of a life time. So I hope everyone brings it and bring's it all because if you don't then you don't have a chance, when I get in the ring I don't leave nothing backstage in my locker room because I know that I will need it all. If they really think they can beat me, I will just let them think that they can't stop me no matter what. I am one of the best divas here and I am fast and I am powerful and I do mean biz when I get inside of that ring so I hope they understand what the hell I am able to do, because if not their will be more then hell to pay and I will give it to them so I hope that they show me, the best that they have because I will show them what Chyna is all about. They think that I am some type of a joke, well we will see what and who I came from I know what I NEED to do a damnit I will do it no matter what people! I will do what ever it takes to win a match and no, that don't mean sleep with people like some people around here. I work my ass off to get where I get and I am able to do it I sure as hell will and no one will ever stop me because quite frankly to me, they are really not good enough. If you think that I am will just let you walk all over me, well NO your nutts because I stand where I stand and I will show you what I can do and what I can't do, but I am sure that I will be the diva on top! Nothing anyone can do about it ever!

Stephanie smiles and the fans are booing and she walks off and the camera follows her and she makes her way down the hall and she see's VICTORIA'S AND TRISH'S locker room and she laugh's in an evil way, and she just walks past it and she comes to her locker room that says "Stephanie" with the big yellow star and she goes inside as the camera fades down and out for now until it comes back on later.

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