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X - Tina

-Title History- - Fed- -OOC-
Current Women's Champ UCW Good Luck Ashley


*X-tina walks from behind the curtains
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X-tina walks to the ring with Her new women's championship and kicks the right leg up on the apron. grabs the ropes and kicks the left leg up in the apron..doing the splits, Then use the ropes to pull her self under them then stands up.

X-tina stands on the ropes and taunts with her puppy Image hosted by

X-Tina Gets a mic

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XT: Well if it isn't Ashley running her little mouth. Do you honestly think that you are going to end my reign as champion? You see Ashley it will not only be sweet to beat your ass and keep my womens title. It is also going to be sweet kicking your ass with the tag team champions later on. You can come out here and run that pathetic little mouth of yours but it isn't going to help you. You see these kids and these fans are my heart. Well you see ashely this title that I holding in my hand right now is my life. If you think that you are just going to walk into this match and take it out of my hands with out me putting up a fight then you are dead wrong. I only hope u can take me to the limits. Thursday is the night you find out why I am the champion and why you aren't and never will be. I am the future of this federation. Well Ashley i see u grab the 1st opportunity while it is knocking at the door meaning ur choice of a *rolls eyes* Team. After i destroy u Thursday night you will never get a shot at my title as long as I am champion. You see I worked my ass off for this title and I didn't just get it handed to me. You actually belive that you are better then me huh?. Thursday you are better try to prove that. The only thing that you might be better then me at is being a Loser. I take what I do seriously unlike some divas in this federation. You will come to realize greatness tonight when you step into this ring with me. There isn't a damn thing that you can do that will take my title away from me Thursday. I will beat your ass and I will be the one walking out as the Champion. as for fearing the U? I do not fear anything but if I was you I would fear the X.K.O. Thursday I prove to this world the real reason why I am the champion. Ashley your little promo you did put me to sleep along with theses fans. It didn't scare me or angry me at all. Thursday I take your pathetic ass to school. You will be the student and I will be the Teacher. In this class you will be learning about kicking ass and making it look good along the way. Losing to me shouldn't be an embarrassment but instead be a wake up call for you to go find another line of work. You can say anything that you want but the fact of the matter is that I will retain my title live thursday. You may think that you will win this match by over coming the odds but you will find out that I will be the one prevailing at the end. You stand in this ring and do u think of urself as a Diva? Sweetie you have no idea what a real diva is. You wouldn't even know it if it came up from behind you and bit you in the ass.
(crowd laughs)
XT: You see Ashley ever since you have been in this federation I always thought of you as a two timing bitch. I am guess I was wrong about you because you are even worse then that. You probably think that the world revolves around you every second. Tonight you will have your five minutes of fame by being in the ring with the champ. You will not get your little hands on my title if it is the last thing that I do. You want me to bring my game to this match. What game would you like? Battleship? Monopoly? Life? Which one of those games would you like?
(crowd laughs)
XT:You see Ashley no matter what type of match I am in it just doesn't matter because I always bring my "game" and then some. It is your time that is up and you will never become womens champion as long as I have something to say
*tina drops the mic and X-tina kicks her leg over tha second rope and bends down .*crowd cheers louder* tina then kicks tha other leg up and over tha second rope. tina stands on tha apron for a sec. Tina blows kisses to tha cheering fans and walks down tha apron to tha stairs and down them too. and shakes fans hands as she walks up the ramp. tina then disappears behind tha curtains*

*crowd Chants TINA, TINA, TINA, TINA, TINA*